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Sonic Generations Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 8, 2011.

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  1. Frozen Nitrogen

    Frozen Nitrogen

    Wouldn't the door have been easier? Wiki Sysop
    Well, maybe, but you couldn't notice it unless you were a) autistic, and b) looking out for it like a hawk.
  2. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    That one section in Jungle Joyride where the framerate drops to like 5 FPS would like to have a word with you
  3. Frozen Nitrogen

    Frozen Nitrogen

    Wouldn't the door have been easier? Wiki Sysop
    Never happened.

    I suggest you clean the Cheeto dust out of your console.
  4. SteelBrush


    603e Member
    the home of spotted dick, Devon
    Tramadol, Tamazepam and finding a reason to exist.
    Agreeing with Rave and FN that the biggest issue with this game will be it's level design, it could have the most accurate classic physics but without the quality level design, it's going to be pointless. It needs the multiple paths, the interesting gimmicks, it must exude encouragement to explore. Without it won't feel quite like a real classic gameplay experience.
  5. Hez


    how? Almost every scripted spot in S3k was able to be backtracked in. (Hydrocity for example)
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Well admittedly that spot is the only one I can think of that's really bad. Nothing horrendous though throughout the rest of the game
  7. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Jungle Joyride got really choppy, actually, but this usually accompanied the areas filled with a fuckton of trees and shit, so I think it was less the engine and more them just getting carried away making the level look all super-jungle-istic-expialidocious.

    The PS3 version was inconsistent all around, but that was because it let its FPS go up to 60 whenever it could, which made it seem more inconsistent because it kept going back down to 30fps. 360 just capped off at 30 no matter what.

    They might not even have to actually fix anything for this to be a non-issue, however. If the levels are mostly Genesis and such, they're probably not going to be heavy on the sort of graphical things that sent the framerates in Adabat to hell.
  8. Shadic


    Olympia, WA
    Home improvement eternal
    I dunno if the demo was special or something, but there were fairly noticeable framerate issues with the PS3 demo. The game going at 10,000,000,000MPH didn't exactly help to cover it up, either.
  9. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    The spots that I'm worried about level design is in S3&K levels and Sonic Adventure levels. They encouraged exploration and intricacy, and I'm worried they won't successfully emulate that here. I don't think that they've returned to that level of skill yet.

    I'm more than ready to be happily surprised, though.
  10. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Agreed. It is ultimately my number one point of interest and concern about the game's potential. If it doesn't deliver in that department, then there's that much less reason to celebrate. Then again, there is at least one thing about the level design that's not like Sonic 4: lack of excessive speed boosters. The bumpers, on the other hand, might just barely be too much compared to Sonic 4's (and every DIMPs 2D game before it) liberal use of it. I dunno, guys. The level design does look different, what with all the swinging platforms and grand perspective. I do definitely remember the swinging platforms and such from each Sonic game, but just as with ANY stage gimmick (swings, vines, boosters, bumpers, etc.), it should be endemic to each zone at least and not be used to an obvious excess.
  11. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    The issue of gimmicks isn't one that we'll see much solid info on 'til they start showing other zones. Green Hill doesn't exactly have that much to its name in that department, after all. It has swinging platforms, an S-tube or two, and those weird spinning spike poles. Casino Night this ain't.

    The level design in Classic Sonic's stage does show a lot of more complicated slopework and a more vertically-inclined lean on the level design mentality, but exactly how far either of those aspects goes is anyone's guess at this stage.
  12. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Able to be and intended to be are to different things. I remember frequently fighting with the game's level design to backtrack in Hydrocity.
  13. Shakidna


    Rehash Rampage Member
    Is that you, soda?
  14. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    So anyone notice the bugs in the modern gameplay video? Sonic gains an extra life from getting 100 rings, and the counter goes up to 7, then a second later, it drops down to 2 for no reason. And when he's tricking off the ramp at one point, he fills his boost gauge beyond the maximum.
  15. Indigo Rush

    Indigo Rush

    The time also pushes up a minute and he loses most of his rings.

    It's just cleverly cut after the player died at the giant chomper section.
  16. gold lightning

    gold lightning

    While nothing about this game seems perfect so far, I think it looks close enough for me. My main problem is the lack of obstacles in the footage, but that's just Green Hill Zone. I mean it's the first level and the original it's based off of was ridiculously easy as well, so it's probably just following suit. Another problem is that they went straight back to Unleashed's boost meter methods instead of using Color's. With the boost system that's there now they might as well just give you infinite boost.
    But none of that is deal breaking for me in the least and I'm looking forward to more info about this game.

    Also, this game has already showed me things done the way I wanted Sonic 4 to do them. Music in classic Sonic's Green Hill shows off exactly how I wanted the music in S4 to be. This goes alongside graphics and physics.
  17. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    That was just video editing.

  18. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    If they can't make the date, I hope they'll at least put out a demo on the exact date of the 20th anniversary to whet our appetites.
  19. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    I was counting the Angel Island bombing as a scripted event that makes it impossible to go back, although now I'm not sure if that's exactly what you meant.
  20. 1stKirbyever


    Noticed something while watching the gameplay video. Apparently, when Sonic [Modern] boosts, the music changes and becomes faster-paced and more up-beat. Pretty cool if you ask me.
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