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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. I hate everyone right now too... Its so hard to not open the spoiler tags :(

  2. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    Lucky, haha. Where did you order it from? Mine's from amazon and still waiting for it to be dispatched XD
  3. Tylinos


    After spending about 20 minutes searching everywhere in the beginning of City Escape except where the ring actually was ([inlinespoiler]You have to take the normal path without any jumps until nearly the end, where the cylindrical raised area is coming up, then jump off a lone jump pad to the right, followed by the jump pads on the raised area.[/inlinespoiler]), I finally finished City Escape's rings.

    Updated Red Ring skill list with new ones I just got. New ones in bold:

    Classic Green Hill: Treasure Scanner (Shows hidden items and springs)
    Classic Chemical Plant: Breath Holder (Hold breath longer)
    Classic Sky Sanctuary: Twin Spin Attack (Insta-shield)
    Classic Speed Highway: Power Sneakers (It's Power Sneakers without the Power Sneakers. Get a Power Sneakers monitor with this on for some Speedception. Actually, it just gives you two portable Power Sneakers, like with the Shield powerups.)
    Classic City Escape: Boardmaster (Skateboard)
    Classic Crisis City: Hercules Muscles (Push movable objects faster)
    Classic Rooftop Run: I think it was Long Spin Dash. (Spin Dash carries you farther.)
    Modern Green Hill: Acceleration (Increases, uh, acceleration.)
    Modern Chemical Plant: Smasher Bonus (Breaking enemies fills Boost Gauge more.)
    Modern Sky Sanctuary: Gauge Rebooter (Begin with a full boost gauge on restart.)
    Modern City Escape: Quick Slide (Lets you Quick Step on the Snowboard. Kind of useless, honestly, since you only use it once in the entire game.)

    Modern Rooftop Run: Trick Mastery (Perform tricks faster)

    EDIT:Updated with a Classic stage.
  4. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    Steam says
    "Available: November 3rd, 2011
    This game will unlock in approximately 1 day and 6 hours"

    It's 2:30pm now.
    So, 8 EST PM!?
  5. Bostwick


    I have a skill-related question:

    Are the Homing Attack and the Insta-Shield (or Twin Spin....whatever the frig they call it) mutually exclusive? Or are they mapped to different buttons?
  6. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    Regarding that skill-related question:
    The Insta-Shield is a Classic Sonic Only skill, and it's used by way of double-jump. If it IS possible to give Classic Sonic a homing attack, it's probably impossible to equip both at the same time due to skill point limits. However, Insta-Shield isn't nearly as useful this time, because for some reason you don't BOUNCE when you kill a badnik with it—although I suppose if you WANT to kill something without waiting for the rebound, it could be just what the doctor ordered.

    Finding Red Rings is easy, just talk to the friend outside the entrance a few times until they give you a hint as to the location of the next one you're missing (obviously, as whichever Sonic you intend to hunt Red Rings as).

    It's getting to them that sometimes makes it a pain in the ass.
  7. Hez



    Also, super sonic isn't really that cool in classic. His rings to down fast and he's normal speed. Just invincibility and a model swap.
  8. To-do list for hackers:

    Ramp up the points limitation from 100 to 999 or something

    Allow us to use more than 5 skills

    Better rolling

    Enable skills in missions and boss battles so I can fuck up Metal Sonic supersonic style

    Lower Super Sonic's ring consumption rate so he isn't such a gluttonous fuck

    Increase Classic Super Sonic's speed and jump height.

    I look forward to seeing you guys break the fuck out of this game.
  9. Solaris Paradox

    Solaris Paradox

    On my butt in front of the computer. Where else?
    I'm working on working up the willpower to work on learning how to make my own Sonic fangames. Not quite there yet.
    If the point limit is removed, that's asking for all kinds of trouble. The point limit stops conflicting skills from being equipped, so you can't equip two different portable power-ups at once (they'd both use the same button to activate).

    Being able to use more than five skills would be cool, though. It's entirely possible to equip five low-level skills and have thirty or more points left over, doing naught but collecting dust...
  10. But that's part of the joy of hacking the entire game apart: To see how and if it breaks when you do things the way they weren't originally intended to be done.

    Like, say you equipped both the Insta-Shield AND the Homing Attack? What the fuck would happen? How would it break the game?

    I want to be able to see the results, AND recreate them for myself (assuming I figure out how to hack my PS3 to allow for modded games).
  11. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but you can now pre-load the game on Steam if you pre-ordered it.
  12. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Aww shit dawg. Pre-loading that shit right now.

    My PS3 copy also arrived today. I don't know what to do.
  13. 1stKirbyever


    So I have 100% on the main story... Yet I'm still missing two Secret Achievements. Anyone have an idea what they are?
  14. Tylinos


    Another Red Ring skill list update, for anyone interested. Almost done, but I really need to take a break now. My thumb's getting sore. New ones are in bold:

    Classic Green Hill: Treasure Scanner (Shows hidden items and springs)
    Classic Chemical Plant: Breath Holder (Hold breath longer)
    Classic Sky Sanctuary: Twin Spin Attack (Insta-shield)
    Classic Speed Highway: Power Sneakers (Gives you two portable Power Sneakers, like with the Shield powerups.)
    Classic City Escape: Boardmaster (Skateboard)
    Classic Seaside Hill: Invincible Start (Start the stage with temporary invincibility.)
    Classic Crisis City: Hercules Muscles (Push movable objects faster)
    Classic Rooftop Run: I think it was Long Spin Dash. (Spin Dash carries you farther.)
    Classic Planet Wisp: Homing Attack (Take a guess.) (I don't have this one yet, but people have mentioned it, so it's kind of pointless not to list it.)

    Modern Green Hill: Acceleration (Increases, uh, acceleration.)
    Modern Chemical Plant: Smasher Bonus (Breaking enemies fills Boost Gauge more.)
    Modern Sky Sanctuary: Gauge Rebooter (Begin with a full boost gauge on restart.)
    Modern Speed Highway: Auto-Gauge (Boost gauge refills automatically.)
    Modern City Escape: Quick Slide (Lets you Quick Step on the Snowboard. Kind of useless, honestly, since you only use it once in the entire game.)
    Modern Crisis City: Serial Homing (Perform homing attack chains faster.)
    Modern Rooftop Run: Trick Mastery (Perform tricks faster)

    Also, to 1stKirbyever: Most of the secret achievements are for special things done in stages. Check what stages you don't have ones like that for on your achievement list.
  15. 1stKirbyever


    Modern Seaside Hill is Direct Jump: "Increase the speed of your Wall Jumps." While Modern Planet Wisp is Ring Energy Bonus: "Collecting Rings fills the gauge faster."

    Also, thanks.
  16. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    A most awesome day. I'm pre-loading Generations, GTA:V's trailer was awesome sauce, and I've fixed my issue with my MC server. Novemeber seems like it's going to be a good month.

    By the way, the files will be "locked" until sometime tommorrow (12:00 GMT NOV 4), right?
  17. I'd really like to know this too. My Uncharted 3 Explorer Edition came yesterday and I've just completed it, I was really hoping my Generations CE would be coming tomorrow (3rd) so I could continue the trend of playing awesome new games!

    Amazon says "dispatch estimate 1-2nd November", "delivery estimate 3-4th November". Considering its the 3rd here in 4 hours I'm officially worried, because it still says "not yet dispatched" and my account hasn't been debited. So there's obviously no chance getting it tomorrow, which is really unusual for amazon. This'll be the first time EVER I've pre-ordered a game from there and it hasn't come at least 1 day early. Poop.
  18. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Mine currently has the dispatch estimate as the 2nd to the 3rd with an expected delivery of the 6th to the 9th (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu-), so at this point I wouldn't worry TOO much about it for another day or so. I've pre-ordered from Amazon and while it's sometimes been a day early, that's not always been the case.
  19. I could kill them. I'm being a child, but I want it NOW!

    Also, the 6th? That's a Sunday! What are they playing at? I may actually buy another copy on Friday so I can play it over the weekend... sad but possibly necessary. (May also keep receipt, then return it). Normally I wouldn't be in such a mad rush to get it, but the next few weeks in uni are going to kick my ass and I'd rather enjoy playing it than think "I should be studying".

    I just sent Amazon a "where's my stuff" e-mail, will edit this post when I get a response (probably tomorrow).
  20. So Classic Planet Wisp's red rings give you the homing attack. I'm really curious what modern gives you.