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Sonic Hacking Contest 2014 - Entries, Streams, Voting Live!

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Spanner, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. AkumaYin



    Let me guess, another site issue?

    EDIT: Never mind, it works again.
  2. Captain L

    Captain L

    The guy who likes Shadow the Hedgehog Member
    Waiting for the coming of the Great White Hankerchief
    And I've now just seen Sonic: The Very Useful Engine. I know what my nightmares for the rest of the week will consist of. 11/10.
  3. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Mini-Contests have changed again guys; now you upload the final build of your entry, but be sure to hold on to your disassemblies as we'll be asking the winners to get the source!
  4. Josh


    Well, I'm glad I looked at your YouTube channel, because I just noticed we've done something stupid.

    N69 and TiManXD submitted both their Dragon Road AND Rooftop Run DLC packs into the contest. I planned to only show off one, figuring that'd be sufficient, and we played the Dragon Road stages.

    But I must have gotten them screwed up, because S0LV0, you did Windmill Isle act 1-2, while yesterday we played Rooftop Run 1-2 and thought it was your's. We only bothered looking for that one stage, since I knew your's only had the one. I'm actually REALLY glad I spotted that before I started editing those parts, dumb as it is. I guess I'll have to put in text to our Rooftop Run playthrough explaining that I got them mixed up.
  5. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    So you really didn't throw your controller because of my mod? Heartbreaking. :(
  6. Josh


    Haha, I've never thrown a controller in my life. Steven has ended up throwing the controller pretty much every time he's ever played a Sonic game for the channel. But alas, no, it wasn't your mod that caused him to this time.
  7. AkumaYin


    I threw and broke a controller once while playing Sonic Jam because of the stupid barrel jump-up-and-down part in Carnival Night. :v:

    Sorry if this seems off-topic, but apparently people want to talk about breaking controllers for the time being...

  9. Spanner


    The Tool Member
    Despite some issues this week things are going well. The mini contest for Wednesday will be posted by SuperEgg later on.
    ? 11am EDT / 4pm BST until 2pm EDT / 7pm BST - SomecallmeJohnny Stream
    ? 2pm EDT / 7pm BST until 4pm EDT / 9pm BST - Spanner Stream
    ? 4pm EDT / 9pm BST until 7pm EDT / 12am BST - MegaGWolf Stream
    ? 8pm EDT / 1am BST to 10pm EDT / 3am BST - TailsChannel Stream
  10. Super Egg

    Super Egg

    Master of MS Paint. Member
    Tomball, TEXAS
    Sonic 2 beta 3 hoax
    And this post neatly wraps up the Second day of the SHC. Seems today still started with a rocky start, but with a contest of this magnitude, it is bound to happen. I will say today has been just as exciting as yesterday and I hope tomorrow brings just as much fun.

    On that note, as of 11:30 PST, we have exactly 6 entries for the mini-contest. I know that doesn't sound like much, but that is definitely a jump from last year's, which I can't seem to remember how that went down because of how messy that was. On that note....

    Wednesday: GHZ on Fire

    This year's contest is full of Sonic 1 hacks. As such, we the judges are done looking at Green Hill Zone, like I don't think you guys understand. We've had to play Green Hill Zone....19 times. So, for this contest, it is your job to create a GHZ art edit….that is on fire. Think like Sonic 3's Angel Island Zone Act 2. We want to see that lovable Green Bump on the countryside on fire and in pain. Here are some quick rules and guidelines.

    - For this contest, we the judges would like to specifically request that you guys use the normal 256x256 chunk disasms. It makes it easier for porting. Sorry if that causes any inconveniences, but if you have started on the Sonic 128 disasms, contact me, and I'll see what we can do. Otherwise, everybody better get back to using their favorite inflexible system of layer change!

    - On that note, bear in mind, adding chunks, tiles, and blocks does count towards the results. Though, you won't be penalized for not adding more than what is already there. Being that though, any level layout changes you make will not go towards the final outcome.

    - Like last time, have fun and be creative. As much as we want to see GHZ set ablaze in a wildfire akin to the ones you see on the news, we don't necessarily want to see GHZ with a slightly red and brown tint. Wow us. Make the palettes cool, make chunks not complete because of the fire, make the bridges not be complete and be slightly burning. The only real limit is your imagination.

    - Unlike the contest from yesterday, only one winner will be selected. Sorry, but there can only be one head honcho for this contest.

    A few little notes:

    After talking to Dandaman955 earlier, I realized my time zone table that I had hyperlinked in my initial post was more or less fucked in a few places, namely as I had gotten every time from GST and beyond off by two hours. So, I take full responsibility, and thus why the deadline is now exactly 12 hours for this Mini-Contest only, as opposed to 11 hours. And yes, the table is fixed =P.

    Also, special thanks to a certain Cinossu for making all the Mini-Contest stuff on the SHC website. Definitely makes things easier for submitting things.

    Anyways, night y'all. I've gotta get some shut eye for tomorrow, as I am gonna be looking at those Mini-Contest hacks in the morning.

    New Link to Corrected Time Tables

    - NotKevinCole out
  12. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    I'm guessing that this wasn't seen when I first posted it, since the whole "site went down and had to be moved to a new server" issue (and the numerous posts about it) happened shortly after I posted it.

    I really hope that this can be fixed before the Hacking Contest ends.
  13. Spanner


    The Tool Member
    On the Community Trophy voting side, once more something needs to be addressed. People have been voting for the Lava Reef Community Trophy (best level layouts in a hack) two Sonic Generations mods that are pretty much the DLC levels from Sonic Unleashed. They're not exactly new, so essentially they wouldn't really be something to vote for that trophy. Remember, you can still change your vote to something that actually has had new level edits done to it, vote for what you think is the best submission in terms of level design.

    The contest staff do look at what has worked and what doesn't work during the week in order to improve things for next year, so issues that have been found this year, along with stuff that could be worth doing next time, will be looked at and discussed in order to better the contest as a whole.

    ? 11am EDT / 4pm BST until 2pm EDT / 7pm BST - SomecallmeJohnny Stream
    ? 2pm EDT / 7pm BST until 4pm EDT / 9pm BST - Sonic Paradox Stream
    ? 4pm EDT / 9pm BST until 7pm EDT / 12am BST - MegaGWolf Stream
    ? 8pm EDT / 1am BST to 10pm EDT / 3am BST - TailsChannel and Cobanermani456 Stream
  14. Josh


    Perhaps a suggestion for next year: Wouldn't it be possible to make it so you can't vote for something in a case like that? I know with things like the Big Trophy that wouldn't really work, but for level layouts you could just disable ports and such from even being up for the Lava Reef trophy.

    Bizarre that we spend so much effort combating this, haha.
  15. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    I think we just need a bit of a category rework in the case of Sonic Generations mods. It's rather obvious that the categories currently used were only ever really meant to cover ROM hacks.
  16. Josh


    (Hope nobody minds me reposting this. I thought it might be seen a bit more here in the main topic and well, I've done basically nothing except work on this stuff for the past four days straight. xD)

    Here's what we've done so far:

    Exposé 1 (featuring Metal Sonic Hyperdrive, Big's Fishing, Crazy the Hedgehog, BakaSonic, LSD is Bad, Metal in Sonic 3, Mystic Cave Classic, Project Reiko, Robotnik Returns, and Gotta Go Fast):
    Right here!

    Exposé 2 (featuring Adventure Generations, Hard Bosses, Sonic 1 FM, Into the Void, World Adventure Packs, Stardust Gear, Painto, hard mode, Sonic 2 Adventure, Rise of Chaos, and Color Contrast):

    Exposé 3 (featuring '06 Mod, Neo Sonic the Hedgehog, Pro Survivor, Double Trouble, Sonic Tetris, the SMPS Player, Unleashed Project DLC Demo, South Island Warped, Sonic vs. Camera, Egg on Toast, Very Useful Engine, and Sonic UMZ):

    PLAYTHROUGHS (Five per day, released between 1-5 pm ET):
  17. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    For any that tried to enter the GHZ mini-contest and only got the MZ form, my bad. The issue has been fixed now, and as such the timeline has been extended a little to get all your entries in. Click here to go to the Day 2 page and enter.
  18. Super Egg

    Super Egg

    Master of MS Paint. Member
    Tomball, TEXAS
    Sonic 2 beta 3 hoax
    Morning folks. Today's mini-contest had a tiny issue. Because of this hitch, we have decided to let you have extended Cinossu has just said....

    I'm sorry for being late folks, I dozed off while writing this post, then woke up realizing I never hit enter. Anyways though, Lemme go ahead give you guys the next Mini-Contest information.

    Thursday: Rocking Spring Yard

    - This contest will have you creating a new track for, you guessed it, for Spring Yard Zone.

    - The track you make can be basically anything, as long as it fits the level theme of SYZ. So, go get creative.

    - The top two winners will be selected. Each track for Act 1 and 2 respectively.

    - Very Important: Since everybody is using a stock Sonic 1 disassembly, no fancy sound drivers. This contest will work in exactly the same way the SMPS contest over on SSRG works. You can come up with any song, but you can only use what is provided with the stock Sonic 1 driver. This is so that everybody is on an even playing field. I know some people can create masterpieces with the more advanced drivers because they have a crap ton to work with. This is merely to even the playing field, and also because I don't exactly feel all that up to sitting there on Saturday evening having to figure out how your song works, and then have to port drivers from everywhere.

    Anyways folks, I'm headed for bed. You can submit this in the regular mini-contest page by just hitting the tab normally. If you need to submit your GHZ on Fire work, which I hope you lot do, hit Marc's link above my post.

    - FilipinoWaylon26 out
  19. AkumaYin


    Uh oh, it just switched back to Wednesday's Mini-Contest. Crap, I was about to submit my Rocking SYZ entry, too.

    I assume this is a bug... and if so, could you please fix it?
  20. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    This is not something I enjoy having to make a post about; it has come to our attention that there are some voting inconsistencies and problems. One of the things we aim to do with the Hacking Contest, due to its public voting aspect, is make sure everything is fair and maintained well. Unfortunately, it seems that some people have tried to exploit this system, and as such there have been some changes to the votes.

    Some people visiting the Entries pages right now might notice that there are two entries previously on there now missing. They were the World Adventure Packs for Sonic Generations. One of the voting inconsistencies was a large amount of votes for these entries under the same IP addresses; 40 in total, to be precise, and those sharing the IP of the author of the entry in question. As such, they have been pulled from the contest and will be recieving no trophies and not be elligible for any either.

    There have been a number of other inconsistencies along these lines - multiple votes by the same IP address, cross-accounts, etc. - that we will be investigating over the next few hours and during tomorrow. Those caught will have their votes removed at the least, and possible banning from voting in this contest and possibly from participating at all in future contests as well.

    Come on guys, are we really stooping to rigging a hacking contest that is done for fun and enjoyment? This is meant to be about showing off what we all can do, and having a little fun with our opinions while we're at it. There really is no need to do this.