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Sonic Generations - Unleashed Project v1.0 Available

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Dario FF, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Found a strange bug. Whenever I beat my time of 4:57 on Jungle Joyride, the game crashes. The top 3 time slots are filled in for the level, and to test I beat the stage in 5:00, and was able to come back to the Hub without issue. The game gets to the loading screen and just crashes upon beating my time. I am forever incapable of getting S-Rank, because this is the only reason why I cannot get the S-Rank. Yep. The only reason. >_>;
  2. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    Is it possible to beat Jungle Joyride as Classic Sonic? I can't seem to out run the rising block that crushes you. I can beat every other zone but that one. Is there some trick I'm missing?

    That's the way it behaved in Unleashed. Changing it would make that section frustrating to many players, I'd imagine.
  3. 1stKirbyever


    It's possible. I've done it even without the homing attack. It's just a pain to do.

    Also, why does the Bobsled suck in Cool Edge so much? It's not bad during the first section but as soon as I get to the second... I keep constantly getting hit due to the fact that turning is horrible.
  4. Facemelt


    Analysing the Fabric of Sonic the Hedgehog
    Have nothing but good things to say about this mod. Well worth the wait - it's given me hours and hours of enjoyment playing as Super Sonic in Unleashed, something I wanted to do for a long time! Big big well done :) For a 1.0, performance is great. No complaints. I haven't had any crashes or anything yet. It feels just as epic as it used to, if not more so.

    Obviously, as a teacher, I can't mark work, no matter how amazing, without giving some form of constructive feedback, so I would like to raise a couple of issues that I personally experienced. Most of them are very minor, but notheless, if you get time, or if someone else wanted to try and mod it, these are some of the minor issues I encountered:

    1. Sometimes the Light Dash isn't as responsive as it should be, I.e. in Rooftop Run, it can be a bit hit and miss, particularly the ring chain when you are approaching the Big Ben Clock.

    2. Jungle Joyride is a bit ridiculous at the beginning if you are using the 'Blast Off' power, because you end up straight in the water. You might want to edit that by putting a ramp or something at the start? Ofc the answer is simply "don't use blast off", but I'm just saying.

    3. Soemtimes you can't boost on rails (for specific examples, look at Jungle Joyride). If I recall, you could always boost on a rail in Unleashed, no matter how short it was.

    4. in Empire City, the first Trick ring will sometimes send you headfirst into an Egg Fighter, causing you to take a hit and lose rings, which feels a bit... cheap. A bit Sonic Heroes tbh. Sometimes you hit the spring, sometimes the mob. Now, obviously people should probably aim to take the faster path to avoid this, but if, for whatever reason you can't or don't want to take that path, the game shouldn't punish you for it... right?

    The last one is really just a "If I had my way" kind of thing -

    5. In a future patch, maybe you could implement boosting paths for Super Sonic? Not for the sake of speed running, but for that epic feeling you get in Generations when you just fly through a level as Super Sonic, skipping things that gave you trouble.
  5. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    That's actually a reverse-concept of the trick pad. It's not random, if you don't boost into it, you end up hitting the spring to go to the high route. I agree the egg fighter there is a bit pointless though, so I guess he could go away.
  6. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.
    So was there any actual reason to renaming Skyscraper Scamper to Empire City? It slightly bothers me when every other stage is named correctly.
  7. Squidgy


    They couldn't fit Skyscraper Scamper into the titlecard.
  8. Facemelt


    Analysing the Fabric of Sonic the Hedgehog

    Ahh makes sense because I always boost into it, so didn't notice the difference. Thanks for clarifying that :)
  9. MainMemory


    Kate the Wolf Tech Member
    Classic Sonic's homing attack behaves oddly with Egg Fighters in Aero-Chaser segments. Often Sonic ends up following the Fighter all the way until it hits the Chaser, and there are several points where I ended up running the wrong way towards the camera after, until I hit a dash panel.
  10. Lilly


    United States
    Shang Mu Architect
    I'm a bit late to replying to this, but wow, just wow, this is simply beautiful Dario. ;w; *insta mantears* When I build a new desktop PC, buying Sonic Generations off Steam is going to be a two-in-one deal for me! (My lappy can run the demo, but barely; it's not playable on Intel hardware.) Granted, I'll still want to grab the original game, but the thought of being able to play Unleashed's day stages on the PC, plus a quick model swap of Blaze, is the ultimate PC dream for me now!

    Sonic Unleashed felt like the first truly "fast" 3D Sonic game for me, (Nearly fell out of my chair seeing Sonic boost through Windmill Isle Act 2 for the first time! Something no other 3D Sonic title did to me before that.) so it's amazing to see most of the best levels from this revolutionary title for the series running flawlessly on top of Generations. Thanks to everyone involved for releasing and finishing this epic mod, I'm downloading it right now just encase it disappears later on, and it'll be less time spent waiting on a massive 2GB download when I do build a new system anyway!
  11. Korama


    Tech Member
    1. I think that's an issue of Generations in general.

    2. Yeah, Blast Off is dangerous there, but it's totally usable. You gotta be really fast with your quickstep or simply jump - you gain a ridiculous amount of air when jumping while in a Blast Off boost.

    3. Nope, Unleashed didn't let you boost on all rails. The rail that takes you to the last part of Jungle Joyride is a good example. If you aren't already boosting before you hit the first dash thing on the rail, then you can't activate boost for the remainder of the ride.
  12. 1stKirbyever


    Actually you can boost on Rails while on it, it just happens to be really picky. (Generations)

    You can boost on all Rails in Unleashed it's just the booster locking the controls to prevent the player from jumping off to their death or for a cinematic experience. If you skip the booster(s) you're able to boost on the rail and more.
  13. So, I have been playing this and am loving every minute of it.

    Once you get Classic Sonic, I have found a couple things that I know can be fixed. Classic Sonic can beat some levels as they are. But a few...

    Tutorial - Can't complete without the homing attack. The spring on the column is just too far to jump.
    Cool Edge - A strange bug won't let me pass one booster. It happens after the whale section on the upside-down booster. I endlessly glitch on it over and over, and can't continue.
    Arid Sands - On the last wall running sections around the canyon, the first section has a rock formation that I always hit. I can't steer fast enough to dodge it and maintain speed to continue running.
    Jungle Joyride - At the falling ceiling section, Classic isn't fast enough to make it through. I have tried spin-dashing to speed up and haven't passed it.

    The stages work perfectly as Modern, just need a couple last tweaks for Classic to run through them.
  14. Josh


    No, you can beat it. You just have to make a perfect jump onto the column.
  15. Jeiku


    This mod is some fantastic work. My computer is incapable of handling Jungle Joyride decently, but most other levels run pretty fine for me. I do recall some bad lag in the early parts of Arid Sands and Skyscraper Scamper, but they were brief and didn't compare at all to JJ. I am very impressed with all the stuff that's here and I adore all the little additions that I would have only otherwise expected from an official release, particularly the hub world (love the presence of NPCs and their accompanying animations) and high-quality music.

    The main issue I'm running into is frequent crashes. It occasionally happens during levels (more on that below), but it mostly occurs during loading screens. Regardless of which optional mods I have enabled (FX pipeline shaders, low-end), there always seems to be a chance for the game to freeze at a loading screen, sometimes requiring a force-restart rather than just closing the program. A lot of people in this thread have reported experiencing no crashes whatsoever, and to my memory I have never encountered a crash in vanilla Generations aside from online, so I'm not really sure what it could be.

    As for in-level crashes, which always required a force-restart whenever I encountered them, I found that I tend to get them when I have the low-end mod enabled. I especially recall getting them in Rooftop Run and Windmill Isle. After I disabled the low-end mod, I experienced no other crashes during stages.

    As for any criticisms I have, to be honest I do agree with most of the points made against the ranking system. It's mainly due to the fact that Unleashed's ranking is generally considered to be challenging yet fair, and you did not have to be an insane speedrunner to do very well on them. It is by no means a deal breaker for me though and I was more or less content with aiming for A ranks for every stage (except Jungle Joyride due to performance issues severely hampering my play ability), but because the Sonic series has never been one to accommodate for elite players (nothing that would stop them from playing that way; they just weren't the only ones rewarded), the strict grading requirements can be a turn-off for many.

    Overall this is really solid work, and I had a blast playing it when it wasn't crashing on me. I will definitely be hanging onto this mod and keep an eye out for any future additions, if any that is.
  16. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    All of these are beatable, though the Cool Edge glitch... not intended, right Dario? ;(
  17. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    I was able to beat my time, but then I played again without getting hit, and it crashed again. I think the problem may be tethered to ring count, because at the end of the last run that crashed I had 1200+ rings, so perhaps removing the ring cap may be the issue?
  18. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    Right, I promised bug reports, have a bug.
    ^ this has happened to me more than once while trying to speed-run the stage. I know it's sort of a consequence of using the Blast Off skill too soon, but I feel like something could stand to be adjusted, because this isn't the only stage that'll punish you for using said skill at the start (*coughJungleJoyridecough*); plus, sometimes I actually run into an invisible wall there instead of flying into the air. I'm not sure how much of this is correctable, but I just thought it should be pointed out.
  19. Facemelt


    Analysing the Fabric of Sonic the Hedgehog
    Got in from work today, had a huge pile of books to mark but shoved them to one side to play this baby for three hours straight. Thank you, Dario for giving me a shit-tonne of work over the weekend! :p

    One more little niggling issue I have noticed:

    People seem to be complaining about the Bobsled in Cool Edge - honestly I don't see the problem with it. The ONLY issue I have with it is after you have ridden over the whale in the first bobsled ride, occasionally I miss the cliff and plummet to my death. I have no way of stopping this since Sonic is on autopilot at that moment. Again, it's a hit and miss thing, sometimes it does it, sometimes it's fine, but it's ever so slightly annoying when it happens.

    As far as ranking goes... let's face it. I'm never going to get S ranks :p I was able to S rank the easier Unleashed stages for the X360, like Rooftop Run, Empire City, Cool Edge, Dragon Road and Windmill Isle 2... but I frequently fail to even complete Jungle Joyride or Shamar without dying, let alone getting S ranks :p

    I'm not that arsed about the Ranking being too high for the majority of players. There is a challenge there for people who want to try and push themselves, and it's obviously doable because people have already done it. For me, ranking and epeen aren't important; all I want to do is play Sonic. I want to run fast, hit things with homing attack, collect 50 rings and go Super (even though it does literally nothing in Unleashed) and try and time it to Reach For The Stars :p
  20. SF94


    Tech Member

    Augh! So close!