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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. XChaos


    Argentina, Buenos Aires
    Sonic Unleashed Project - Unity3D Game
    As far as I know, Zoney's mod is a custom model with it's own rig with corrected Unleashed animations, apart from fairly not being openable. But what I'm trying to do is to get the animations to the raw original model of Unleashed. So far I've got the .model opened on Max, but hkxcmd is being silly and not converting the .hkx files to .kf.
    On a side note, my point on doing this is for availability on Unleashed's model and animations (something that generations has of spare... a lot).
  2. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults
    Zoney's model is the original Sonic Unleashed model and skeleton. He reanimated every Generations-specific animation to work properly with it.
  3. XChaos


    Argentina, Buenos Aires
    Sonic Unleashed Project - Unity3D Game
    Ooooh.... Well I guess I was wrong, as I saw, on my point of view, some differences on the model compared to Unleashed and I tought it was custom, but it must be textures and such :s. However, the skeleton has to be custom, as Zoney said that model has its own rig. Also, I need to know about that reanimated Generations animations, cause Unleashed's original animations are actually able to be ripped, but didn't try to convert them yet.
  4. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    I can confirm that you were right about it not being the original model. The model used in the mod has a higher polygon count and some added-in non-texture details (though it was based on the original Unleashed model, and maintains its original proportions.) However, Atendega was also correct about it using the original Unleashed skeleton with the original Unleashed Animations (plus reanimated versions of Generations-exclusive animations to fit the Unleashed skeleton.)

    The thing about most character mods made since SonicGlvl's debut is that their models get rigged (or re-rigged) onto the skeleton of the target character, rather than being given their own custom skeleton. In the case of Zoney's Unleashed mod, the .skl.hkx skeleton and .anm.hkx animations are basically identical to the original ones from Unleashed (with most other mods sticking to the un-altered Generations skeleton/animations,) while only the .model model file, the .material materials, and some of the .dds textures are different.
  5. XChaos


    Argentina, Buenos Aires
    Sonic Unleashed Project - Unity3D Game
    Ooh, this answered so much questions I had, thank you!
    That explains the trick animations, as Unleashed only has, if I'm not wrong, 2 or 3 for the quick time event ramps.

    So, in theory, if I place zoney's animation files into the 360 model I have on Max, I would get Unleashed animations working? As far as I know, all the content on Project Unleashed and the model mod is from the 360 version of the game.
  6. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    In theory, it should. But there's a slight problem. When hkxcmd converts Generations animations into the kf format, the kf animations only work properly if the model (and its skeleton) were imported into 3DS Max in Y-up format (having the model in Y-Up also makes exporting animations to the .hkx format less of a hassle, in my opinion.)

    The .model importing script included with SonicGlvl imports models (and skeletons) in the Z-up format (which is the format 3DS Max uses by default, and also the format expected when importing models into the game via SonicGlvl.)

    To make things a bit easier, I made an edit to the newest .model importing script. This edited script imports models in Y-up format (thus making them compatible with hkxcmd's .kf animations.) You'll need to re-import the 360 Unleashed Sonic with this script before trying to import any .kf animations you make. Also, this alternate script should only be used for animation viewing/editing (the default script should still be used when making/editing models to import into the game via SonicGlvl.)
  7. XChaos


    Argentina, Buenos Aires
    Sonic Unleashed Project - Unity3D Game
    Thanks for the help and the script! Will test it right away.

    Although, before seeying this reply, I worked hard on getting the animations to work. I opened the 360 model on Max and converted Zoney's animations to .kf, and so the animation pops up! But as expected, it brings some errors that can't be fixed by re-dragging the animation file again. So I installed .SMD Exporter and exported the model and skeleton so I could open it in fragMotion, and so exported the animation sequence as .SMD too (fragMotion uses .SMD as animation files).
    The results were this:

    The left hand was re-positioned by me, it was wide open like on T-pose.

    So it seems to work pretty well for now, but I will try testing with the edited script too!

    What worries me a bit is that comparing this animation (sn_jet_loop) to Zoney's latest video (Sonic Unleashed Shaders), I see it has some different movement, or maybe it's just me.

    Has Zoney updated his model after the release of the model mod?


    I tried exporting this time SN_JOG_LOOP, the animation went without a single error!
  8. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    Actually my model mod has a slightly different rig that would ruin trying to import the animations on the original. I added more bones to the skeleton. Since I needed to make the double mouth. And some of the animations in Unleashed had to be retimed since they had xmls to do some of the timing fixing in Unleashed compared to Generations.

    I haven't made another update to my model mod. I'm working on something though that JoeTE did help me with but its on the backburner for now since I'm working on something more important.
  9. XChaos


    Argentina, Buenos Aires
    Sonic Unleashed Project - Unity3D Game
    Oh I really thought you made some changes to the animations, maybe it's just me. For now, I only saw problems with thr Jet animation and after that tried the Run animation, that one went perfect, without a single error, looking forward to see the other ones. Also, I'm really curious about that thing on backburner, what could it be....


    Couldn't ask for more....

  10. Skitt64


    Okay, that's just scary.
  11. XChaos


    Argentina, Buenos Aires
    Sonic Unleashed Project - Unity3D Game
    =P Re-dragging the animation to Max fixed the sad face of Sonic.

    Meanwhile on my way to Unleashed,
    of 326 animations, I got to open only 14 of them. hkxcmd won't convert the rest of animation files. There a way to convert them all?

    Added post 02/07/2015:

    After days and days of working on the port of animations, I finally got them atleast stable-looking, I got a good amount, the only problem blocking me from getting the port to Unity (which is actually an extraction off of an extraction mod) is fragMotion, the only wall across my road for now, corrupting my animations everytime I export to FBX or another format, and I'm stuck there with the model in .ugh format, no exit around. My only way around to port the animations again to Max was a .SMD importer for Max that could import the animation just as I did with fragMotion and save the animations as .FBX, but the plug-in is still in progress... and the last update to it was on 2010. But I actually needed fragmotion as Max is the worst tool when talking about fixing animations. So there goes all my work.
  12. JMotion


    Shadow the Boomhog
    Good day people, having an issue with GLVL while model porting. Its been a while since I did any gens mods due to a system reset a while back, so excuse me if I am forgetting something simple.

    So I'm in the process of porting my model into gens, its a simple rig at the moment because I didn't want to spend hours fixing it up to have this happen. Its an ogremax export, the textures are DDS format. When I come to converting it in Glvl, I get the message "The system cannot find the file specified". Despite this, the textures still go through fine. There is no '.model' file in the folder with the converted files afterwards. In case it matters, the model I'm working with is the Smash Bros trophy model of Rayman.
  13. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    Expect a new demo of Unleashed Project at this year's SHC. "What, just a demo?" Yeah, just a demo. It takes a while to develop 30+ stages when you're just one person! On the bright side, I'm getting a brand new PC rig in a few days, and it should assist in making development more swift.
  14. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults
    Color me excited! I'm excited to see all of the ingenious tricks you have undoubtedly employed to make the levels work in Generations.
  15. XChaos


    Argentina, Buenos Aires
    Sonic Unleashed Project - Unity3D Game
    Yeah! Can't wait for the mission stages.... if there will be on the next demo! Right? Wish I could be one developer of the team, but I couldn't cause limited pc specs.
    Good luck on development!
  16. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Do you need any help S0LV0? that seems like a daunting task to take on by yourself.
  17. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    The demo is planned to feature many of the 1-2 (or "hard mode") stages from Unleashed. Rest assured the additional acts are also in development, but considering they're much shorter in general, I wanted to include the most extensive stages finished. Right now roughly half of the hard mode stages are done, if not more, along with a handful of additional acts. Nothing's final, but expect roughly 3 or 4 of the hard mode stages in the demo -- depending on how much I have time to polish. (I learned my lesson from last year -- developing Windmill Isle 1-2 in the space of two weeks had me working around the clock, and I still ended up cutting some corners. Not this time!)

    I would have more done in general by now, but I am the master of procrastination; and I don't exactly have any help, being a voluntary developer and all.
    I appreciate the offer, ahaha, but I am nothing if not a masochist. Plus, I still consider myself lucky to have gotten the green light from Dario to work on this, so I don't think it's a good idea to try and bring even more people on. Might make the whole thing take longer, but better safe than sorry as I say.
  18. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    I don't want to make a new topic for this, and I'm not really sure where else to ask. Does anyone have a rigged model of classic Metal Sonic? I know there is one on Models Resource, but it seems to have some issues that prevent me from using it. Please PM me if you have one (or have the knowhow to help me) :)
  19. Campbellsonic


    Sonic Generations really does NOT like my custom collision. The game just ignores all shape types except Convex Hull, and that just awkwardly pulls Sonic in one direction until he dies (since my stage geometry is pretty complex, obviously Mesh would be ideal but that is just ignored). I'm a newbie at this, can somebody help me or point me towards someone/something that can? I'm replacing Rooftop Run btw.
  20. Dude


    Tech Member
    Southbridge, MA
    Random VR/AR trash
    Of course it's pulling him in one direction until he dies. It's a convex hull, he's sliding across the top of it until he finds the edge. I'm guessing you have the entire stage imported as one piece. You need to make a simplified version of the stage mesh, split it into reasonably sized pieces, and set each piece's shape type appropriately. (most will be either mesh or box)

    Each object must have a Collision Shape. While this collision shape can be the mesh itself, it's often a bad idea for performance. Instead, one usually use much simpler shapes as boxes, spheres or capsules. Here are a few collision shapes. From left to right : sphere, cube, convex hull of the mesh, original mesh. Spheres are less precise than the full mesh, but much much faster to test.

    In order - sphere, cube, convex hull, mesh