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Sonic Generations Hacking (and More!)

Discussion in 'Engineering & Reverse Engineering' started by Andrew75, Jun 23, 2011.

  1. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    I forgot to mention this, but I freaking LOVE the new loading screen animation! Also keep up the good work, as always. :P
  2. Lanzer


    The saber calls for its master... Member
    Glendale, AZ
    Living life.
    Wow who made that Joe? that looks really professionally done almost like it was done by Sonic Team.
  3. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    I made those loading screen graphics. :D

    Here's how I did it:
    I grabbed the original texture. It was completely white, but had this as it's alpha channel (Black = Non-Visible, White = Visible):
    To replace them, I loaded Modern Sonic's model in 3DS Max, imported the boost animation I made for him, cut it down to 16 frames, and made a render of each frame.
    At this point, I made the transparent pixels completely black, made the non-transparent pixels completely white, shrunk each frame, and arranged them in a certain order. Then I did the same for Classic Sonic.
    Here are examples of what both generally looked like before I made them black & white:
    Don't mind that Modern Super Sonic has blue fur. I used the "Modern Super Sonic over Modern Sonic" model I work with, which uses Sonic's original materials.
    In the end, I made this image:
    And used it as the new alpha channel.
  4. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    Sonic looks like he's flying with his chest.
  5. Twilightzoney


    Tech Member
    Elgin, IL And Hampshire
    Unleashed and Generations Stuff and Custom Works
    I really don't like how Modern Sonics hand when flying like that are in a bind like pose for his finger that irks me a bit.
  6. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
  7. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    Blame Sonic Team for that. I didn't alter Classic Super Sonic's animation at all, and I only moved the quills in Modern Super Sonic's.

    I'm pretty sure they aren't posed like that in the original animations. Hkxcmd sometimes has problems importing the rotations of those bones. Whenever I get around to fixing the finger positions, I'll update the loading screen graphics accordingly. :D

    I laughed. :D

    Anyways, I've been getting TONS of suggestions and a good amount of tips in my FAQ video's comments.

    Here's one of the suggestions that I've already gotten into the game:
    I made the Super/Hyper form aura effect look like invincibility stars. I did it by changing the textures, then altering the colors + alpha in their .gte effect files.
  8. JansenM


    Devon, UK
    Generations mods
    I'm a little late, but I'm really impressed by those Super Sonic loading screen graphics! Nicely done.

    Can't help but think of "nope.avi" when I see this.
  9. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    I decided to do another model import. I first tried making a model like this 2 months ago, but it didn't look good. Now I got it working.Here are two screenshots.
    I still might need to play around with the vertex coloring, shininess, and texture coloring some more. I definitely need to improve the rigging of the shoulders + shoulderplates. But besides those, the model works perfectly over Modern Sonic.
    If you couldn't tell by now, the model is Modern Metal Sonic.
  10. After seeing the picture with Metal Sonic and the Egg Dragoon, the only thing that came to mind is this:

    Dr. Eggman still hasn't forgiven Metal Sonic over the whole Sonic Heroes/Metal Overlord incident, hasn't he?
  11. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    Nice work (again), Joe! Perfect the rigging, maybe give him the Shadow boost animation (since I imagine that would go better with this rig than the original Metal Sonic flight animation), slap on the ability to fly (optional), and we'll have ourselves a Metal Sonic mod!

    Edit: Oops, new page. :v:
  12. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    More like he hasn't gotten over Metal Sonic stealing his data in Sonic Free Riders. It WAS latest game Modern Metal Sonic appeared in (not counting Sonic 4, since those take place before Sonic Adventure.)
    If I ever get better at modelling, I'd make Neo Metal Sonic as his Super form.

    I was just working on the rigging. I have changed the rigging since I made that last post, and as of now, I don't think I can make the arms move better than they currently do. Likewise, I changed the position and size of the hands + fingers so that they work better with Sonic's animations.

    Also, forget Shadow's boost animation. I gave him my Super Sonic boost animations, and my Super Sonic run animation (but only when he's at his max non-boost speed.)
    Yeah, purple boost aura. Sonic 4: Episode 2 purple electricity reference. :D
    And yes. That's the HUD from my Sonic Simulator mod. I don't like setting up new folders to test out models.
  13. Guess Who

    Guess Who

    It's a miracle! Oldbie
    Any chance of giving his body specularity like the classic model? He could really use it.
  14. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    I suppose that works as well... Hell, who am I kidding, that's pretty damn good.

    That's certainly be interesting.

    Also this.
  15. Joe T.E.

    Joe T.E.

    All life form data, successfully copied! Member
    At my home in Florida
    Big the Cat in Sonic Generations, High-Res HUD for Sonic Lost World, Metal Sonic Lost World (Version 1.0,) Sonic Generations: Episode Metal (Version 3.0.)
    I was actually wondering why he wasn't as shiny as his classic counterpart.

    It turns out that I simply using the wrong shaders. I've fixed his specularity (and his normals) now.

    P.S. -
    Now that's just silly.

    Joking aside, I've almost finished transferring Classic Metal Sonic onto Classic Sonic's boneset. I still need to fix a few his materials a bit and apply some vertex coloring, but at least the rig was a lot easier to port over...
  16. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Has anyone archived the Demo 1 of Sonic Generations released for Xbox 360? First page has a link to demo 2, which is obviously dead now because of Megaupload. I've done some googling around but no easy results.

    I'm mostly curious to see what can be ripped out of it(old animations that weren't hkt, layouts, etc.). Also it'd suck to lose an early build of the game, considering the focus of this site. :v:
  17. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    Well this guy managed to get the old rank screen animations into the full game, so SOME people have the data. I think that second Modern Sonic animation is awesome. :v:
  18. Glaber


    Has Beaten Sonic Genesis for GBA Oldbie
    I suspect those animations were cut because Sonic is either sitting down or covered up by the music menu.
  19. Iggy for Short

    Iggy for Short

    BandicootG just lead me to a download link for Demo 1. Might be broken (I can't test it) but it's worth a shot.
  20. Dario FF

    Dario FF

    Tech Support Hotline Tech Member
    Thanks. :) Downloading. Given that topic is around June, it should be Demo 1.