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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    Hyper Sonic is the only one who can neutralize The End, maybe in another dimension, maybe The End's own personal dimension. Somehow connect this ability to the Ancients and the Master Emerald.

    How about that?
  2. TheCleanerDragon


    Squad Leader Member
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  3. Azookara


    yup Member
    Power scaling and new forms is pretty much the most pointless thing for this series I can think of. I'd rather see Sonic take on things through his own limitations and ingenuity than because a story beat or a gameplay mechanic decided it's time to be God, or dumber yet, God 2/3/4/etc. I know the DBZ influence has been there since 2 and it's presence only kept growing since, but that doesn't mean I have to like it or care about exploring it past where we've already been.

    Really this just brings me back around to how Frontiers has made combat and Super Epic Boss Battles so important, which I really don't care for in the slightest. I dunno guys, I didn't care for Super Mario Bros Z or Nazo Unleashed when they came out, mostly because I think that entire vibe just doesn't fit Sonic. But maybe I'm just a boomer and it's time for me to stand back and let all the fans of that stuff eat. Or something.
    Last edited: May 8, 2023
  4. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    The corruption felt like it was leading to this moment...but then....nothing... it was the most pointless thing in the game
  5. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    That what Colors basically did, it was fresh at the time -before they reused the final boss several times after it-, but point is, people liked it just fine, was even considered one of the best final bosses

    So really, let's say Hyper Sonic was reintroduced, that doesn't mean they need to up the stakes forever after it, Super Sonic, regular Sonic, can return to fight final bosses and still be fun fights
  6. Lambda


    I'm not big into DBZ and over-the top power-scaling nonsense either, but I think writing off that nothing could be done with Hyper Sonic is just a lack of imagination.

    Since saying "it has potential" is insufficient, here's my thought-up-in-five-minutes elevator pitch:

    What if Sonic doesn't like being Hyper Sonic? As players of S3&K all we see is the jump dash and screen clear, but unknown to us, he was holding WAAAAY back. Hyper Sonic can rewrite history, read and control minds, and change the laws of physics. It's a level of unimaginable power that Sonic isn't comfortable with having. He believes in freedom and sees himself as a protector of people's right to make their own decisions and live their own lives; but as Hyper Sonic, the universe and all it's inhabitants almost passively conforms itself to HIS will, and Sonic doesn't like that. He's practically living out Eggman's ultimate fantasy, and it's gross. He doesn't think anyone should have that power, so after Doomsday Zone he wishes away the Super Emeralds, turning them to stone as seen in Lava Reef in Sonic Mania.

    But The End or whatever is back and they need Hyper Sonic to defeat it, so they have to recreate the Super Emeralds and Sonic gains new gameplay abilities with each emerald they recreate (one gives him time powers, one lets him flip gravity around, whatever) , but he kinda hates doing it, contrary to when he collects the Chaos Emeralds. His relationship with them is different. He has to fight The End for the final Super Emerald, and once he touches it, he wishes The End out of existence and immediately re-destroys the Super Emeralds. "...Tails? Let's NEVER do that again". Roll credits.

    You might think that's a dumb idea, and you may be 100% right! All I'm trying to prove is that you could certainly use the Super Emeralds and Hyper Sonic to tell new stories and provide new gameplay without it just being a DBZ numbers game. "with the Giga Emeralds his punches can break 5 planets! Gotta get the Turbo Emeralds so you can break 50!".
    Last edited: May 8, 2023
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  7. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    I thought it might be interesting to play Hyper Sonic as chaotic, like Fleetway Super Sonic. Not necessarily as a sadistic asshole, but as a powerful being with no regard for the damage it may cause, with Sonic not being in complete control of himself. Therefore, it would only serve as a last-resort type deal.

    The critic in me understands why it was rejected for Frontiers, but the fanboy in me says we were robbed.
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  8. PhazonHopper


    I've always held Hyper Sonic as the hypothetical peak of fanwankery that Sonic Team could ever indulge in, to the point that it would almost feel shameless, the ultimate culmination of the "song lyrics as dialogue" philosophy. Even as someone who grew up thinking that Hyper Sonic was the coolest thing in the world, seeing them cross that line would light some sort of fire of cringe within me. It's like if they made Sonic and Shadow fuse or used Nazo or something, despite HS being an actual, real thing.

    For the record, I'm only referring to the inclusion of Hyper Sonic as a story element, not as a funny little bonus like he was in 3K.
  9. Snowbound


    Huh… your post made me realize that there is a way to bring back Hyper Sonic and avoid the power scaling issue: have Hyper Sonic be a non-canon bonus in the “new game plus” of a future sonic game.
  10. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    The fanboy in me says that if Hyper Sonic is just a different power up only possible under specific circumstances or with specific consequences, we can have our cake and eat it too.

    For example, if Sonic has to absorb a whole lot of "chaos" energy while already super in order to prevent something from going boom or poof, and it's killing him while he holds onto it but it's making him look cool as fuck (Hyper, if you will) as long as he is, and he has to fight his way past an Eldritch Abomination of the Week in order to release the energy safely...somewhere.
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  11. Sega does not want Sonic to taste the rainbow. :V
  12. LF222


    Really the key to the whole thing is that hyper is just cool, and sonic games are cool. thats why people want hyper back
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  13. Wraith


    There are ways to bring it back in a believable way and even justify it's existence, but the question for me then goes to "Why this game?" This isn't the game to have Sonic overcome the boss with his own power imo.

    They should have leaned harder into the Ancients assisting Sonic somehow, let them have a part in securing their own justice. I don't think a new form, whether it be Hyper Sonic or Cyber Sonic would tie into that all that well.
  14. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    This is the most honest reasoning, and it can be perfectly acceptable! But doing things just because some fans thought they were cool also gave us Shadow the hedgehog with a gun.
  15. LF222


    To be fair, the gun was the least of that game's issues
  16. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Also, to add to that, there's Super Sonic in Sonic Generations. Visually, that's hard to top.
  17. Zephyr


    The Chaos Emeralds getting powered up by the Master Emerald was also cool.

    But no, it's not just the cool factor. Having an extended side quest and an additional layer of rewards made for a more content-rich game, and not in a clumsy, sloppy, or inelegant way. I would enjoy seeing it implemented again.
  18. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    shadow with a gun gave us one of the coolest openings and also memes, so that's a positive actually
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  19. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    I am extremely down for a Sonic game ending like FFXIV Shadowbringers :oldbie: (which was basically this concept)
  20. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Morio Kishimoto said some pretty interesting things in a Twitter thread the other day, translated and cleaned up for your leisure here:
    Last edited: May 10, 2023