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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Blivsey


    Charismatic Sonicaholic Member
    Tails: "Doctor Eggman!"
    Eggman: "Surprised? Care to explain, genius Doctor Eggman of the future?"

    Someone posted it earlier.
  2. So I'm doing a race in Rooftop Run, I fall inbetween a robot and a wall, and then this happens.
    Sorry for the crappy quality
  3. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    Mine has since 7am and I chose first class...the method below express...and then peopel using Super Saver are getting it first, this is very confusing.
  4. Puto


    Shin'ichi Kudō, detective. Tech Member
    Portugal, Oeiras
    Part of Team Megamix, but haven't done any actual work in ages.
    "Eggman ga futari?" -- "There's two Eggmen?"

    Also that's not the only line that's loose... Some examples:

    Eng: Let's scramble some Eggmen, Super Sonic Style!
    JP: Shôbu ga koko da ze! Ore-tachi no chikara o misete yaru!
    Basic TL: Let's fight here! Witness our power!
  5. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Hell yeah, you found the secret Sonic Jam opening FMV level. Man, nods to older games are just everywhere.
  6. AnimatedAF


    Arrived this morning for launch day, thanks Amazon! :)
    Only played Green hill and the modern half of Chemical Plant so far (been working on a collectors edition quick unboxing video inbetween playing it) but also played the Casino Night and so far it's actually my favourite part, so additive. Shame there doesn't appear to be any trophies attached to it, but still can see me coming back to this again and again to beat my score.
  7. Tell me this, is it actually worth getting for the PC?
  8. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    Apparently so, from what I've heard, the PC version runs at 60 FPS, has some great resolutions, and the texture quality is superior. Don't quote me on that though.
  9. AnimatedAF


    According to neogaffers defiantly, so long as you have good enough specs to run it it's apparently a really good port and can be played at 60fps. A bit envious now as my PC has no chance in hell at running it, time to save up for a new one me thinks.

    Also is the PAL release of this game not supposed to have a manual at all? Because my copy of the game in the collectors edition doesn't have one.
  10. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    Well, my package arrived at the door. Course, I brought it upstairs, sat down....then my brother raged while playing a game and broke the PS3 control. Lovely.
  11. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    If the 2 megathreads haven't told you anything, then yes it is definately worth getting this game for everything its being made for ('cept not 3DS). PC version is turning out to be the superior of all to awnser your question.
  12. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    New Sonic Generations 3DS Trailer Teases Apotos, Tropical Resort

    Source: The site we must not speak of for doing so would damn us to an eternity of hellfire.

    It's the official Japanese commercial for Generations 360/PS3 and 3DS. It makes both games look amazing and the entire project quite epic. The 3DS version looks much improved over the earlier demos with a faster frame-rate. Two more stages confirmed now too.

    EDIT: Sega if you're reading this Ice Cap Zone DLC with a pumping electro club-remix of the Genesis music please.
  13. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Mine just arrived!

    I have ring 1488/12000!
  14. McAleeCh


    I'm in the same situation here - mine's been out since 9am. Buggers up my plans for a day off a bit, as I'm stuck waiting in for a package that could arrive any time in the next four-and-a-half hours. = / Hopefully, this won't also be the case with Zelda: Skyward Sword later this month...

    Though, hopefully you're right about HDNL being not quite as bad as DHL - after my last experience with them, I'm hoping I never have to deal with them again.

    EDIT: Glad to hear yours has come through now, Lex. Hopefully mine will follow suit in the not-too-distant future...!
  15. Herm the Germ

    Herm the Germ

    Hmm, not bad. Well done, doctor! Member
    Dresden, Saxony, Germany
    MIDI-to-SMPS-conversions, mostly. Takin' requests, too.
    Oh shit, was that Mark Okita announcing there? : D
  16. Roller


    21331 LEGO Ideas Sonic the Hedgehog, Ring Racers (SRB2Kart 2)
    My Collector's Edition - with Expedited delivery - still hasn't arrived, and I'm quickly losing hope.

    What time does HDNL stop delivering at so I know when to call them? Also, do HDNL deliver on Saturdays? Their website says so, but it looks like it's only an option for retailers, not a guarantee.
  17. McAleeCh


    When I contacted them, they said they deliver until 7pm. No idea about the Saturdays, unfortunately.
  18. ProwlerX


    Thanks! I know its still early, but I would be really interested in seeing all the US/JP differences in the script someday.
  19. Hayate


    Tech Member
    I bought this for the soundtrack, and I wasn't wrong in doing so...
    The music is as awesome as expected, and the gameplay is as rubbish as expected.

    So far I got up to, but have not yet cleared, the second boss.

    I remember having fun in the Metal Sonic fight and the challenge where you get the aqua shield... that's about it. And both of those were optional things.

    The physics/controls in so-called classic mode sucks. You tap left or right and Sonic goes flying off stupid fast. Also you would think that they would keep the camera 2D in classic gameplay, but apparently not, I distinctly remember a section in... the level before City Escape, forgot what it was called, where you had to jump on moving platforms, this would be fine in 2D but they rotated the camera round for no good reason so you can't see what you're doing.
    Speaking of the camera, there are many places where it glitched out and caused lots of foreground graphics to appear in the way and sometimes solid ground would disappear from view. This seemed to be fixed by dying (which is very easy to do, when the camera is going crazy on you...)
    It's nice that they put in some multiple paths, but they didn't do a complete job of it, as there are still far too many bottomless pits around. There is no reason they could not have put solid ground underneath all of these, and had an extra-low route.

    The 3D levels after the first boss are just plain broken. The camera doesn't follow very well at all so you often can't see what you're doing or concentrate on the terrain that's actually important at the time. There are also loads of places where you can clip straight through the terrain and fall to your death.

    One of the things SEGA said about Generations was that it would please both classic and modern fans, because you could choose which style to play. That's actually a lie, you are forced to play both styles to make progress in the game. Yes, I expected this, it is SEGA after all, but it's false advertising really.

    So far I've only experienced one crash, which was right after completing a challenge (I forget which, but it was the one to the right of where you unlock Toxic Caves music), and it didn't save so I had to do the challenge again.
    Also, for whatever reason, whenever I go to the Skill Shop, the buttons become 95% unresponsive. Meaning that if I push the button I want a dozen times or so it eventually registers, but it takes forever to get anything done.

    There are plenty more gripes I have, but this post is long enough already.
  20. roxahris


    Everyone's a hypocrite. Take my word for it. Member
    Doing anything at all
    Sounds horribly screwed up to me. Are you sure everything's working right?

    On an unrelated note, I seem to have managed to glitch out Seaside Hill rather weirdly.