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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. RikohZX


    It's always somehow both cringe-inducing yet understandable when I see another journalist or influencer tackle a Sonic game and then somehow they managed to boost themselves into oblivion. Both the major initial Green Hill 1-1 and the Sky Sanctuary footage we've prominently had resulted in people launching off the side of the level and dying because they had no idea how the boost worked yet.
  2. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    Well obviously not everyone thinks the way I said. I should have specified "some people".
  3. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    it's not even the worst negative impression, cause there was another recent one wuth some bad clickbait, and it was like "hey remember 2006 and how bad it is?" and some weird statement like "Heroes was the last best attempt at doing open/big sonic gameplay compared to SA2 and 2006", stopped reading right there and then
  4. kyasarintsu


    That's... just how people talk. I would not attribute an example of casual speech like that to an article being poorly written.
  5. Facts fr fr no cap :words:

    That’s fine for forum posts but you don’t write articles like that. I wouldn’t blame her as much as the editor though.
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  6. That is it. I dislike Nintendo and so many of their game are vastly overrated just because it's Nintendo and I tire of the praise the corp and their games get on YouTube where it's more about getting likes and subs and they dare not call out the corp or their games. I think both Zelda and Mario have gone backwards this gen, but that's just me

    Can't call the lady out on the PC Gamer, need to play the game 1st. I like what I see in Frontiers but I do worry a little that is could be buggy and full of glitches that will give the YouTube Sonic trolls a field day
  7. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I'm aware that the vast majority of people don't understand the difference between adverbs and adjectives. But I think 'awful suddenly' is pretty bad. Worse sounding than the equally incorrect 'run quick' for example.

    A matter of opinion but I really think articles should have correct grammar.
  8. Are you more worried about people legitimately pointing out glitches than the game actually being full of glitches?
    You should also consider that maybe there’s another reason Nintendo’s games get positive reviews rather than assuming it’s because of some zeitgeist or people out for likes.
  9. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
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  10. There's glitches in any openworld game even in Zelda: BOTW. I just fear you'll get some on the trolls on Youtube taking it way too far.
    I get when Nintendo get rave reviews, because its Nintendo and they can't do any wrong.
  11. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    It's a Sonic game and the first open world / zone Sonic game at that. There's gonna be glitches. Even with years of development, you can miss things.

    But it is a good omen that the demo build doesn't really have many glitches, despite people playing for cumulative hours across Gamescom, TGS, and EGX, breaking the constraints of the game (breaking the timer is technically a glitch, but that obivously won't be a problem in the final game), actively trying to see the game's limits, nor are there many reports on them. Even people claiming it's Sonic '06 aren't bringing up glitches.

    The worst we've seen are animation glitches, collision problems, and jank that isn't quite glitchy but doesn't look right.

    If the demos are of the build before Sonic Team actually started dedicated debugging, that's even better.
  12. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Out of all the ways this thread has derailed so far, I didn't think we'd be having the Grammar Police discussion. But then again, we did dedicate like 2 whole pages to Steven Universe.

    That's pretty true. Sonic 06 was a huge outlier, so I'm just as confused as everyone else why journalists even make that comparison anymore. Also post-Colors Sonic Team themselves have done a decent job of creating polished games, maybe not in terms of overall detail or quality, but they do work as intended. Again, the bar is literally on the floor, but I expect this game to be very polished if nothing else. Considering the collision looks more complicated than anything we've seen from them in 10+ years, it's understandable that the early demos have had a few issues with falling out of the map, so I only hope that those are fixed by release.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
  13. I quite agree, every corp makes a bad or even a terrible game now again, even the likes of Treasure did it. Sonic 06 was terrible and for me Shadow The Hedgehog was even worse (even if it was a spin off) but after that Sonic Team's 3D games have ranged from half decent to bloody brilliant, with both Colors and Sonic Gen being really highlights.

    I'm really looking forward to this game
  14. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Honestly, I don't think good grammar is very important. I'm absolutely not the grammar police. Most people don't have good grammar because they were taught poorly at school. I had atrocious English grammar until I learned Latin.
  15. Vertette


    The worst Sonic games have been after 06 was having occasional bugs and jank that usually got patched out quickly anyway, but 06 is like a big shadow hanging over the franchise until the end of time. There will be journalists in 2042 still making "Sonic kissed a human" jokes.
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  16. I'm not going to take the fact that it's a bit glitchy too seriously at this point, as I really enjoyed Cyberpunk and that was a glitchy mess.

    It the game's foundation is good, then glitches can be fixed in patches. I'm not too fussed. I get that some YouTubers think this is the end of the world though.
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  17. I agree. I love Cyberpunk, its nowhere near as bad as made out and I hated how Digital Foundry made out it was unplayable on the base consoles. So many just jumped on the hate wagon again.
  18. xbloodywhalex


    team dark enthusaist Member
    re-reading one piece, probably
    Correct me if I'm wrong but... wasn't the game bricking people's consoles? Obviously, I'm sure they've fixed that at this point, but I do think it's at least a little disingenuous to say it was "jumping on the hate wagon again" if there were serious problems with the game.
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
  19. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    new big render dropped
    he's so cute, i love big❤️❤️
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  20. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    Yes lol. Cyberpunk basically WAS unplayable on last-gen hardware. Seems fine now, but there were tons of issues, and this sort of "it was never that bad to begin with" mentality is just false.

    Remember on launch there was a scene that almost EXACTLY mimicked ACTUAL medical hardware used to intentionally trigger seizures. And there was no seizure warning beforehand. Whether or not this was intentional is up for debate, but seriously.