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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029

    Come up with better arguments than "hold direction to win". And better counter arguments

    This shit gets annoying from BOTH sides every god damn time someone mentions their dislike vaguely.
  2. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    This game is so faithful; I love it!. Robotniks traps made a return, I'm so happy they're back.
  3. I think there's something else besides being heavy, but I can't put my finger on it. Something to do with left and right movement. He definitely moves too fast though, don't get a lot of reaction time, but maybe that's because I'm not really used to the new GHZ yet. He might slow down too slowly as well, but I think that's a bit subjective. I actually prefer Modern somehow, even though I haven't really liked him in Unleashed.
  4. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    I only had troubles with him moving "too fast" when the Spin Dash was at maximum or when Sonic would go through an S tube. That combined with Sonic doesn't respond to braking very well.

    If SEGAs planning on using Classic Sonic more, I hope they study the classic physics more as well. I can at least say this is a good start, but it's by no means perfection. This is more of.. 80%-ish accuracy.
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Of course, that's why I've fallen through the floors. Robotnik's fucking traps.

    Anyway I currently hold the best time for Speed Highway Act 1 on the 360. 1:35:36. Damn right. Oh and for those of you who would like to add me for time trial purposes my username is PJMan586
  6. Demi


    Finally beat the last boss. I found the boss before the last to be harder... and quite frustrating.

    Is it me or does Super Sonic not feel much different to regular Sonic? It doesn't seem any faster to me
  7. ICEknight


    Researcher Researcher
    ...Am I imagining things or did they use this very JPG in their official documentary?
  8. RGX


    Animator Member
    I'm seriously struggling to find the last red ring in
    Planet Wisp (Classic)

    Can someone who collected all the red rings in this stage help me please? I wanna unlock the "ruined forever" skill.
  9. DustArma


    Santiago, Chile
    Learning Python.
    Some PC port impressions:

    First, to give you an idea, my system specs are:

    Windows 7 x64
    2GB RAM
    AMD Radeon HD 4830 512MB
    AMD Athlon 64 x2 5200+ @2.9GHz

    Running at 1440x810 (screen is 1440x900) with everything maxed out and vsync off the game runs at about 35-40 FPS with some stuttering in Chemical Plant and some Sky Sanctuary missions, it appears those happen to everyone.

    The game does not support Anisotropic Filtering, forced by driver or otherwise, trying to force it on CCC causes fonts to turn into white squares (Works with 8xAF), the game also looks like it uses Edge AA when Antialiasing is disabled making the picture look blurry. It also does not support any aspect ratios other than 16:9 and 4:3 but will happily take custom resolutions so if you have a 5:4 or 16:10 LCD screen you can create custom 16:9 and 4:3 resolutions with a 1:1 pixel ratio.

    Generations also has full DirectInput support, even force feedback works with my Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 which is better than many other, arguably better PC ports.

    As for the game itself, Classic is different yet familiar (I believe this was said back in E3) and I frankly don't care that the physics aren't 1:1 (better rolling would be nice though), as long as it's fun I'll play it and Classic so far proves to be very fun. Modern's controls are very tightened compared to Colors and Unleashed, it was enough to throw me off since I was used to Colors' looser controls and it took me a while to get used to the tightened controls, I've always been a fan of the Unleashed style of gameplay and I'm happy Sonic Team has managed to refine it even further.

    I'm still playing through the game so I don't have much to say about the levels, but I can say both Modern and Classic's levels are very fun, Modern is a vast improvement in terms of level design from both Unleashed and Colors taking cues from the Adventure series. Some of the challenges are frustrating however, Knuckles' treasure digging challenge is made nearly unplayable thanks to heavy stuttering that wasn't present in the main Sky Sanctuary level but that is more of an engine/PC issue than an issue with the challenge itself.

    Sonic Team made a lot of things right with this game and I wish they keep it up for the next game they release.
  10. After spending the whole day downloading I finally had a chance to play this for a bit. I gotta say I'm really impressed by this game. It plays smooth and seems really fun, colorful levels and catchy soundtrack just like expected from a Sonic game. The whole presentation is awesome. A nice change from all those brown shooters on PC. Let's hope this port is success from sales point and encourages Sega to port more console titles to PC. Sonic 2006 PC anyone? It's close to 5th anniversary!

    Right now I'm at the Sky Sanctuary zone and I love how faithful they are to the originals. All the little details are there. Just shows that they really put a lot of work and care into this. My only complaint so far is the need to replay stages just to get the keys to bosses. That seems kind of unnecessary but oh well, Sonic Team is known for padding out the games with the same stages played in different manner.
  11. Rosiero


    Mmph! Oldbie
    Not sure if any of the following counts as spoilers, so beware if you care about small details and don't have the game yet:

    Picked up the game this morning after my Economics exam. I put my PS3 in the living room with the big TV and fun times were had, including a rather surreal moment where my mom, stepdad and little sister tried to give me advice on how to beat the Death Egg Robot. My favourite moment so far is the infamous City Escape truck on crack.

    Can someone give me some pointers for the Shadow rival battle? I can hit him once with the homing attack or occasionally the boost, but he always manages to get more rings before I can catch up to him again.

  12. Felik


    I didn't collect all the red rings and beat all missions but did those video parts used in trailers (city escape, rooftop run, TE appearance in GH) even show anywhere in the game itself? That's kinda weird since they are so well-made.
  13. Tylinos


    You... You can use those to attack him? Wow. I didn't even realize that.

    The goal is to pick up enough of the purple orb things so that Sonic can power up. Then, use the power to hit all of the meteors in your path.
  14. Try getting two of the purple... things. I did that twice and it worked for me.
  15. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    Mine came about 4pm...HDNL's hours are 7am to 9pm. Also with my friend recently with NDHL, the driver (must have been stupid) couldn't fidn his address, so they tried again the next day. He had 2 seperate entries in tracking for "Reading Van UK" being "Out for Delivery" for the day he got it and the day before.
  16. Mr. Mash

    Mr. Mash

    All fanbases are awful Member
    oh man, that last boss fight was a pain in the ass.
    my thumb hurts from spamming BOOST so much. It's the one thing I didn't like through this game, I wish that boss would have felt more like I was controling the Sonics and less like HNNNGGG MY THUMB GOTTA PRESS X MORE
  17. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    The object is to catch enough power cores (the big purple glowy things) to power yourself up, then ram meteors to slow Shadow down. Once he's in range, tailgate him until he loses all of his rings and dies. Just tailgate him. Trust me, it works. I wish I were kidding.
  18. LockOnRommy11


    Been playing this game for the last 3 hours. It. Is. Amazing. Some minor criticism, such as when running up one of the towers in Sky Sanctuary as Classic Sonic holding the Joystick, he falls down unless you do something I don't know what, so instead I resorted to the D-pad.

    That's pretty much it. Also, Classic Sonic did feel a little bit stiff, but this is totally eliminated using the joystick, so it is clear they created it for this purpose.

    Awesome game, great graphics, brilliant music, and so many cleverly designed levels and gorgeous artwork.
  19. Rail Road

    Rail Road

    I forgot who, but a couple pages back someone was saying there was couple of annoying glitches. Installing to the HDD is a much better option for Xbox users (I assume you were playing on the Xbox.)
    - The one egg dragoon ramp disappearing can be fixed by installing the game to the HDD. I noticed it would still disappear, but popped in much more quickly when you got close. Before it would disappear until right when you got to it.

    Also playing "Open Your Heart" on the jukebox caused skipping while on the disc but once installed played flawlessly. The load times were a bit better. So installing the game on the Xbox seems to be a good idea because it provides a noticeable difference (unlike some games where it only improves load times by two seconds.)

    For destroying the time eater all you need to do is get close and dodge his hands. He does one swipe with his hands so just fly upwards while he does that. Usually you are able to close in after that. I'm not really sure if you can hit him in 2d mode. I was so glad to beat his hard mode first try. The hard mode isn't really that different if I remember right. The boss is just such a pain in the ass. If you are able to get the rings in 3d mode two or three times you are basically set for the entire fight. And I have to agree that in 2d mode it is a lot easier to grab the rings.

    I have a feeling that the game was kind of rushed especially towards the end. I forget, but didn't this game start development shortly after Fan Remix was released? Planet wisp is my least favorite level due to it being confusing and long. The final boss was worse than the clusterfuck that was Solaris. Otherwise I enjoyed the other levels quite a bit. Rooftop Run was fairly enjoyable as both modern and classic sonic. The attention to detail in all the levels is amazing and getting the red rings just shows how many secret little alternate paths there are.
  20. Demi


    Yeah, the last boss was very dissapointing. Super Sonic looked too tiny, the "throw" move was useless, it was hard to tell if boost did anything, it didn't look like he was speeding up and I had no idea if spamming the boost button or holding it was the right thing to do. Also I did not turn off Omochao just to have Sonic's god damn loud mouth friends talk through out the whole boss fight, Jesus Christ that was fucking iritating. I don't understand why they had to talk EVERY TIME the Time Eater used an attack. It's even worse that the "homing attack" that the Time Eater used was about as threatening as a Goomba.