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Sonic Generations Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 8, 2011.

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  1. Mad Echidna

    Mad Echidna

    Gone Oldbie
    I just can't get over the apparent level of doing it right here. I really wonder what's going to become of Sonic 3 Ep 2 now that Generations is completely handing its ass to it. Everything I hated about Sonic 4, the poor art, the DRAGGED OUT bullshit marketing campaign teasing our cocks with sketches and mp3s for months on end, and half baked gameplay have all been fixed. Sonic Team put the same amount of effort in actually making the game look good instead of hyping the living shit out of it, and my hat is off to them.

    THIS is fucking Sonic 4 how I imagined it.
  2. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    That's Sonic & Knuckles. =P
  3. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Well if you forever want rehashed zones for another 20 years then more the merry to ya. Sonic Generations is a step in the right direction and for once the rehashed zones are welcomed due to the nature of the game. But lets hope that this is a one off and that the next one is presented in this classic way with brand new zones, enemies, bosses and gimmicks that are unique from each other that are fun and enjoyable. We are never gonna get a true successor if Generations is the best you and other people expect.
  4. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    This is what I needed for a classic fix. Cancel the rest of the episodes of Sonic 4 unless they intend to up it to this level.
  5. Clutch


    It was a dark and stormy night... Member
    At least here they're being shameless about it. This isn't calling itself a sequel and it isn't trying to pass itself off as original: It's a "best of" collection. You were told you were getting re-used level themes from this game before the trailer even showed up. And Green Hill Zone still looks like less of a rehash of its own theme than Splash Hill did.

    Retcon Episode 1 as if it were Sonic 4: Prologue or something and make the rest of the episodes like Classic Sonic's game here with Tails and Knuckles added in. THIS looks promising.
  6. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    I'm debating whether or not to post a picture of super happy Ken Balough, sad Ken Balough, or biker Ken Balough. Also not sure how to do facial transformations in GIMP.

    I'm still wondering how the 5 collectible rings will work. Will they unlock special stages or unlock some other Sonic history memorabilia? The obvious answer is the former if Colors is any indication, but in that case, what kind of special stages will they be? Or will each "zone" have it's own appropriate special stage according to which game it's from? And if that's the case, what do you think they'll do with the Sonic Adventure stages? Have none or create new special stages?

    Provided it isn't just a case of "collect all the rings and become Super Sonic for the secret final boss" where you have like 200 red rings to collect. :v:
  7. steveswede


    Ask my hand
    Fighting against the Unitary State of Europe
    Ya missed my point. If people stopped accepting mediocrity, then we will get the best. Generations really wouldn't be here if it wasn't for all the complaining and while it's a very good attempt, the next one should have what I said in my last post. I expect it and you all should too.
  8. diplomacydog


    What did I just read? Member
    South Carolina
    No :(
    Was anyone else completely surprised at the cave scene in M.sonic's gameplay? I was blown away, it was so creative and a great new look at green hill zone.
  9. Blastfrog


    See ya starside. Member
    EDIT: This post sucks. Not that it's an excuse, but I was pretty damn drunk when I made it (seems to be the source of all my shit posts, heh). Please know that I'm more calm and mature than this when I am sober.

    I'll bet you 100 bucks that Sonic Generations will suck. Same shit with a different coat of paint. Face it, it's not the same creative bunch of people that used to be there, it's different, far less talented people that only care about making a profit, forgetting anything about making a good game. Just because they are returning to the old design does not mean it will play anything like it, or be anywhere near as good.

    Look at Sonic 4, it sucked. And that "returned to the classic style", didn't it? These people don't show any understanding of the classic Sonic games, Sonic 4 resembled a generic attempt to imitate (not emulate) the original design. I mean, what the hell kind of a name is "splash hill zone", it's tacky and cliche sounding, the original team would have never come up with such a fangame-like name. Sonic 4 is nothing but a generic fangame with a big budget. I don't consider it to be a true sequel, just something Sega had shit out by a third party to make some money, since they realized (after god knows how many years) that people wanted the old design, so they thought "let's just make a shitty game and make it resemble somebody's inaccurate interpretation of classic Sonic so people will be more likely to buy it!".

    But I'm not going to waste my time wishing Sega would produce any better (as I know they won't), I'll be off playing the originals if you need me.
  10. Abiondarg


    lol, it's like I'm back in 2007
  11. Azookara


    yup Member
    The visuals look exactly like what a Sonic game should look like, classic Sonic seems to properly replicate the momentum gameplay, and modern Sonic plays like Unleashed's daytime stages.

    What exactly is the problem, again?
  12. Zephyr


    I'm sure after Sonic Fan Remix, Sonic Team now wants to prove they they can at least compete with the fans, lest they become an even bigger laughing-stock than they've turned themselves into; so I imagine they'll be putting a bit more effort into this than Sonic 4.

    Also with Sonic 4, not only did it come out before the Pelikan and Mercury made the official product look like a joke, it wasn't even developed by Sonic Team.
  13. MegaDash


    Pinpricks Member
    Then I suppose we'll keep bitching and complaining expressing our discontent until they get it right. In the meanwhile, we'll play Deus Ex 3, Skyward Sword, the next Mario and Doom games, and Half Life 2: Episode 3.

    That's what the marketing said, but the physics, the homing attack, and the Rushy level design spoke loudly against that. And the levels felt less like creative reimaginings and more like cheap plastic rehashes. It was playable and more fun than what we'd been getting until then, but not quite what it said it would be.

    Have fun, man. Those games are fuckin' boss. 'Cept Sonic 1, that hasn't aged the most well among the 4.

    So, guys? How 'bout them special rings?
  14. ancara


    I had an epiphany......

    What if for certain zones, one Sonic gets the first act/regular music, while the other gets the other act/2P music?

    Think about it: Casino Night Zone 1P for C. Sonic, 2P for M. Sonic. Hydrocity Zone act 1 for C. Sonic, act 2 for M. Sonic.

    Just a thought from a dude. If this happens, it might be interesting. :v:
  15. Quarterman


    Just another day in paradise. Member
    Boy howdy, that game looks beautiful. I'm loving what I'm seeing so far, with some minor nitpicks here and there. But overall, I'm thoroughly excited for this game.

    Also, there's just something about Green Hill Zone's music. I've heard it god knows how many times, yet it's still able to put a smile on my face. That song has some powerful voodoo, man.
  16. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    A bit nitpicking, but it looks like the Hedgehog Engine still has some issues with level geometry popping out of thin air, around 3:00-3:01 in the gameplay trailer.

    Nothing serious, I just noticed accidentally.

    And, speaking about the Hedgehog engine, I do hope they optimized it better than they did with Unleashed, both the PS3 and 360 versions had noticeable framerate drops, I think the most guilty of this is Jungle Joyride day.
  17. Effexor


    JUSTICE Member
    What I love about M. Sonic's GHZ rendition is that it doesn't use electric guitars like I thought it would have used (as well as pretty much EVERY GHZ remix). Then again, the last Sonic game to use those things was Shadow, and maybe 06. Overall, loving the music so far. Can't wait to hear what they've got in store for the other levels, Classic City Escape in particular.
  18. trakker


    The guy that's been warned! Member
    What will be your definition of "suck", because it its at least as good as Sonic Colours, I will consider this pretty un-sucky, and dispite a couple of little quirks, this makes me feel almost like im back in the 90's. When he bounced thoses 2 crabmeats (at 0.16), I was like "hell yeah!" and the modern gamplay dosent look that bad either, standard Unleashed/Colours affair X3

    You're bet tempts me, would you actually honour that $100? or are you just mouthing off empty bets? I could always use $100... about £60 lol
  19. Zallirog


    Uh, what were we talking about? Member
    I have to say all in all, I'm very pleased with the graphics, gameplay, and music thus far. I do think that M.Sonic's stages will get more complicated platforming as you progress to the later era's but only time will tell. Man, I can't wait to see the classic renditions of Adventure 1 and 2 stages it's just so strange that we're gonna get to see that... Another thing I just thought of, what if they retcon Sonic 4 into this game?
  20. Rokkan


    I do think that Sodaholic has sort of a point - although Classic Sonic DOES look and controls much more like the originals (not quite there yet apparently, but then again, the engine might still be unfinished/unpolished), the level design to me still seems a lot like Sonic 4 Episode 1 instead of Sonic the Hedgehog. And they aren't seeming to change anything about Modern Sonic, which is a good gameplay but still has some big issues about it. Let's face it - the game looks fucking beautiful, I'd buy it JUST to see levels from old Sonic levels remade so beautifully like that, but I can't shake the feeling that you guys are having a boner too big about how it looks and everything else that it's blocking your eyes to see that maybe Sonic Team might still insist on the mediocre level design they had almost always whipped up, and so far I'm not convinced that they won't - Classic Sonic's level design seems to be too straightforward and filled with "automatic sections" and with loops and wacky curves that doesn't allow you to do anything but hold forward... But then again, I might be wrong (and I hope to be, too), we haven't seen much of his levels anyway, and this is still the first level.

    Just super saiyan to add some skepticism to what the game is offering. SEGA is pro at making everybody get overexcited, remember Sonic 4?
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