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Sonic Generations Megathread II

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Scarred Sun, Oct 28, 2011.

  1. KingOfBunnies


    Okay, that sounds good. I forgot Fraps existed. My bad. Thanks for the suggestion!
  2. eighttailedfox


    Canadia Land
    Project Maelin
    First off, this is the only Sonic Generations thread I could find.

    Secondly. I know I'm very late to the party, but I only got to buy generations recently, so I wanted to post my thoughts.

    This game is utter crap to me. I'm a big fan of the retro sonic era, but all the design choices go against a lot of what old sonic was about. Such as original 2d sonic's jump was short or tall depending on how long you held it, well this is is always the same height.

    Then there's modern sonic's tiny little air dash, that moves you a centimeter forward. I can't count how many times I'd miss a platform by an inch, just because his air dash is so bloody short.

    Then the level design itself. There's so many places where unclear obstacles are placed. In the zone before crisis city, where you're retro sonic underwater. There's that one platform that goes back in forth into the background, so it's unclear when you can actually step on it, since nothing about it's colour changes. Then in say, Sky Sanctuary for modern sonic, the moving from side to side is horrible with keyboard controls, and often just slip right off the world by missing by the smallest amount.

    Then there's the death egg robot boss. His rocket fist stays in place for so short of a time, and the specific area you have to hit, made this boss incredibly hard for no reason.

    All the horrible controls and designs choices forced me to quit when I reached crisis city. I'm glad I didn't finish this game, because the problems are just too big.

    I understand that playing on PC with a keyboard skewed my judgement somewhat, that's the horribly ported controls, that only show controller buttons ingame.

    Long story short, I uninstalled the game without beating in. And won't plan to play it again until maybe I have a controller for my pc.
  3. Lizam


    Lizam Member
    Mario & Sonic: Worlds Clash
    I think you answered the issue to the majority of your problems yourself - playing with a keyboard. Majority of console games that are ported to PC these days do not reinvent their controls and level design to support the small player base that only have a keyboard & mouse. Grab a cheap xbox 360 controller when you can. I'm just happy that we got a PC port to be honest.

    Secondly, the criticism you have towards the classic Sonic design choices are perfectly valid. I had very similar frustrations when I first got my hands of the GHZ demo before its release. However, I just had to accept that it wasn't Sonic 1-3 physics, and play it for what it was. Eventually, I warmed up to it and found it to be a solid side scrolling platformer.

    Generations has its fair share of problems, but its honestly one of the best Sonic games we've had in recent times. That and I'm also a sucker for all its 20th anniversary fan-servicey stuff :P The presentation of the game is beautiful.
  4. Clownacy


    Tech Member
    I know the feeling. I really don't enjoy Classic Sonic as much as I do the original games. I mean, what was going on with that sluggish jump, extremely overpowered spin dash, broken rolling, and obsession with enormous platforms? Hell, everything was big in that game! Constantly zooming out the camera didn't help either. The monitors were ridiculously underutilised, too; Sonic 4 was better with them, for crying out loud! I mean, come on, monitors really helped spice up the gameplay when things got a little drawn out, especially in S3K, but here... And don't get me started on the bosses- oh, I mean boss. Just make him really big, give him green energy and pinkeye. Oh, and make him invincible. It's not like the fun with S2's final boss was landing as many hits in so little time without getting touched once... in much the same way Perfect Chaos was fun because all you did was ram into him as hard as you can, but no, easy-ass 2D obstacle course...

    For something that was trying to emulate the old games, it really missed the mark. It's a nice gesture, but damn.

    Oh also, when he gets hit, Sonic stays down for a good five seconds. That's nice.

    Did we really need to buy skills to make the game good? Well, gooder.
  5. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    What, you didn't enjoy that clever nod to Secret Rings?
  6. roymcgeeters


    Video games do not make video games Member
    In an industry of remaster after remaster after remaster, I wouldn't mind at all if we got a "Sonic Generations HD DX+" on XB1, PS4 and WiiU or something. Hell, Sanzaru Games have ported God of War and Sly Cooper Collections, I would LOVE to see some sort of Sonic Generations remastered done by then. Maybe they could even throw in Colors and Lost World? I dunno, I just want generations on my PS4 (that isn't PS Now... bleugh...)
  7. GerbilSoft


    RickRotate'd. Administrator
    Any particular reason for the extra "HD" qualifier? Pretty sure PCs have been capable of rendering games in >=1280x720 for over a decade.
  8. NioZero


    Concepción, Chile
    Tornado Sky Fighters
    Because marketing...
  9. Jimmy Hedgehog

    Jimmy Hedgehog

    England - Slough
    Getting the motivation to continue old projects
    I don't think calling it "HD" would market anything, since Generations was originally released on consoles with HD support anyway.
  10. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Are we going to just focus on the wording for the non-existent rerelease rather than the idea of a rerelease?

    I'd quite like to see a rerelease of Gens on newer systems, but maybe not just yet. And only really if they went to the effort of adding some extra content. Gens is painfully short and only 4 years old. We don't need to playing it again just yet, especially if it was the the same thing with a little bit of graphical sprucing that'll still likely be inferior to the PC version. A new level or two is an absolute must.
  11. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    I think that for people who don't have a competent PC, a PS4/Xbox One version that runs at 60fps could be great. The game controls a lot better at that framerate than it does at the sub-30 fps it runs at on PS3 and Xbox 360.

    I'm fine running the game at 3840x2160 and 60fps on my PC though. :v:
  12. Josh


    Yeah, I honestly wonder how much better-reviewed the game would've been had the media based it on the PC version. There's seriously no comparison to how much better the game FEELS at 60fps compared to the inconsistent 360/PS3 versions.

    That said, the biggest wall Generations ran into critically was the same one a lot of these games hit: its length. And that's a tough hurdle to get over without kind of abandoning the elements that make Sonic stages and gameplay so unique. That's why Lost World simplified things and slowed Sonic down to such a degree.
  13. Darth Taco

    Darth Taco

    If they re-released it with the PC specs on next-gen (60 FPS), I really do think reception would be pretty positive across the board. It would also be great if they just went ahead and found the best skills and made them default. And had an option to turn the cutscenes off. :specialed:

    Also, I'll see you all in pending hell.
    I'm sorry if I pissed anyone off. :v:
    You're all amazing people, really.
  14. KingOfBunnies


    Since this thread got bumped, I'll ask this. For the achievement "Can't Touch This", does hitting debris in the level count as getting hit and thus, not getting the achievement? Because I don't think I've ever seen an answer to that after the game was released.
  15. Ashram


    As it's the only achievement I'm missing from Generations, yes, hitting the debris counts. You have to run a perfect "No Hit" run to get it.
  16. Jen


    #lapidot Moderator
    Various drawings
    Yeah, that's a pretty hideous achievement - it was the last one that I got in the game.

    It took me absolutely ages to get; I'm hardly the world's most calm and patient person (to put it mildly), so the Xbox controller almost flew out the window in a fit of rage a couple of times, but somehow I managed to persevere and got the bloody achievement in the end =P It's incredibly difficult to do, and it's honestly made all the more irritating by Sonic's friends constantly blathering on at you about HOMING SHOTS and god knows what else.

    I think that I found it a bit easier to keep switching to Classic Sonic, as it was a little easier to see the debris in 2D, but beyond that I can't really remember how I managed to do it.
  17. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I did get the achievement on the 360, but not on the PC. At this point I don't really care
  18. I got all the Generations Achievements back when it came out with one exception: I never got this one.
  19. Josh


    Heh, I picked it up without even trying for it while doing a boss rush a few months after the game came out. Pretty sure that's the only time I ever managed it, though. If you're going for it, I'd get the "Make Time Eater Suck Less" mod that'll shut Sonic's friends up.
  20. KingOfBunnies


    I got it on 360 when the game first game out 4 years ago, but I just need to get that achievement and the Time Attack ranks on PC and I'll have them all on PC. But it's been so long that I forgot the requirements and Google still misleads becasue everyone has different results. Some say you can't hit debris and some say you can, just not time eater itself. Thanks for the help.