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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Asura is so uniquely jank. That clip is actually not jank, I don't think at least, but generally that boss is janky as heck lol.
  2. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Looks fine imo, the way you can cling to and start running up his body even after slipping off is surprisingly smooth. Haven't seen anything really jank, just people running into its feet or running repeatedly into the red rings.

    I really hope this game doesn't get completely spoiled for me before the release date... I'm already considering muting pretty much anything Sonic-related, but geez... we still have 11 days to go, that's almost 2 weeks of stepping on eggshells lol.
  3. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    That surprises me, I didn’t think the game would be shipping to Russia due to basically every foreign business getting the hell out of dodge since February.
  4. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    The music track from 1-2 (Sky Sanctuary) plays the in new Forces mobile event. It's only in mono, but it's something.

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  5. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Despite the spoiler warnings, most of the alleged leaks are false alarms so far.
  6. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    While PlayStation had cut Russia off of the PlayStation Store entirely, Microsoft and Njntrndo have not. I don't know about physical releases though.
  7. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I don't think they need to cut them off from the store fronts anyway because, as far as I’m aware, they’re pretty much non functional due to Russia being cut out of SWIFT and PayPal suspending operations in Russia.
  8. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I just deleted Twitter because that's the only place I'd be able to get spoiled involuntarily :V

    Still, I envy the people getting this game early.. I want my Sonic game now!
  9. RDNexus


    Ahh... Deleted? Was that really needed? If only due to Frontiers spoilers, I mean.
    You could simply ignore Twitter until you had the game and played it to the end.
  10. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Ah, I meant the app, not my account. I've actually met friends through Twitter and it'd definitely be a shame to delete my account just over Frontiers, ahaha. I'm just going to redownload it when I finish playing the game. Bad wording on my part.
  11. Have there been any legit leaks in the past few days or is this all because of that photo on Twitter? I haven’t seen anything on YouTube and our spoiler thread isn’t active with anything.

    Btw how long before release was Forces popping up? Was it more than a week out or just a few days? I can’t recall. Anyway, I kind of wish I had planned to travel back home to NYC because it’d be pretty easy to snag an early copy there.
  12. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    it would've been for the best
  13. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    people bring up Mario and Kirby a lot with regards to reuse, but come to think of it, Metroid does this too and that series' longtime composer said regarding Metroid Prime that he likes to reuse tunes as, well, kind of an easter egg to those who played Super back in the day. Brinstar Red Soil alone has shown up in Metroid Prime 2 (Torvus Undertemple), Metroid: Samus Returns, and it was used as a leitmotif for Quiet Cloak in Dread. Lower Norfair has appeared in Prime 1 and also in Metroid: Samus Returns.

    Notably, originally Prime used a ton of enemies from the 2D games before Nintendo suddenly told the devs to swap them out for original ones. There's even leftovers that include a fully functional model.

    Similarly, Zelda reuses a ton of music, enemies, and motifs throughout the series, including, yes, level reuse. My reaction upon hearing a new version of the Dragon Roost Island theme in BOTW was...very loud hahahahah

    I wonder if it really is a cultural thing?
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  14. Taylor


    I don't think the difference is in terms of country but rather if you're "too online" or not. I don't know any Sonic fans offline but I do know a few Pokemon ones. Pokemon fans online get feisty when the franchise panders to Kanto but the ones I know in-person either don't care or find it neat.

    *sprinkles some rock salt to protect this thread from becoming a Pokemon argument*
  15. Yash


    CHOCOLATE! Member
    Also like, let's be real, maybe like two people have played a Sonic game in Japan. They can get away with level reuse with that slice of the fan base because if the worldwide Sonic fandom was a pie chart for what people would do if they found a million dollars, it'd be the "donate it to charity" slice.
  16. Deef


    I haven't visited here in a while, so my only gauge on how the game is being received are clickbaity thumbnails and Reddit stubs that pass by written by excited authors. From these sideways glances it has appeared that the game is receiving positive hype, but it's hard to tell; video thumbnails in particular are always creating fake hype to get views.

    So every few weeks I've been checking back on whatever new footage is recent to see how it's coming along, and it still just looks laughably bad. I could start and get really into it, but I more just wanted to say "wow". Every time I try to see what people are (apparently?) getting excited for, I come away with disbelief. Literal smh every time I check out Frontiers footage or news.

    The best I can say is the open zone concept is good (if not maybe 2 decades late), and the game doesn't look like it'll be a buggy mess.

    But apart from that I'm generally more surprised at how underwhelming I find it. The fresh ideas exist in surprisingly barren and soulless areas. The not-soulless areas are surprisingly stale in ideas (which is admittedly becoming par for the course so I guess I shouldn't feel so surprised). Everything is either really unimpressive and barren, or really super stale.

    Not trying to have a go at anyone; happy for you if you're excited. Just expressing my own amazement.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
  17. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I played it at MCM London. It was pretty good.

    Best way I can describe it is that it feels like you're playing "cutscene Sonic", in a good way.

    Combat isn't as brain dead as it looks. CyLoop isn't as brain dead as it looks. Seeing an area you want to get to and figuring out how to get there isn't as brain dead as it looks.

    It's pretty good. If you're on the fence, you'll probably like it. If you think it looks a bit shit, you'll probably at least be humbled into keeping that to yourself online. And if you hate everything about this already, don't waste your time.

    Aerosol's rating: :ruby:/10
  18. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    From having lukewarm initial impressions myself, hearing people I expected to be really unimpressed by the game come away with positive (or "positive-enough") impressions is honestly what's gotten me excited for the game, enough to use some of my PTO from work to play it uninterrupted. I know Johnny was worried about the possibility of burnout, but with how much content is optional I'm thinking this could be one of those games that's only as long as a given player wants it to be (roughly).
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  19. We're never gonna hear the end of it if this game does good are we?

    Id be happy for Sonic, but oh man people are gonna be annoying after the turbulent hype cycle for this game.
  20. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    That seems like such a strange complaint to me. I would much rather hear "I told you so" ad nauseum because the game turns out good rather than because it turns out bad any day of the week.