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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Azookara


    yup Member
    Even the combat seems a bit OP, lol. It's good seeing the spin being used in tandem with it all, but it seems like no regard was taken for balancing the action around it. The additions of this DLC's Spin Dash feel more like how I imagine Super Sonic should feel in this gameplay style, than anything else.
  2. Snowbound


    I see where you’re coming from and I agree that the next sonic game shouldn’t go as far as GT in terms of aerial time if Sonic Team is going to continue to include frontiers-esque combat. but personally I find the double jump and air dash to be pretty boring mechanics. I’m good with Sonic spending most of the game rolling. Alternatively I’d be open to the return of SA2’s bounce or for new combat abilities that also help with traversal. That said I understand that we just have different preferences
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
  3. Naean


    Naean H.F. (Nez Man) Member
    United Kingdom
    2D. Sonic Fan Game
    The Update 2 music tracks have been uploaded to YouTube courtesy of Sonic Sound Archive, including timestamp track chapters for "Sonic's Birthday Bash Non-Stop Mix".

    I'm so happy to hear Sonic R, Sonic Advance, Sonic Runners and Knuckles' Chaotix representation here! The guitar section of Action Chain (1:55 to 2:17.) sounds lovely too. :)
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2023
  4. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    No way the full birthday medley is 36 minutes long. And it resets on death too.

    That's a shame, because it has some sick ass transitions, like from "Heavy Spec Robo-Go" to "Metropolitan Highway".
  5. Snatcher42


    I take back some of my criticism of locking the spindash behind all action chain S ranks. The first few I tried I got D, because I didn't know what I was doing, and thought wow this is gonna take forever. Now that I got the hang of it, I'm S ranking most on first try. So 40 challenges should only take 1-2h. Edit: and I'm not a very skilled player, so it should be the same for most.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
  6. Yeah. As soon as you know to quickly boost the chain to 256, then kill some enemies, it's pretty easy to S-rank first try. My only issue is when I can't find enemies and have to rely on other scoring actions.

    Yeah, I didn't realise this. I don't think I've gotten to Back In Time while playing with how much it resets.
  7. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    You guys were making it sound like S-Ranking these things was going to be a pain in the ass. I thought I was going to sweat. This was easy even Hard mode.

    This is type of content I wanted to see in the open world. Just set up the terrain and then make challenges where you treat it as a playground. I think they wasted dev time in those cyber space stages instead of fleshing out open zones. (And make these routes fit thematically rather than stock platforms and floating rails).

    The spindash itself has the mechanical depth of a dry puddle, but it's cool as fuck. Especially rev drifting. I would not be upset if they got rid of drop dash and boost in the next game and just built it around a more polished spin dash. I'm not treating this here as something that's suppose to be game changing. If I recall, these updates were meant to be fun little test experiments to play around with and not radically change the base game. This thing rules.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2023
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  8. Sable


    The spindash is great and I'm glad it's been added. It's definitely rough around the edges and the implementation is questionable, but that's about what I was expecting with the presumed budget of a free update. The sheer fun I found in going through Arcade Mode and flinging myself off of every incline exceeds almost anything that was in the base game by a longshot. It really brings back that Adventure-era pattern seeking of looking for anything steep enough to exploit and I seriously think that building a Sonic game with that mindset again is something that is worth considering. While their engines were not perfect by any means, both Adventure and Adventure 2 (and even Heroes and Shadow to a lesser extent) have tons of little nooks and secret places that can only be reached through a good understanding of the mechanics and I feel like that's been missing for a long time. This is a first for any Sonic game past Unleashed I feel, and I'm excited for what the team could do with a game designed around it from the ground up because it looks as if they have a fundamental understanding of what made the spindash itself fun.

    Action Chain Challenges are also alright but not exactly the most thought-out thing in the world. I would have preferred if you were given the whole island, a much higher score threshold, and a much longer time limit; as it stands, it feels like the goal is just to get to 256x and beat up the nearest group of enemies. In Kronos I literally just grinded points by stomping the armored ball enemies repeatedly until I had an S. A reasonably-implemented decay/staling system for performing the same actions repeatedly would have helped. It's a far cry from the more complex scoring systems seen in some of the earlier 3D Sonic games, but it makes me really want that kind of gameplay back because it tied everything together in a really satisfying way and made otherwise broken games like 06 worth learning the nuance in.

    The New Koco are kind of actually horrible. The puzzles are ugly and unsightly in a way that nothing in the base game quite was, and they do not at all seem to consider the draw distance in the slightest. There's one on Chaos Island that I ended up looking for the start of the puzzle for literally about thirty minutes by launching myself off of slopes with the spindash trying to pop platforms into visible range and trace them back to the ground. This is the thing that kind of soured my overall opinion on the update as a whole because it left me feeling really pessimistic about the tech behind the game and its overall aesthetic. Overall the whole thing was kind of a mixed bag but I'm really loving the spindash so I guess it can't be too bad.
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2024
  9. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    I'd increase the timer up to 2-3 minutes and revise the chaining systems so that performing different actions (drop dash, spin dash, homing attack, combat moves, etc.) increases your multiplier rather than have a fixed 2x meter system. I'd also redo the trick system so that you can go into it at any point while air borne.

    Literally just steal Tony Hawk.
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  10. Azookara


    yup Member
    The next game better be like a Tony Hawk game. It was the only logical end-goal for what an open Sonic game should be like, if you ask me. Just big ramps, hills, halfpipes, intertwining paths, hidden passages, all that. Lots of collectibles. Wacky NPCs with missions. Elaborate combo/trick systems. Building up speed down slopes and launching up into the sky.

    If they can give me that in the next game then I think Sonic's found his niche. It's right there, Sonic Team. You're so close. You just gotta make a game with level design next time.
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  11. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Only if it’s got Police Truck by the Dead Kennedys in the OST. :V

    In all seriousness, I think this is good on a conceptual level as a side challenge (though in practice these challenges are pretty piss), but I don’t want it to be the core of the game.

    I think the strength of the the next game’s objectives will come down to its map design just as much as its game feel, at least in terms of providing opportunities for diverse challenges. To me, Frontiers feels like a checklist game. I select an icon on a map, run over to it, go through the motions of the challenge, then rinse and repeat. And in fairness, that has a kind of zen to it, but I want more out of the next game. Have Metal Sonic ambush Sonic in the open zone to challenge him to a race/boss fight (think Taskmaster in Insomniac’s Spider-Man); maybe refine the action chain challenge by upping the score but also restricting the area in which Sonic can perform - I think this makes sense to do if they’re going to keep having several of these scattered around the zone. I guess what I’m asking is for traversal to have more of an intrinsic role in the challenges rather than the current system where challenge content within the open zone feels very divorced (thinking about stuff like jump rope and that stupid ball puzzle).
  12. I guess someone managed to mod Amy in using the data from update 3 they left in, her boost looks conceptually very bizarre but it’s obviously unfinished, glitchy and most likely being used out of context.
    It seems she has a gimmick where she can control tarot cards now, Tails and Knuckles will also have item based gimmicks as well but they don’t seem as wild as this one
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  13. GoldeMan


    That looks absolutely bizarre, its funny looking to be honest I understand she likes Tarot cards and that is a nice little reference but wow does it look odd in its current state. Also it's a nice reassurance that they are already working on Update 3 so we know that the content meat will definitely be there.
  14. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I'm fairly certain this is just Sonic modified to use the new Amy animations found in the game's files. No one has gotten her actual scripts and player data to function, at least not yet.
  15. Chimpo


    Virtua Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    Lmao I hope they keep that boost animation. That's dope as hell.
  16. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    Looks like a bunch, if not all, of major plot points have been leaked for sonic frontiers DLC 3 and the changes made to the story as well. Tread lightly friends.
  17. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Hhhhhh, the wait to (what I presume to be) the end of the year is going to be tough...
  18. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I'm gonna be honest, it took some actual effort for me to find them, I'm not sure people need to tread as lightly as you might think. I had to wade into the Sonictuber trash hole just to find a little bit, and it was still AI-transcribed crap.

    Having read them...I don't see what all the fuss is, other than the fact that they exist at all. What they're doing seems to make sense, but it's not anything revolutionary.

    That said, for anyone worried that Knuckles, Tails and Amy would be confined to cyber levels, that's dead in the ground now.
  19. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    I've been assuming any new story takes place after the ending, personally.
  20. The odd part is they have to know this would happen considering Kishimoto openly talked about the spindash and how it was planned for update 2 after being asked about the data found for it in 1. These leaks have been effective at getting people excited for the updates so I suppose it’s not been a bad thing for them.