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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Zenor


    flip the chessboard over Member
    So about that ending
    Shooting Super Sonic through Supreme was cool, but having it be all it takes to blow up a moon-sized threat as well feels a bit silly. I was kind of expecting they'd use Supreme to blow both up - sort of like the original ending, just without Sage's sacrifice - so I was a bit disappointed to see that didn't happen.
  2. MH MD

    MH MD

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  3. Swifthom


    A Friend Remembers... Member
    I am not enjoying the trials or the cyber stages.
    Really, really, really not enjoying this. At all.

    Hate to say it - I'm fully behind Webster on this one.

    And I breezed through playing Amy, Knucklesa and Tails sections without realising they had an upgrade skill tree - so I was stuck with base (empty and blank) skill sets. Found hunting emeralds perfectly doable just tedious.

    If I can get past these time limited trials then I may switch back and explore what they are supposed to play like - but, to hue honest, having attempted trial 2 over 30 times and only managed to kill 2 of the 4 enemies before the time limit runs out on my best attempt - screw this game. It's just not fun.
  4. I've been mostly saying negative stuff but I really gotta praise the music. I haven't heard everything but what I've heard so far is really damn good and feels like a more refined sound than what was in the base game. The character chapter themes are really really good, even if the lyrics were short and not the focus of the song its nice to finally get new themes for these guys that aren't their Adventure themes again. Favorite theme overall so far is the Dropaholic remix, wasn't too hot on the original but the remix has been stuck in my brain since I first played 4-E (also helps that it was a really really good level).

    Speaking of that, I've only played 3 cyberspace levels so far and I like how much more they incorporate Sonic's full moveset into them, but at the same time they rely way too much on falling blocks and flinging Sonic high into the air without properly telegraphing where to go next. Didn't like that one Tails ghost level where the camera kept zooming too far out and I couldn't tell where I was about to land while the "terrain" was falling to pieces (didn't help that Sonic has no drop shadow for some insane reason).
  5. MH MD

    MH MD

    Instead of cylooping them, you can cheese them, wait untill they throw the chainsaw thing at you, immediatlly attack, but parry when the chainsaw thing returns to them, rinse and repeat, here is how to do it
    It's what i think you are meant to do

    You can also attack and stomp for big damage
  6. muteKi


    Fuck it Member
    Another tip for the snake challenge is that it's best to keep your distance as far as possible until you get into the area where they launch their shields. As soon as they do, get in an attack, then parry. After that you can probably get in 3-4 hits at a time. Since the shield will continue to take the wide arc from when it was first thrown, as long as you can keep parrying it you'll be able to finish the challenge with plenty of time to spare.
  7. Swifthom


    A Friend Remembers... Member

    Thanks for confirming that is the correct strategy. I had tried that - but just couldn't get more than 1 hit in between each parry, so the damage output wasn't enough to kill them within 2 minutes. Even with 90% parry success I just cannot get the combat system to do enough damage to the enemies to get more than 1 hit in before the shield swings around.

    But, thanks to encouragement that it should work - I tried again. I also discovered that if you die so many times it lowers the difficulty...

    And. OUCH.

    I had picked up the game, tried at least 5 times, turned off the console, come back, tried again at least 5 times, turned off the console, walked away, come back, tried at least 5 times, given up and turned off the console. It had never offered to lower the difficulty before - because I had hit a limit of 5 deaths and gone 'nope, I am not enjoying this'. The lack of system memory recording how many times you've tried and failed - forcing me to climb the tower each time, has been doing my head in.

    At least, now it did that, I can proceed. So - thanks, is appreciated

    I know its DLC not the main game, but someone in Sonic Teams product testing and feedback department really needs to have a word with them about balance. They vary between mind numbingly easy and ridiculous with no middle ground.
  8. MH MD

    MH MD

    Glad to be of help, somewhat

    I will also recommend to just tone down the difficulty to easy for the last trial from Game Options in the pause menu, cause it is just some bullshit, there is no shame in that, about everyone i know, me included, did just that

    may as well throw some tips for the final boss so you can avoid frustration as much as possible , cause it suffers from lack of clarity and proper tutorialization on how you should proceed

    1- make sure you have enough rings, last trial leaves you with so little rings and can be deceptive in this way.

    2- you need to cut the cord, to do that, aim for the head, THEN, press the dodge button -either L1/R1 or it’s equivalent depends on the console/controller- to change the target.

    3- after you do that and fighting the boss normally, also aim for the neck, do a Quick Cyloop on it, it should eject the sniper

    4- Do Cyloop for the sniper to proceed
  9. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I still loath the spin dash. I think it's insane that they also then gave everyone else slow hovering flight (and actual flight) on top of that as an unlockable. While it's handled better in that instance by raising the ceiling it lacks the nuance Sonic had and means a lot is solved by pressing jump and landing whenever you feel like it before taking off even higher than before and not a combination of various tricks to extend airtime and maybe get you to a place that might not be ideal to reset your movement but it works so you do get that at least.
    I feel like the trial towers had a perfect grasp on that nearly airtight nuance in Sonic's skillset, and for the others it was so unimportant that Knuckles' glide and uppercut combo was overlooked, however useless its exploit ended up being compared to the intended skills.

    I understand that a lot of this is because of the context they put the characters in but I don't know that the characters won't just be overpowered Sonic clones again the next time they pop up.
  10. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Beat the DLC. Overall liked that quite a bit, rough around the edges and it takes a bit to get going but it was overall a good experience. Doesn't change my opinions of Frontiers that much but I'm glad this exists. also it wasn't that hard just get better at video games kthxbye
  11. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
  12. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    it's a joke, relax
  13. Solid SOAP

    Solid SOAP

    Nut Lord Member
    The content is definitely more challenging than the rest of the game! I'm not complaining, lol, I like absurdly hard endgame content in my platformers.

    I just finished Sonic's towers and am doing another victory lap with the other 3 characters. Some thoughts:

    * The new Sonic content is generally very good to even great. The cyberspace levels absolutely slap and are some of the most fun 3D Sonic since... Adventure 2? They need to build on these levels in the next game.

    * The additional characters are hit or miss. They're all generally slower than Sonic which is fine, but Knuckles especially got fucked here. His gliding is sluggish, the wall climbing controls are not fun (not is not being able to climb on basically anything), and he just feels weak.

    * The art style and sound design are just not good. The next game needs to have visually that pop more, no more of this Unreal Engine test demo aesthetic. The cyber stages look great, I'd love if the whole game had such eye catching visuals. Hell, even if it just had more variety. Being stuck in the same biomes for hours sucks ass.

    This DLC was both promising and worrying. The general gameplay loop is super solid and you can tell they're getting more confident with building levels with the tools and controls they've made, but they're still tons of jank and bad game design throughout.
  14. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    I think the update is, at the end of the day, more Sonic Frontiers. If you did like Frontiers, you're gonna like it. If you didn't, you're not. It doesn't do anything to fix Frontiers' flaws or build on its strengths, but it doesn't worsen the game either. I'd say the only outright improvements for me were Cyber Space and the final boss actually feeling like a final boss. The rest was about the same.

    Overall I still think Frontiers is decent and while the update didn't improve my opinion, it didn't bring it down either. And the music fucking slaps.
  15. Towers 2 and 3 down... almost done...we're almost there...
  16. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    I’m gonna jump on and say, you described my criticisms almost perfectly here. I’m just not as great at articulating exactly what I’m trying to say. When I was playing this in the retro discord for a couple people on launch night that stupid fkin lock on mechanic kept me on that fight for at least an hour, and nobody in the call knew that was a thing I could do.
  17. Taylor


    How exactly does the DLC interact with the main story? It's unlocked when you get to the final island, I know that. Does it essentially "replace" the final island? Or is the DLC something to be done after the main story? Can I start the DLC to get the Spin Dash, and then go back to the main story to beat it first?
  18. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    You enter a portal on Ouranos once you arrive there. It doesn't interfere with your progress in the base game; it's presented as essentially a what-if alternate telling of the endgame. The original game still exists in its entirety and your stats from there will carry over into the new content, so if you've unlocked the Spin Dash already you can use it.
  19. synchronizer


    I still think the floating platform level design has to stop. They need some procedural generation to help them out.
  20. Mana


    Box Office King Baby Member
    I don't mind hard games. Give me Cuphead, MegaMan, or a Dark Souls type game and I'll eat it up. I trust the game and the controls enough that I know I just need to learn how to beat the obstacle at hand and if I die it's my fault. Get better at the game.

    I don't feel this way about Sonic Frontiers DLC. I don't trust how Sonic is going to move enough for tight exact platforming sections.

    In Cuphead or MegaMan when I die I say "Damn! Probably shouldn't have tried getting a few extra hits in when I knew he was moving to the second phase of his attack. Well let's try again."

    In the Sonic Frontiers DLC I don't feel that nuanced I feel like "This is fucking bullshit!" when I fall off a platforming challenge because of a randomly placed "GOTCHA!" moment towards the end. Or because Sonic decides he wants overshoot a jump or slide off a platform.

    I don't mind the tough trials but with them expecting you to perfect finicky game controls, why is there a time limit to them? Hell why is all my hard work that I did to upgrade Sonic removed for these? You couldn't just do one or the other?

    I'll eventually work my way through the rest of the DLC but I don't believe you should be expecting precise platforming from the player until it's seamless to do with how the game plays.