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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Yeah, I'm wondering what's the implication here. But doesn't kocos have like black void-eyes or something?

    It's neat knowing Chaos, Kocos and FLICKES exist in the same game (or universe, in this case).
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2022
  2. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    There's also a dead girl on Angel Island, but no one's bringing Tikal up either :V
  3. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    that was the greatest thing i've ever watched
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  4. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Ah, beautiful (I'm serious, no sarcasm), this Knuckles is definitely going to marry the chief's daughter. :V
  5. Snowbound


    Now I want a knuckles solo game. Dang, that animation’s amazing.
    That would be brilliant. If they used that explanation then I might be willing to forgive the asset reuse.

    Mitchell did a good job as Knuckles in this short. He’s not how I imagine Knuckles’ sounding… but to be honest Knuckles is the only main cast member who’s voice I don’t have super defined in my head. To me Jaleel White is Sonic and Colleen O'Shaughnessey is Tails… but none of Knuckles’ VAs have wowed me. Well, Idris Elba wowed me but I feel like he’s a different interpretation of Knuckles. In the Adventure era Knuckles sounded too chill and in the boom era he sounded like a dumb jock. Given that, this is probably the best vocal I’ve heard for Knuckles in the game cannon. Knuckles has that relaxed adventure era voice but Mitchell was capable of actually sounding mad. My only complaint is that I still here I tiny bit of “dumb jock” in his voice, but this is a major improvement. I suspect that Mitchell may become my favorite Knuckles VA over time
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  6. Yo Sega, drop that Knuckles dlc plz.
  7. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Right? First Amy in the Origins animations using her Hammer, now this. Sega give us other characters (especially Knuckles he’s perfect for this kind of game)
  8. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Oh my god it’s amazing. Knuckles is such a badass here, I’m so happy, if the entire story is like this in terms of tone and writing then I am HYPED.

    Exploring the origin of the Master Emerald is such an awesome concept, I really hope the game itself goes further with it.
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  9. I am shocked by the quality of this. Major props to Tyson, Ian, and the rest. I echo the calls for a Knuckles solo game… Angel Island would really make a great metroidvania environment and Knuckles’ abilities/gameplay mechanics are not as well defined as Sonic’s. I can see something working there.
  10. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I just noticed the prologue made a inplication that Starfall Island are / was a part of Angel Island? There's a lot going on here.
  11. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Hey look,
    a Spin Dash!
  12. Yeah, I smiled when I saw that. Definitely a very nice touch.
  13. It really says a lot about how much agency these characters have lost when something as small as one of them spin dashing is a big deal.

    I'm glad they're at least trying to fix that by making the supporting cast active again, even if they can't be playable in the games themselves.
  14. Linkabel


    Ian answered a similar question on Twitter.

    From what I understand the civilization and elements from Starfall Islands seemed to had a presence across the world, which included the Mystic Ruins region.

    But not so much that it was part of Starfall Islands, if that makes sense.
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  15. TheOcelot


    Scooty Puff Jr sucks! Member
    Enjoyed it. Interesting that Angel Island is connected to Frontiers. Knuckles voice sounds pretty good and nice to see him kicking some robot-ass. Makes me wish Knuckles was playable in Frontiers.

    I like that he helped that chao. Is this Chao design a subtle reference to NiGHTS?

    I love that SEGA keep doing these animated shorts to promote their games.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2022
  16. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    I love the bookending of "But sometimes..."
  17. VenomTH


    I almost got teary-eyed watching this animation. Why can't the games have such a nice plot as these animations? The Angel Island backstory with the Echidna Tribe, Tikal, and nods to Perfect Chaos, Knuckles' characterization, and the various forms of adorable Chao are all so perfect that I wish we could go back to this tone. If the full game is like this I'll be so happy.
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  18. BlackHole


    You're going to need MORE than help. Member
    Subtle? It's literally the NiGHTS Chao you can get:
  19. McAleeCh


    Loved the short - I really like that they've tried to connect this back to some of the already-established lore, with the implications that the Starfall Islands could somehow connected to the origins of the Master Emerald. The mixing of elements from different eras was handled well too - seeing things like the Adventure-era Emerald altar overlooked by Sky Sanctuary, and seeing free-roaming Chao and Starfall Island tech amongst its familiar floating ruins, really helped sell that these stories are supposed to take place in a single, interconnected world in a way I don't feel like I've seen for quite some time. Knuckles' characterisation felt on-point too - great to see they've remembered that he actually has a life and purpose of his own rather than just being another of Sonic's friends who tags along at a moment's notice.

    Whoever did the closed-captions was having a laugh, though - when Knuckles smirks before punching the rubble the Koco mask is trapped under, the subtitles specifically state that he "chuckles". Which is it, SEGA - does he or doesn't he?! XD
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2022
  20. Zephyr


    I for one would be in shambles if the Sonic fandom ever became divided, especially over a new game.