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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Context: "Mid" is average. This is not the way the Internet uses it as an insult, it's what the game is.

    If you've ever taken a test in any school in the US, you should know that a 70% is roughly an average score. Hence "mid"

    Relax, I'm not saying the game is bad.

    And yes, I know, "Average" is about the best we can expect from current Sonic. Which I have no problem with, but it kind of me bums me out we're never gonna get a game like Mania again which was just firing from all cylinders.
  2. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Numbers mean different things to different people, and saying that a 7 is decisively average assumes a lot.

    For instance, Gamekult gave Frontiers a 6/10. Whoa, that's below-average! They must not like the game, right?

    Well, no. A 6/10 from Gamekult is actually considered a good but flawed game, a game you should definitely buy if you want it, even if it's not the best game out there.

    This would fuck with the average, but a 6 from them wouldn't mean the same as a 6 from IGN, for example.

    Indeed, many of the reviews, even the ones in the 7s, say that it's a game with a very good foundation with varying levels of execution, eagerly awaiting a patch or a sequel that takes it all up to 11.
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  3. DefinitiveDubs


    Oh, by the way: I like Sonic Frontiers. I think it's a decent-to-good game.
  4. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member

    What words did I say that don't exist??? I am reasonably certain that every single word I have typed here today is a word that exists.

    Also, this is legendary, seeing "I never accused anyone of being in a wrongthink hivemind" directly underneath "anyway saying you hope I enjoy the game is dangerous hivemind thought for you and your friends". I'm gonna screenshot this and make it my wallpaper.

    And isn't it interesting how that doesn't give you a free pass? Surely if anything you were claiming were true it would, no?

    Listen, I've been trying to keep things cool the whole release cycle for this game. I've shouted people down for being unreasonable when they defend the game more than anything else, even as someone who is really excited to play it tonight.

    But this ain't it. You're not doing anything productive, you're stirring a pot and acting like everyone else is the bad guy. It doesn't work.
  5. Mana


    Tbh my favorite movie last year Evangelion Thirce Upon a Time is a movie I'd be hard pressed to get over a 7 because its exceptional highs doesn't mean the lows don't exist.

    I expect the same for Frontiers. There are probably enough incredible moments that it's worth finishing but some low points that hold back the entire experience for a lot of people.
  6. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Nerd, is that you? :o
  7. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Besides whatever has been happening in the past few pages, it's surprising to see that the response to these reviews are pretty humble. No real drama elsewhere.
  8. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    A 7/10 usually indicates a good game that isn't doing anything unique or incredible. Honestly most game journalists and critical organisations use 7/10 in this manner.

    Most 'gamers' have just spread this fantasy that bad games get a 7/10 when that's not true.

    It's funny too when sites like IGN give games lower than 7/10 and everyone goes nuts. Like how Destroy all Humans 2 was reviewed as a 6/10 and a fun but flawed game and everyone went nuts.

  9. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Makes me that Sonic's fault?

    Wouldst perhaps people be more okay with a game getting a 6 from IGN if it didn't mean comparison to Sonic Forces, a game which to my understanding burned our crops, poisoned our water supply, and fucked my wife?
  10. RDNexus


    Well, I sure hope it stays that way. Much healthier ^^"
    (To note, I don't check Twitter, no headaches my way)
  11. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    This tweet is literally this, lmao
  12. DefinitiveDubs


    Okay, since you obviously want to keep this drama going, we'll keep going! Just keep in mind that you are the one continuing to stir the pot here, not me. Here's what Mana said:
    Now, I don't want to misinterpret Mana. I think they're a good person, with good intentions. I do not accuse him/her of being a "blind cult hivemind Sonic fan" like you so desperately want me to. But I interpret this as "I look forward to discussing it with people who enjoy the game, because I enjoy the game. I hope you find others who have frustrations with the game, since you have frustrations with the game."

    To me, that seems like saying those two groups can't or shouldn't mix. That those who dislike the game should stay on their side of the pond and not bother the group that likes it. That mindset is wrong to me. The two opinions should coexist and learn from each other. That's all I was saying.
  13. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    one thing we can all agree on: Sonic Frontiers is the latest release in the longrunning Sonic the Hedgehog series
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  14. Mana


    Yeah that wasn't what I was trying to say. Like I've said many times you have every right to dislike the game or talk about what faults you had with it. I'm just saying if you're around a lot of people who do like the game, it's better if you find people who agree with you and understand your criticisms a little better.

    And if you feel like that isn't worth your time, you could always find something else to play or do that makes you happier instead of coming on a site to be upset about a game that didn't live up to what you wanted it to be.

    It's kind of funny because I said the 2/10 review was meant to be inflammatory and now there has been an argument about it for pages, it looks like the person got what they wanted.
  15. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    It's not released yet, so you're wrong and a complete and utter fool.
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  16. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Oh right, I forgot that I have 100% control over all of your actions and I am literally forcing you to respond to this. I should've remembered that.
    You said, "this is a dangerous road to hivemind opinions". So, fair enough, maybe I was exaggerating! You just said they were maybe going to be a "blind cult hivemind Sonic fan" if they keep saying this.
    But they didn't say "people who enjoy the game", they said "everyone". Why would you interpret that as them saying they'll find like-minded people, and not just a very polite way of saying that you specifically should? Given how you're handling this whole exchange seemingly over a game you apparently don't even think is bad, it seems like pretty sound advice. This isn't how I talk about things I like.

    Except Homestuck obviously, but that doesn't even really count.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2022
  17. DefinitiveDubs


    This is the part I'm tripped up on.

    If I have every right to dislike the game, and talk about what faults I have with it, then why should I also not come on the site to vent my faults about said game? Why should I play a better game instead of complaining about this one, if I supposedly have every right to do so? I...I don't get it. Call me brain-damaged or autistic or whatever, but those two statements seem completely contradictory to me. What do you want from me?
    And I apparently am forcing you to reply to what I say?
  18. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    Can you guys take that shit to DMs?
  19. Mana


    This was all in response to you telling me to "grow up". A grown up should know when it's not positive for them or their mental health to stay around something that isn't giving them any joy. Especially if this thing does give others joy and it's constant arguments being had because someone likes or doesn't like something that others are enjoying or having issues with.

    I said it'd be better for you to find something else to do or play that makes you happy because being venting your frustrations at a video game can only do so much good for you, especially when there's a large amount of people in the community you're in who are excited for the game and are enjoying what they've played so far.

    And if you still don't enjoy the game and want to critique whatever flaws you perceive it as having you can literally find others who will agree with your every talking point without having to cause a tug of war with people who like it, even if it's not the best game ever.

    I mean I'm not in charge and I don't control you so do whatever you want. I just think it's better for your own sake to find something that entertains you once the game is out and this is all over rather than spend another 6 months posting negativity about the game. You'll be a lot happier in the long run.

    @SuperSnoopy this is the last thing I have to say on this. I'm done.
  20. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Once again, that's not what it says. Mana quite clearly prefaces this with "if you feel like that isn't worth your time..." because you're sure acting like it isn't. If people who allege to like this game spent half as much time talking about why they feel that way as they do anger at others for not liking it in the right way, this entire fandom would be happier, even if the games were way worse than they are. Would you rather be happy about a video game, or "correct" about someone you think is wrong about it? I know what I'd pick. We're not even talking about the game anymore!

    Who said anything about me? I can argue bullshit with douchebags until they hatch into douchelings and grow into full on douchestriches. That's my bread and butter (or eggs and douchestrich meat, I guess..).

    But there are other people here. If the defense that I'm doing the same comes down to the tenor of my response, you should've been able to spot that that was the reason people were reacting negatively to your own posts, buddy.

    And yes dubs, compare me to yourself to tear me down if you like. I am indeed saying that, despite the mild ribbing I gave you in my usual very epic and sexy manner, you should indeed have taken the rest of my response seriously and spent your time on something more productive. Who's gonna benefit from all this now? What did we learn here, other than to hate each other a little bit more?
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2022