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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    You monster. :colbert:
  2. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Don't forget to replace the spring and dash pad sounds with Sonic's inane dribble, too.
  3. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    Don't worry it'll work out in the end.
  4. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    I wonder just how much stuff we'll dig up from Boom that can be used in here.
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Gave a go at the new Metal Sonic mod. Gotta say I love your model work Joe, it's incredible. They look more well done than the official ones. Gave it a go with a full game run through. Still fun stuff after all this time (except for Time Eater... that boss is awful).

    Also, thank you for making a classic Tails icon for that mission in Chemical plant. That was a minor thing sure, but it bugs the crap out of me knowing that they have an icon for classic Tails in the level itself.
  6. NeKit


    Sonic SCANF
    Are there any specifications on .terrain-model and .terrain-instance files? I'm trying to load Sonic Generations level geometry in a custon engine. So far .terrain-model seems to be similar to .model, which there is MaxScript for, but there are different vertex data entry types than it tries to handle.
  7. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    TZ, a question. just how tall is Boom!Sonic's model compared to, say, 2006!Sonic's model? I'm curious to know if he outbeats him in lankeyness.
  8. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    I think its awesome that Sega acknowledged the hacks.
    Kind of off topic , but has any of the hacking tools been documented and set up for easy access by anyone who wants to use them in a single place ? ( if so than I'd like to know so I can post it in the topic opener.

    This is kind of one of the reasons I set up this topic in the first place, to keep track of everything generations hacking related, but than too many posts had been made and I couldn't keep up with updating the first post because of Project AXSX.
    I think it would be a great idea to set up a Mini webpage or something to host tools and tutorials to help more people get involved.
    And to help people who want to get involved have access to an easy 1 stop shop to get started instead of fumbling around 10000s of posts.
  9. SF94


    Tech Member
    In other words, you're saying that we should be adding this info to SCHG:Sonic Generations? =P

    I mentioned this a few years back now, but nobody seemed to take notice. The lack of sufficient documentation is honestly what has kept me from doing anything with Generations.
  10. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    Thanks for the link, its now in the topic opener.

    Would be great if someone could do the tuts or even some kind of getting started videos. I'll post them on the opener of the topic. ( Just PM me if anyone does upload them since I'm not following the topic very much due to "again" AXSX)
    Also that wiki always has the most up to date tools correct ? This will open up the field for people who want to do mods but cant get started. Perhaps the tutorials would be easy for someone if they do them at the same time as actually working on their projects. ( 2 birds with 1 stone)

    As for myself....
    (I'd actually be interested in doing some custom levels in the distant future, would be nice to hit the ground running!)
  11. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    It almost as tall as 06 Sonic but still has the proportions of Unleashed in terms of his quills and stuff. Its not and lanky as 06 though.

    Regarding to the tutorial stuff might want to wait before making tutorials since Dario is making his new GLVL to make things easier for people to mod. By then everything will be kinda self explanatory and all in one program to handle most of the things.
  12. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    When you get a chance I love to see a model comparison one of these days.
  13. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    crud posted this incorrect place. please remove!
  14. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    The problem at the moment with tutorials is that the entire workflow of the new branch of SonicGLvl has been changed drastically, making pretty much all previous tutorials useless. (Although it will be much easier to use with FBX support) I'm taking longer than expected on it as usual, but there's not much point for me to write information that will be outdated pretty soon.

    However the current download of SonicGLvl does include some tutorials on the help folder that actually aren't on the wiki so I wouldn't be too scared without looking at those first. :v: Besides I'd say the hardest part of doing the levels is what you already know how to use: modeling the stage and doing level design.
  15. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    FBX support? Does that mean we don't have to use 2011 anymore?
  16. JansenM


    Devon, UK
    Generations mods
    Speaking of 2011, I just reformatted and Autodesk no longer offers student copies of Max 2011. I definitely hope that is the case.
  17. Paraxade


    FBX is just for terrain/model imports, so it mainly means you don't need to export Ogre meshes from Max anymore. I believe the main reason Max 2011 is required is for exporting Havok resources, which hasn't changed unfortunately. Maybe Dario'll be able to come up with something to make hkxs from later versions of Havok compatible with Generations. (Zoney did get Lost World Havok files working in Generations recently so it doesn't seem too far-fetched.)
  18. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    Yeah, I kind of want to try to do stages again. I kind of want to try to do this. I need to find a copy of 2011 it seems.

  19. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    That's good to know. I havn't touched Generations stuff for a very long time now, (been out of the loop since way back when maxscripts stuff was still young.)
    I plan to take a break from AXSX after this next SAGE event and re-start my Sonic CD remix Project for UDK (just a single zone though than back to AXSX). (The level could probably also be ported for Generations at the same time)
    How are shaders handled in Generations ? are we able to wright custom shaders from scratch, or are we stuck with tweaking the default stuff ?
  20. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Custom shader support is a bit of a dodgy thing at the moment but it's certainly possible. The problem is I haven't done any tools whatsoever yet to export custom .pixelshader, .vertexshader, .shader-list, .psparam, .vsparam files, despite all of them being completely cracked. That is just for adding new materials to the supported stuff, but modifying existing materials and basically re-doing them from scratch is certainly possible. The Generations rendering pipeline only uses one shader for the color buffer (what you see on screen) per material, although they generated different versions of them to save performance depending on whether they have dynamic lights close by or use uv animations.

    Doing custom shaders like this from scratch for each material is certainly possible, as demonstrated here. Modifying the rendering pipeline however or adding post-processing (which is commonly misinterpreted as "custom shaders" when it comes to injectors like SweetFX) is another story and you certainly can't add custom effects that rely on parameters the game does not give you (say motion information), or passes that the game does not do. The cel shading example uses HLSL ASM shaders compiled with the Windows SDK, but I believe getting a regular HLSL template working that uses the same constant registers as the game would be the better alternative (and much easier to code with).