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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    The landscape is an island full of giant stone archways/rings, some of which are only partial. Rise of Lyric featured the exact same thing prominently in its debut trailer (although in the final game they barely existed).


    And they're usually terrible at it, which is the problem.

    I mean, this game could have massive potential, or it could be another cheap knockoff of several other much better executed entries in the genre. It's going to take high quality stage design and a really solid movement engine to make it work though, something which is very, very hard to do with Sonic's gameplay style and speed frankly. I think making an open world 3D Sonic game is a monumental challenge for any developer, let alone Sonic Team.

    Having a Switch/PS4 Xbox One Release could be a major issue as well, because this means the 2013 OG versions of PS4/XB1. Granted, Breath of the Wild actually ran great on the Wii U, but Sega hasn't optimized an engine that well in a decade.

    Maybe the key is that this title has been under prototype/development for ages, even prior to Forces release. That would fill me with a lot more confidence if they've been putting a lot of research into this engine for years, something like the development time for Hideo Kojima's now abandoned but amazingly well optimized FOX engine.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
  3. Hamzawesome


    I can't believe that the villain of Sonic Frontiers is the Sonic Amateur Games Expo.
  4. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Hey, the game already has a Steam page up.


    Yeah, Steam, not EGS.
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  5. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    That's nice but... Don't count your chickens yet. Games have gone EGS exclusive after already being announced for Steam previously. The game isn't releasing for another year yet, so there's still time for SEGA to screw over its PC audience yet.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
  6. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Well yeah, we all remember watching the Steam logo sanded off of Colors Ultimate in real-time, but it would be weird for them to do that twice in a row. You'd think they'd just announce the game as an EGS exclusive first if that were the case.
  7. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    I'm not going to preorder this game until it has inspired confidence that it's going to play anywhere near well or be even a remote amount of fun. I've been burned one too many times by Sonic Team.
  8. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    You know, I think if they had added a little bit that said "written by Sonic comic superstar Ian Flynn" (or something like that) in the trailer, it would have gone down a lot better.
  9. Wraith


    Not much to comment on here that I didn't already talk about in other posts. They confirmed the concept is the same as the leak without showing any of the stuff I was actually interested in seeing, like...movement. I guess "open world sonic" would have been a huge mic drop moment if it didn't leak a year ago.

    Guess I'll just wait for the next reveal.
  10. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    My point was more to say that it might not even be the case yet. If there's potential for EGS exclusivity, it might not even be decided upon until further down the line.

    Not saying its guaranteed or anything and seeing the Steam page is promising, but it could still change. That's all.
  11. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I liked the trailer, it looks beautiful. But I agree it SHOULD have gameplay, at least 30% of it.

    But I am happy that: It looks better than Sonic Forces teaser / trailer and... IT HAS NO CLASSIC SONIC.
  12. Wildcat


    Maybe these towers are where you enter cyberspace stages. The second shot looks like it’s lit up and you’d have to fix a bridge or something. Didn’t the leaks mention collecting orbs? They even look like something would “fill up” to the circle. The giant tower (not the robot or whatever it is) shows some glowing energy flowing through it.


  13. One thing I think everyone can say, is that this is the most intriguing sonic title (at least in development) in the last 10 years. That alone has me excited.

    If we get slope physics and I can do like the Sonic CD opening where I see some shit floating in the far distance and blast off of some cliff with momentum towards it, and then hit the ground running....I will cry basically lol.

    In the immortal words of team four star Cell: "SEGA you have my interest. If this pans out you will have my erec-

    That's all for now :oldbie:
  14. Linkabel


    I imagine Sonic's friends "disappear" a la Generations and that's why that voice sort of sounds like Amy since they're trapped and calling Sonic for help.

    I'm assuming you free them with the assistance of that "ghost" (which might be an A.I. as well, and might be part of SAGE Ala Lumina Flowlight with Void) by going to those cyber worlds.

    I'm really excited for this game, but I'm a little worried they're letting people think this is an open-world game when it sounds/and looks like that might not be the case. Or at least not in the way people are imagining it so if that makes sense.

    I'm also a little bit worried Kishimoto is in charge. Not a fan of his blocky level design and I don't see that changing soon, and it will definitely go against that open world/Sonic CD intro game people want.

    I also hope we don't get to fight another Sand Scorpion like boss again, can't believe we've been fighting the same boss since 2007.

    Saying that I can't help to feel excited for the game and I'm looking forward to seeing gameplay.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2021
  15. Dek Rollins

    Dek Rollins

    size of a tangerine Member
    I liked the trailer. I'm sometimes quite cynical about stuff but I'm feeling very optimistic about this. Looks really cool.

    There should have been gameplay, but honestly, I don't care that much. I can be patient, because they at least gave us something to look at. When we get a first look at gameplay and see how Sonic moves, that will be the moment of truth that either reinforces or shatters my optimism. But right now, I'm pretty excited.
  16. Miles Wolf

    Miles Wolf

    From Spain with love... And rings. Member
    Now we just have to wait for the next trailer showing Classic Sonic. D:
  17. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    OK, I'm finally home from work, I finally watched the thing...this tells me nothing. I mean yeah, it looks pretty, but this tells me nothing about how the game will actually be. I am no more excited about this than I was before.
  18. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    I seem to remember in the original leak that they talked about climbing some sort of creature? That massive machine at the end of the trailer seems to lend credence to that aspect.

    I do think it's rather interesting how Sega was apparently (if we believe that initial leak) outsourcing the testing of this game during the prototyping phase. If true, that seems to indicate they really want to get this game right.
  19. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Regarding the trailer performance and Sonic’s model and posing, remember that many in-game clips used for trailers are at least months old by the time people see them and things are often cleaned up greatly prior to release, a recent example being HALO Infinite and Pokémon BDSP. Further, Super Mario Odyssey had a considerably shorter announcement to release window and that game replaced entire models from what was seen in trailers.

    Beyond that, it would’ve been nice to see gameplay, but I think the leak is credible enough now that we can take the spin cycle and cyberspace details as an idea of what to expect.

    Also, with somebody saying earlier that it looks like a bridge would need to be activated to reach one of the stone pillars, perhaps we’ll see the return of an Adventure styled spindash?

    Otherwise, I’m happy with the set dressing elements that we know about so far. The CG movie is the best one we’ve seen since Lost World’s intro and, while the environment does look a bit like SEGA hired that man, I much prefer it to the messes of Lost World and Forces and I’m sure it’ll grow on me.

    Out of all that has been confirmed so far though, Ian Flynn’s involvement is by far the most exciting for me. Sure, that’s going to have no effect on gameplay quality, but the story should be fun and the character interactions should shine.

    Finally, this appointment and the producer of the game gives me hope that new visions will breathe life into Sonic again and that this game will at least be an earnest improvement over the last decade of coasting on what I can only imagine has been the tunnelled vision of a burnt out Iizuka, even if the man may not know or want to admit it. Nothing personal against the guy, but this, to me, is like when Dragon Ball changed its director and art style for the Broly movie from the Super series and gave us one of the best anythings ever in that series.
  20. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    Yep, that’s certainly Sonic of the Wild. Lines up with the leaks. I wish the scenery was a little more varied and creative but it’s still nice looking.

    I think that was focus testing, not outsourcing. Games get focus tested like that all the time, you just usually don’t hear the details because of NDAs and/or the focus testers being kids and average Joes who don’t talk about games online. The most recent leak sounds like somebody who’s an actual tester for Sega though.