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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. Tiranno


    Steveosaurus Rex Member
    So I just watched the final cutscene with the two Robotniks and I have to say it was really cheesy. It was awesome to see Classic Eggman, but the whole "We're here for you Sonic!" and Sonic's horrible one liners just really ruined the scene for me. Regardless, I'm just glad Robotnik was behind this the whole time.
  2. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator

    Thank you so much Hinchy, you're a total bro. I can now leave this thread until I've finished the game for myself. :thumbsup:
  3. IGN's review just went up if anyone is interested:
  4. Conando


    Is not, in fact, Raphael Member
    Lynn, MA FTP
    I can't believe I'm saying this but, hopefully this weekend comes and goes quickly.
  5. Sparks


    Sondro Gomez / Kyle & Lucy
    I'll just put this here...
  6. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Hinchy, again, you're "wawesome"!
  7. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    The way the SHOCKING FINAL VILLAIN is portrayed really makes me think of...

    Mort from Gunshow Comics' Anime Club. But boy is it great to see him again. I just wish he had his voice actor from the OVA, haha.
  8. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Why do I feel like that IGN preview was incomplete?

    Also, I can see why they thought the Modern Sonic controls were a bit clunky. I can get that; it's an unfortunate "third dimension + speed = ..." formula. And they were right about their preference being the time you were born, since many people just generally hate Modern gameplay even if it actually is good. However, I was born with Adventure 2, the direct middle of the game series, so I can appreciate both classic and modern playstyles. Love it~

    One thing that bugs me though; he says you can only listen to City Escape so many times before you want to kill yourself... Erm, well I guess that's a matter of taste... But as background music, he had the orchestrated versions of the HUB levels playing, including... City Escape.

    Suddenly it wreaks of hypocrisy in here... Oh if it isn't IGN :specialed:

    That said, lol twisting facts to suit opinions ("If you like the modern music... Well, why?" Because it's high paced, fun to listen to, and fits for the levels it's in. Oh look, same as the CLASSIC stages! :|)
  9. Ceej


    It feels to me that they've taken some of the elements from colors (red rings, cutscene voices and tone) and combined that with the modern DAY stages from Unleashed (which were universally praised) and slipped them in with a classic sonic that while not perfect, does feel right most of the time.

    I played the Sonic 4 demo and passed because the physics were so wrong. So far I am having great fun. It's not perfect. There was a part in Chemical Plant Act 2 where I unintentionally fell through the map to my death. Most of my complaints are really minor though. The big thing that IGN touched on is that the switching between classic and modern is jarring enough to affect how you play. If you're not focused you can really zone out and try to homing attack enemies as classic Sonic or press down to duck as modern Sonic.

    For the most part I would say that SEGA is finally getting the hang of how a modern Sonic game should play and from the accuracy and inner-jokes on the series to the remixing of the music, the game was treated with the reverence deserved. My bottom line is that if you enjoyed the day stages in unleashed or really liked Colors, you will probably enjoy this game. It's not the longest Sonic game (though I'm currently only at Seaside Hill) but the side characters actually add on to the game for the most part. I also felt that the challenges are great fun, especially if you plan on S Ranking everything (though it feels like that bar is much lower than in the past)
  10. 0r4ng3




    Cataloguing this monstruous list by version is going to be a daunting task. For example: Open Your Heart and Live & Learn seeem to be the SSBB versions but cut to loop, Metal Harbor is obviously the game version, not the album version, because it lacks that awesome rift at the beginning and those are just the most obvious to spot. Who knows about the rest. :psyduck:
  11. LordOfSquad


    bobs over baghdad Member
    Winnipeg, MB
    making cool music no one gives a shit about
    >>mfw chemical plant power sneakers

    This OST is absolutely fantastic. I'm only at Chemical Plant, but whenever I hear a song like this remixed so well, it takes me back to when I first heard it. It's like I'm three years old and sitting in my friend's basement playing Sonic 2 for the first time all over again, haha. Bravo.
  12. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Clearly we read a number of very different reviews and commentaries on the game. FWIW, I maintain that this is one thing Yahtzee nailed on the ball.
  13. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    I think it was less a statement that "I hate City Escape" than it was a statement that "Y'know... I really don't like listening to this every time I play this level. And I'm a bit slow, so I haven't discovered Custom Soundtracks yet."

    Still, the base point that being able to change stage music is a nice option to have, I agree with.
  14. IGN:
    Hahaha fuck.
  15. evilhamwizard


    Download the raw AAX files here. (650MB) Make sure you have VGMStream for either Winamp or Foobar2000 to listen.

    This should cover all the songs. I noticed that some of the later stages don't have speed up remixes for the 3D stages. I double checked and they don't exist, but I think they used to according to the CSB files.

    Right now I'm uploading the entire soundtrack in 320Kbps 48Khz MP3s non tagged. This will come in two parts. I had to cut out the SFX versions of the music though (the whole thing was a little over 1GB, so I made two even parts 500MB), but I doubt you'd care because they sound annoying and are meant for when you speed up using the boost with Modern Sonic

    Anyway enjoy.


    The EMCR### tracks are for the collection. But the weird part is that most of these are new mixes, not the originals. I can understand maybe for Sonic CD/Sonic R, but why did they have to go and dump the MIDIs for Sonic 3/K/3D Blast/Advance and apply a soundfont to make them sound shitty? Why didn't they use the original versions like they did with Sonic 1/2? Conspiracy alert (lol jk).
  16. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Well, to me it's more like what the Sega Ages titles ought to have been rather than were, at least in terms of production value.

    Though there are lots of things I like about Sonic 4. And plenty I dislike too, but that's another matter.
  17. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    I have to say I disliked Classic Planet Wisp at first but it's really grown on me. Just listen to it with the mindset that it's the last stage in the game*.

    *I could be wrong about this but I'm almost positive from what we've seen that Act 1 is for whatever Sonic the game originally starred in (e.g. classic act 1/modern act 2 for the first three stages and modern act 1/classic act 2 for the others). This would make Classic Planet Wisp the last stage, and if so, that music actually fits extremely well.
  18. My favorite part of the video is when they showed Sonic running straight into a wall and stopping, citing it as "clunky."
  19. Abiondarg


    Judging from impressions here it sounds like the IGN video review is fuck-retarded, so it looks like I won't even be bothering with that.

    Man, this soundtrack is incredible. Wish this game wasn't coming out on the same day that I have a massive exam though.
  20. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    I'm having Hilary Goldstein flashbacks just thinking about it.

    The best part about it is that instead of re-orienting himself, the player just boosts off into yet another wall. Totally the wrong way to react to that no matter what the controls are like.