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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    I do remember that There wasn’t any strong defense force to 2006 when it was released , it was scorched to earth immediately and disappointing basically everyone ,outside some story fans, one of them was my friend in school….in fact, even now, you will find that most of 2006 fans liked it for story elements the atmosphere and seriousness of that game etc.
    also music but everyone loves that

    as a Videogame though? Majority just accepted it was a bad game, some waited for the PS3 version to release-cause it was delayed at the time- to fix glitches, but it ended up being a worse version …. So nah it’s not even similar case

    of course there is the odd review score of 9.5 I believe from Play magazine , but it was ridiculed even then.

    I would just recommend to watch @Josh video about the game, what i really like about his videos in general that seperate it from other videos is that he don’t just talk about his opinion about games, but he bring you back to the timeframe when games were released, the hype and anticipation leading to them, the reception back then from fandom/forums/ critics etc, , also where he was at the time and his own experience back then and how it may compare to now, it’s really valuable and worth watching

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  2. Kyro


    I think the only thing throwing me off with some of the posts that go into people who dont care about its flaws, is mentioning things like sonic 4 or sonic 06, as if frontiers is somehow even close to these games in quality.

    Lets be honest, whether you like the game or not, Frontiers is better than these games, and the wider gaming audience generally seems to agree. It is a polarizing game, but theres a good reason this game isnt getting clowned on by the wider gaming audience and is selling and performing so well.

    Aspects of it could be better, but a lot of folks already know that. I get the feeling that for most of those folks, they are content to wait and see what the team does for the next game to improve upon frontiers and see what all the dlc brings.

    I dont even necessarily disagree with any of your points @Laura, but i dont really challenge them cause i always feel like i agree to smaller extents. Flaws you mention just dont phase me as much as they seem to bother you, maybe thats because I actually liked what I played, I couldnt tell you
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2023
  3. Forte


    I speak better after three beers Member
    I still like 06 more than Forces lol.

    As for Frontiers, it has the same problems that Pokémon Legends has. It's a glorified tech demo of a game, that should have one-two years more of an actual development.

    It's a fun tech demo, yes - with awesome boss fights, but still a tech demo.

    I hope for Frontiers 2 to build on everything. I don't need big open world, the Open Zone concept is fine, just make the Zones more Sonicky and distinctive. Give me 5 areas, a GreenHill-esque one, a tech-land, emerald coast type, maybe some Apotos looking one and idk, a RobotnikLand / collision chaos / labyrinth zone inspired ruins?

    I hope we will explore more of the Ancients whereabouts and their connection to Chaos and Chao + Echidna Tribes. The master emerald was literally just laying right there.
  4. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    What the hell are you talking about? The two are nowhere near comparable in terms of reception or quality levels. No one is on copium but you're certainly on something.
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  5. I don't know, people sure do defend 06 like their life depended on it.
  6. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    They do NOW
    They didn't THEN

    It was the only reason I bought a 360 and one of my biggest disappointments. I know everyone else also felt the same way because I jumped in on shitting on it along with everyone else at the time.
  7. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Quoting myself:

    "Frontiers is obviously better than 2006 but I'm seeing some hardcore deflections going on in the fandom that reminds me of defending a game like 2006."
  8. Chimpo


    Toastiest Retro Poster Member
    Los Angeles, 2029
    And you said it yourself, you weren't there. The defenders of 06 are kids who grew up with it and enjoyed it then and for some reason still enjoy it enough now to defend it. There's a nostalgic time piece there that Frontiers doesn't have. The two situations are nothing alike and you're intentionally using it to make your detractors seem silly for even having the single synapse firing to enjoy this game.
  9. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    She doesn't mean that they're similar situations, she literally said that Frontiers is obviously better than 06, but what I think she means is that she thinks the defenders of Frontiers are just using similar arguments and talking points as the defenders of 06. Nothing more, nothing less. I'm not sure what points you're trying to make here because she already said the things you're arguing against her for herself.

    (Now don't misconstrue this as me agreeing with her points, I am a defender of both 06 and Frontiers cuz I'm a little degenerate, but I just don't think it's that hard to get what she's saying.)
  10. Mana


    I disagree. I think there are genuine Sonic 06 fans and defenders because it's the closest thing we've ever gotten to a true Sonic Adventure 3 and because it's closer to what they want then what they're currently getting, they ignore it's glaring flaws more easily.

    I know that's one of the only reason I used to defend the game personally.
  11. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    Man I'm not on Copium. What I expected from Frontiers is just drastically different from what Laura expects, I don't see why that is a problem. Nobody is denying that things need to be worked on, people are just explaining that the criticism feels very harsh for an element that doesn't really have to be more complex than it currently is. I'm not a critic so I couldn't even begin to tell you how to improve it I just know I liked what I played and would like to see more.
  12. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    hahahaha god no, it was hell. and I was on the Sega of America forums at the time. It was fucking soul-crushing. It put me off buying Sonic games entirely for over a decade.
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  13. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Pretty much this. Saying people are on 'copium' for liking Frontiers is a very rude thing to say no matter how you look at it. You can criticize a game without being rude and abrasive to the people who do like it. People who are like that like to pretend that they're just "honest", and "not sugarcoating it", but you don't have to be rude to be honest.
  14. I'd be lying if I said I didn't agree with you. Seriously, do you expect someone to say shit like "Anyone who likes Frontiers is considered on copium" and get away with it? That's just taking it too far. I also am no critic myself, funnily enough.
  15. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member

    - If Sonic 4 released today, people would still dunk on it, in fact they would dunk on it even more with Mania existence, would be a bigger joke...somehow.
    - Conversely, if Frontiers released 2010, people would love it all the same, possibly even more than now
    -, people didn't hate Sonic 4 and Forces cause "they were bringing sonic to bad direction", if anything, they hated them cause they ruined a good and beloved direction (classic gameplay and boost gameplay)
    - "Adventure defense forces" always existed, it never left, it's not something that only appeared in recent years at all, people always championed both Adventure games, there is a reason even now people clamor for a true Adventure 3 game

    There is nothing balanced and measured about saying "FaNs MuST haVe BEen oN COpiUM" and other similar remarks on the past lol, like don't even blame anyone being "defensive" if that's the tone you speak with.

    I get having disconnect between what you personally think and what majority thinks, that's me and GoW 2018 or Uncharted 4 for example, i have TONS of issues with them, but you know what? i also get why people love them too, they genuinely loving it and it's not like they are pretending or "on copium" etc. and that's what's important

    in the end, the phrase "better than the sum of it's parts" exists for a reason, it's what a lot of people think of Frontiers, you can both acknowledge it's faults while also liking/loving/enjoying it for a lot of reasons, it's not hard, people did it for Adventure 1 and 2 for +20 years, so it's not even something new for this franchise, would argue it's a healthier way of looking at entertainment.
  16. Wraith


    I think the game being "more than the sum of it's parts" is a fair argument but it's one I disagree with even if we're using other Sonic games as an example.

    I don't think the whole "genre roulette gameplay soup" thing the 3D Sonic games of yesterdecade were going for was ever worth it, but it tried to justify itself with some sort of narrative context IE: you're playing as Amy now so we're gonna go slow and feel less powerful and solve puzzles to pull you into that perspective, you're playing as Knuckles now so you're going to use his exploration abilities to find hidden objectives etc. The gameplay was rarely good enough to justify this switch but the context was good enough to pull young players in and get them to care about who they were playing as. That's worth a lot more than you'd think. I'm of the opinion that Sony's first party titles have had really sub-par gameplay for some time now but pull you in through narrative cohesion and immersion.

    Frontiers imo has too barebones of a narrative to work the same spell. You're fighting enemies randomly strewn throughout a field to gain access to parts of a lock-and-key chain to free Sonic's friends, but since you're allowed to break the chain by design to keep everything optional, nothing you're doing feels all that important or is contextualized very well. All for a gameplay style that I'm just not sold on re: whether it even fits Sonic's gameplay or character to begin with. Prolonged fights where he shoots ki blasts weren't really apart of what I saw as appealing about the fantasy of playing as him.

    There's also a severe lack of urgency IE: compared to perfect Chaos or the Biolizard, where you're put into a situation where you have to get it under control to prevent further destruction it's pretty clear Giganto doesn't have to go down right now. He's mostly just sitting in his little clearing holding his dick. There's no one on the Starfall Islands left to protect. Just Amy and she can be freed at your leisure. This lack of narrative urgency sucks a lot of the appeal out of Super Sonic to me. The game gets some kind of grip on this as the narrative ramps up but I think most people can agree that The End isn't set up as well as the way Perfect Chaos was built up for the whole game, or the tension that explodes as Gerald's programming commandeers the ark.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2023
  17. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    I prefer Sonic 4 to Sonic Frontiers.
  18. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I don't fully agree with this, but Sonic 4 is better than Cyberspace any day.

    Although they're actually not all that different...

    I don't understand how this stuff passes basic quality control when the developers are programming their game. I respect that Kishimoto wants to take on board feedback and improve, but how does the a game get away with movement and controls being so jank and broken in the first place? Especially because games like Sonic 4 and 06 already got taken to the cleaners for the same problems.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2023
  19. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    With Sonic Frontiers, Sonic Team opted to deliver an experience very different from Sonic 4. The only similarity that I see between them is that neither of them hold a candle to Mania when it comes to ball physics. Sonic 4 also practised forced marriage (Homing Attack + gameplay reminiscent of the classic trilogy), Frontiers not so much since rolling isn't a must in order to enjoy this game.

    We're still not rid of the brokenness. Impatience grows.
  20. Zephyr


    Eh, they were blending Mario gameplay with elements of Pinball and Vert Skateboarding.