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Sonic Hacking Contest 2014 - Entries, Streams, Voting Live!

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Spanner, Nov 30, 2013.

  1. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    I am pleased to announce the contest week is now live! All public and partial-private entries are viewable, the Stream page is complete and working, and Voting once you are logged in on Community Trophies is a-go!

    I'll save all the usual gumpf about how long it took to get everything ready, all the teamwork that went in to organising things for this, blah blah blah, and just say, have fun. :U
  2. RetroKoH


    S1Fixed: Successor to ReadySonic
    I've got all of the Genesis hacks downloaded and ready to put some vids together. They will be my first videos and I hope you all enjoy them. I'll post the first ones up this weekend.
  3. Josh


    Here's the first compilation video showing off and critiquing the hacks:
  4. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Totally forgot today was the hack release date, which is great because I took today off.

    Yay the Generations mods!
  5. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    Hey Cinossu? Would you be able to fix a problem I've been having with the Hacking Contest site? I've been completely unable to log into it ever since it went up last month.

    I know I don't need to log in to download the hacks, but I would like to do some voting later on (and I want to be sure that something like this doesn't happen again for next year's hacking contest.)
  6. AkumaYin


    Wait, what the heck's going on?! The site started 404'ing for me.
  7. Spanner


    The Tool Member
    Site down, will be moved to another server later on.
  8. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    Looks like the contest is a victim of its own success again. Sounds like a good problem to have. Kind of. Best of luck getting everything back online!
  9. AkumaYin


    Yes, Big's Fishing Derby is SPECTACULAR! Definitely deserves the Froggy Trophy. Of course, that's up to you judges, but I find it hard for people to disagree.
  10. Super Egg

    Super Egg

    Master of MS Paint. Member
    Tomball, TEXAS
    Sonic 2 beta 3 hoax
    I swear, two times in a row. I hope next year if it goes down, we get a free Sundae.
  11. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    Big's Fishing Derby is astounding. It's so simple to play, and yet must have taken quite a large amount of work to create.
  12. Spanner


    The Tool Member
    First of all, an important thing to mention concerning the Community Trophies. We had the same issue with this last year and we had to address it just to remind people, so we'll need to do it again as people are still doing it. Read the About page and the section concerning Trophies. You'll see a short explanation for each trophy. Now that you'll see that, you can understand that not everything can go in each trophy, or you are being confused about stuff.

    For example, the Big Community Trophy is for the worst hack. It's not about a hack that features Big the Cat, unless you think that Big's Fishing Derby is the worst hack out of everything there. We have a trophy for a hack with Big in it - the Froggy Trophy, and obviously we can easily say it has won that trophy uncontested. Likewise, the D.A. Garden Trophy concerns the best music in an entry. STH2006 Project Demo 3 would not exactly fit this trophy as it's essentially untouched music from Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 implemented into Sonic Generations as a Sonic 06 in Generations mod.

    Anyway, here is the schedule for Tuesday.
    ? 11am EDT / 4pm BST until 2pm EDT / 7pm BST - SomecallmeJohnny Stream
    ? 2pm EDT / 7pm BST until 4pm EDT / 9pm BST - Donnie Stream
    ? 4pm EDT / 9pm BST until 7pm EDT / 12am BST - MegaGWolf Stream
    ? 7pm EDT / 12am BST to 10pm EDT / 3am BST - Sega Channel Retro Stream
  13. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    ...Isn't it called the D.A. Garden Trophy, not the Piano Trophy?
  14. Josh


    Random divergence, but S0LV0, we had an utterly RIDICULOUS time playing your DLC demo earlier. It had it all... giggling, Steven getting incredibly angry, controller-throwing... absolutely had a blast. The fact that it was the only video we've ever done with three people instead of two probably helped.

    Also coming up later this week, two more compilation/critique videos on the main channel (shooting for Wednesday and Friday on those) and of course, playthrough videos of almost everything in the contest at . There were a few hacks that we didn't put down for almost an hour!
  15. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    I've always aspired to make people throw their controllers in rage, I feel so fulfilled :specialed:
  16. Spanner


    The Tool Member
    It used to be called the Piano Trophy, fixed it now anyway.
  17. Super Egg

    Super Egg

    Master of MS Paint. Member
    Tomball, TEXAS
    Sonic 2 beta 3 hoax
    Ok folks. That just about raps up the first day of the Sonic Hacking Contest. I have to say that was probably even better than last year's. We had three streams AND RadioRev, all the while having our site crash again, second time in a row, I swear, you people either love Sonic Hacks, or our Media Panel stabbing themselves in the eyes after playing GHZ so many times, which leads into what I'm really here to talk about.....


    That's right folks, we are bringing back the Mini-Hacking Contests, and everyone is invited!!

    This year during the 2014 SHC, we have been working hard to get everything prepared for the general masses. Just as last year, Mini Hacking Contests are going to be conducted. From Tuesday through Friday, we will be holding various contests in order to see what everybody can come up with. Each contest starts at 12 AM PST, and ends at 11pm PST. Here is a link that provides everybody's times in their respective time zones, just in case there are folks, like me, who are too lazy to figure out what time that is in their time zone.

    This year's contests will be much more organized. For these Mini-Contests, everybody will be working from a general Sonic 1 Disassembly, you may download any version from the link here. As stated, we want this event to go smoothly, so we are going to try to streamline everything in order to ensure the best experience can be had for all. Another reason for this is because of the surprise I had mentioned eons back.

    This year, we plan on making one giant Contest hack. A hack created by you guys.


    Simple, the winners of each mini-contest gets there content dumped into a general disassembly on Saturday, and will be presented and released on Sunday, that way everybody can see and play a full hack of what everybody has made. And to answer your next question, a team has already been created and an entry already reserved. So, instead of us judges playing you guy's hard work, everybody can see how hard the participants worked.

    So how does one submit their entry?

    Simple. Just go on the site here and upload a zipped up disassembly and final build.[/url]

    Why do you need my disassembly?

    Because you silly goose, I don't exactly feel all that up to disassembling hacks manually to obtain your data. =P

    General Rules:

    The contests must be shown to be fair and equal for all ages and skill levels. As such, each Daily Mini-Contest will have different rules and guidelines. Though that is the case, there are still general guidelines for the contest as a whole.
    - There is no restriction on who can enter. These mini-contests are open to everyone.
    - Each Contest will have be using a version of a stock Sonic 1 driver from here. If it is found somebody is using something other than the provided disassemblies to help further their possible outcome in the contest, their entry will automatically be disqualified and they will be barred from any other contests for the duration of the SHC.
    - Unlike the main contest, there isn't teams. Each entry is to be made of individual effort. Though, letting others test it prior to the hack's submission is fine.
    - Don't be a sore loser. If you didn't win, that's fine. There's always next year.
    - Have fun and be creative.

    And since it is almost time anyways, I'll go ahead and do this....

    TUESDAY'S MINI-CONTEST: Marble Zone Reimagined

    - This Contest is a level layout contest. The goal here is to see who can create the best Marble Zone layout.
    - The rules are simple. Whoever can make the best Marble Zone layout wins the contest. But there is a catch. We will be picking the best three. Why? Because each one of the winners will have an act dedicated to their Act 1 level layouts. As a side note, Act 3 will be fixed and discussed on Saturday, so don't worry about that.
    - As a side note, while you may change your Zone Art or modify chunks, ect, bear in mind those won't get you extra points. This Contest's winner(s) will be determined strictly by layouts only.

    Well folks, that is all she wrote. Get crackin people, I expect to see some great stuff by tomorrow morning =P

    - SuperEgg out
  18. Cinossu


    London, UK
    Sonic the Hedgehog Extended Edition
    Hey all, just to let you know, I've edited the above slightly. Entries are now made on the site itself!
  19. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    What if someone makes an entry with one of the Project Two-Eight disassemblies?
  20. amphobius


    doing more important things with my life Member
    In participation with the Hacking Contest this year, I will once again be hosting an SMPS music workshop. It'll be live on Saturday from 11am - 1pm EST / 4pm - 6pm BST. I'd be on later but I have plans on Saturday night, so I hope this is fine with you all! I'll be covering the same sort of thing as I did last year - you can check last year's recording for a general idea.