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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. brianuuu


    Sonic Colors Porting
    I figure out why, it's because I've set the GIA grid size to 150, after I changed it to 60, it works......
    Why it's default 150????? >_>

  3. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Nice substitute for running on air.
  4. Faseeh


    What muteKi said, really.

    I'm using Mixcraft (:V It does pretty much everything I need except filters (which I use FL and Audacity for) and is simpler than FL to use). And I guess so. :I

    Also does anyone know where the trick words ('Combo' and 'Finish') are located? Can't seem to find them haha.

    In case ya don't know what I'm taling about... it's in this picture.

  5. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    It's located in bb.cpk\Languages\*insert Language name here*\
  6. Faseeh


    Thanks dood! Forgot to check that. D'oh.

    And so I did a Frog Forest Modern remix. Well Freen in Green did one and I thought I could polish it up and so we got that. It was a real nice collab and now this is an alternate music choice for the mod! I still haven't got the 100% satisfaction mixing between the harp and guitar so it's still not final.

    There's a download link here and stuffs.

    Hope ya guys like it! A new Frog Forest video should be up soon, haha.
  7. brianuuu


    Sonic Colors Porting
    The problem for me is not rendering, the problem is not all mesh in the game applied GIA, now it happens to me even I change the grid size to 40, so what grid size is the best for certain stages?
    My Tropical Resort Act 2 have 3633 meshes, I think I have to fuse some of them?
  8. Azu


    I must be stupid. Member
    This is part of Asteroid Coaster Act 6.


    As you can see, the collision mesh is basic. It's meant to cover only parts Sonic will collide with. In the second picture, you'll see the entire collision mess is made of near 4000 faces.
  9. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    So while we're talking about Sonic Colors... uhh... Starlight Carnival (Classic) WIP?

    I got working on that a day ago, and this time around it's completely theoretical. This is based mostly on Act 2, and I'm hoping to actually make a Modern rendition based on either Act 1 or 3.
    I'm starting to feel like I make too many of these.

    Which reminds me, I've been working on a (very long) rant regarding the piles and piles of (not usually very good) Generations fan-remixes. Probably not the best place to talk about it, but I figured I might as well get it out there.
  10. Mr Lange

    Mr Lange

    A wise guy eh. I know how to DEAL with wise guys. Member
    The Land of Waldos
    Sonic Utopia, Sonic Overture
    Hey just throwin' this out there as I was wondering. I don't have 3ds Max and I can't operate these tools for the life of me. If I were to complete a full stage with graphics, models, and collision maps, would someone be willing to help with the conversions and GI and such?
    I have no idea when I'll get around to it but at some point I'd really like to attempt at least one Generations level.
  11. Faseeh


    I don't like it. It doesn't seem to have the usual touch that you have that makes stuff really cool. :/ Sorry, the instruments don't get me pumped or anything.

    Funny enough, Can of Nothing did a Starlight Carnival remix and got like 20 seconds into it. Then he dropped it, then I picked it up and I went on from where he left. I've improved a lot since I last touched that. It's still not done, gotta fix some chords, gotta get the exact right tone on some instruments (the tempo change is too damn raw and I don't get as pumped as I would like to for a Generations mix), gotta do mixing, mastering and EQ.

    It's like a hybrid of Sonic CD, Sonic Rush, and Generations Classic music styles. Hope ya guys like it and feedback is appreciated as this has quite the distance to go before reaching the finish line with this project.
  12. S0LV0


    Sonic Generations Helpdesk Tech Member
    Abusing SMPS
    You know you say that about pretty much every song I make, right?
  13. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    I just had a thought releating to classic sonic. Has anyone looked into how his spindash works on the pinball table?
  14. Faseeh


    I like Windmill Isle, Aquarium Park, Tidal Tempest, Windy Valley, Tropical Resort, and the SMC Remix :V
  15. Retroman


    Since I'm on government funding aka centerlink, I will pay anyone who can make a Sonic CD 3D Generations level $300 from paypal.

    If you have paypal, then make it.
  16. I have a suggestion for a possible mod that I don't believe has been attempted yet.

    Could someone make a mod that changes the camera for Classic Sonic so you can see farther in front of him?

    My bro said the reason he didn't like Classic Sonic that much was because he couldn't see very far ahead of him to avoid obstacles quickly enough.
  17. Chris Highwind

    Chris Highwind

    Statesville, NC
    The main problem with making stages based off of the old Genesis games is, with the exception of GHZ, CPZ, and SSZ, you don't have many 3D assets, if you have any at all, so unless you make some decent graphics for your level it's going to look like shit. (I know there's Casino Night Zone DLC and Stardust Speedway, but those two weren't meant to be full stages).

    Really, what I want someone to do is take a vanilla stage from the game and give it a whole new layout, as a sort of unofficial Act 3/4 (no, Short Acts or Hard Modes don't count). I know people didn't really like Planet Wisp, so why doesn't someone take the stage and modify it so it's much more enjoyable? Or maybe have a new Speed Highway level in the daytime (has anyone ever figured out how to port the different times of day featured in missions into the main stage?)
  18. Man, I'd love to see some 2D classic levels that were just sprites on different planes in the Z-Axis. I can't imagine it'd be all that hard. Certainly not craft-a-level-from-scratch-with-new-3D-assets hard.
  19. You could possibly alter existing 3D assets to resemble the general ideas for the classic games. For example, if you were to take the textures to Planet Wisp and Chemical Plant and change the color scheme, you might possibly have something that could pass for Metropolis Zone. A few minor tweaks to the textures from Chemical Plant and possibly imported stuff from Eggmanland off of Sonic Unleashed could make a passable Scrap Brain or something. Possibly, the pathways on Chemical Plant as well as the lamp posts on Stardust Speedway might manage a decent Starlight Zone if you recolored them as well. I mean, considering that if we include stuff from already-imported levels from Colors, Unleashed, and Generations, (maybe '06 as well?) some editing might just let us manage something that could pass as a Genesis themed level. It would take a bit more work, but it might be easier than coming up with textures completely by hand.
  20. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    If you instead use that $300 to pay someone to crack LightField, I'll do it for free. EDIT: Imma doofus. The stage we're at with that format is apparently just grunt work right now, which NOBODY wants to do, but it's not a $300 or $100 job by any means. Guess I just gotta suck it up. I'll still do the CD level though.