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Sonic Generations Megathread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Apr 8, 2011.

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  1. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    @ Lobotomy

    I'm still curious about how future Modern Sonic levels will play. Green Hill is still Zone 1 and even in Colors the gameplay seemed far too simplistic at that stage to really represent what the gameplay in most of the stages would be like.

    The run-round-in-circles bits like that are most likely fully automatic, which would be unsurprising. They tended to be in Unleashed as well.

    They'd have to be—giving the player license to fall off loops like that would be opening the door to all kinds of fall-off-the-level moments.
  2. Lapper


    Lappering Tech Member
    Sonic Studio, Sonic Physics Guide, Kyle & Lucy, Freedom Planet 2
    Well, I wouldn't mind if the path was chosen automatically so that you couldn't fall off the edge, but it'd be nice to be able to control yourself on them.
  3. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    Awesome video. It's a small detail, but I love how Classic keeps running in the air. And the new signpost animation, too.

    It's just a bit strange that the Classic GHZ music loops incorrectly, but oh well.

    Perhaps they lost all those lives because you need to make all those combos in order to escape the giant fish.

    Hopefully with the press of the "attack" button.
    That would'nt be bad, either.

    Seeing how Green Hill features red bumpers and rails, I don't think he'll be getting classic stuff like the signpost. He'll probably use the generic Goal rings.

    This would be a day-one purchase for me if they released it on a Nintendo console.

    Please? :(
  4. NomadTW


    I ain't gotta impress you fucks. Member
    Uncurling has been de-confirmed for a while now, believe Ruby said it.

    As for the gameplay footage, again, I think you're all forgetting it's Green Hill Zone and not Metropolis. Get back to me when that's that's the case and Modern doesn't do any actual platforming. Then we'll talk.

    Hell, Modern looked like he had more going on than Classic did from what I saw. But again, first Zone, to be expected, etc, etc.
  5. Lobotomy


    35% Cognac Banned
    Traverse City
    Project: Matter/Energy
    Yes, but my other gripe has been around since Unleashed. Why do the platforms in Unleashed format always look thoughtless? They are always the same square platforms that look ripped straight out of a stage builder. I wouldn't mind seeing some more hills, quarterpipes and a variety of differently styled platforms, like we see in Classic Sonic's levels.
  6. Relick


    C++/DX10 Engine (not sonic related)
    I know :rolleyes:. They took you to special stages. Are you really prepared for M.Sonic garbage IN YO FACE stage? The recent ones have seriously been bad though. Especially how difficult it was to get into them in Sonic Advance 2 and 3 were the worst bits.

    Which brings us to another point. What on earth will the special stages be like, regarding both characters?
  7. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    That Classic gameplay is worth the price of admission, even though I have to wait in the "boost" queue to get on the real ride ;)
  8. Agobue


    But isn't this game scheduled for release at Christmas? That means they've got eight months to make changes. This is the first preview of the game we've seen. Even with Sonic 2, changes were being made right up to the deadline.
  9. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Anyone else catch when Modern Sonic hits spikes, he loses 50 rings at 2:52?

    IMHO Modern Sonic stages appear to be shaping up to what I've come to expect: Burnout with a hint of platforming. And overall, I'm happy with that. The Unleashed gameplay style is pure, unadulterated wish fulfillment from me playing S3K: "I'm HYPER SONIC NOW MOFOS!! ZOOOOOOM!!" That's all well and good, but now that Classic Sonic is in the mix, I get both the momentum/platforming and racing/platforming in two distinct characters. Color me stoked, which in the Crayola set is Razzmatazz.
  10. Steven M

    Steven M

    I enjoy the potential of this idea, mostly because I really enjoy Burnout. It'd be like a spiritual successor to Sonic Rivals - several characters racing each other, you nudging other characters so they crash into stuff or fail bypassing obstacles, causing glorious multiple-racer pile-ups and gaining lots of boost power, dodging the aforementioned incoming obstacles... it almost seems a waste to have it single-player only.

    EDIT: Watching the trailer again. M Sonic sounds younger than he did in Colors.
  11. OSM


    retro is for losers! Member
    Doing absolutely nothing
    The site that shall not be named is reporting that there's a new Sonic game in the works for 3DS and Wii.

    What a shame, I was really hoping they were going to put Generations on the next Nintendo console too.
  12. Iceguy


    グー! Member
    Hell. It's in my head.
    Internal system recovery
    Backtracking should be optional. I enjoyed going back in certain levels to go through other routes. You know, more rings and score and stuff.

    And this is the part when I mention that I want a PC port of this, or a console that is capable of playing this game. For the first time I've been excited to try out the Modern Sonic gameplay style. I enjoyed Sonic Advance 3 quite much, same goes for Sonic Rush, so I doubt I'll have trouble enjoying this one.
  13. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    What I like about this game is that due to it's lack of boost pads in the classic sections, Sonic actually CAN backtrack for the first time in like forever without the game saying "HEY YOU GOTTA GO THAT WAY"
  14. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    There're still a couple places where the game auto-runs or auto-springs you past what look very much like points of no return, mind. And I expect it to be common practice in this game, Classic Sonic included.

    Still, being able to backtrack more than fifteen feet without having to hop over dash pads to do so, would be gratifying.
  15. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    In their defense, I've got to say that it also happened in Sonic 3, as early as Angel Island 1.
  16. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Well, when SEGA says "Holiday" for a Sonic game, that's usually mid-to late November, not to mention actual development on the games probably wraps up about a month before release (I assume it takes around 2-3 weeks to get the discs printed, then additional time to ship them out), so that means more along the lines of six months. I think that's plenty of time to get this game in great shape; it already looks so good.
  17. I'm glad they went for a more game-y sound with GHZ's music.

    I always felt that song would be hard to replicate with real instruments. That's just me though.
  18. Ashram



    Not necessarily hard, but whether or not anyone would like it is a different story.
  19. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    @ Mykonos's signature

    HEY, Oghren, mah homie, what's you're take on all of this fan-wankery?!


    I like the music for GHZ, but the Modern Sonic version sounds like a standard YouTube remix. Love what they did with the Classic Sonic version, though.

    Oh, to be sure, but it wasn't quite so common as to actively annoy you.
  20. Abiondarg


    Gotta disagree, it sounds pretty great to me. However, the constant warping it's being subjected to thanks to the boost is making it sound strange. I'd rather that effect either not be there or be replaced with whatever Unleashed did.

    That's really the only complaint I have with the game at this point.
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