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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    Mania definitely had more buzz around it on gaming forums and from people who grew up with the classics, but I can certainly believe Frontiers has more hype among zoomers and, after TGS, Japanese gamers. It’s definitely the most hyped I’ve seen people be for a 3D sonic since Generations though.
    Anecdotally, I’ve only heard Frontiers mentioned to me IRL by my mom emailing me that they’re making a new Sonic game and a friend who grew up with SA2 saying it looked like crap after the first reveal.
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  2. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Honestly I feel like trying to compare the buzz between Frontiers and Mania is more of a fallacy than fixating on review scores. Both are/were high profile for distinct and differing reasons and likely speak most to different demographics (with not insignificant overlap, I’m sure). Any attempt to anecdotally assess these things will always be limited by personal experience and the breadth and diversity of your own social circles and their tastes when it comes to gaming. Beyond all that, whether or not the exact volume of discussion on Frontiers is more or less than that of Mania during its pre-launch window is irrelevant to the fact that Frontiers is still generating notable amounts of discussion that largely haven’t been seen in many years (Mania not withstanding). This is all to say that the point is that Frontiers is bucking a trend. Comparing it to another exception to said trend in this regard is ultimately a moot point.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2022
  3. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    The biggest buzz about Sonic in recent memory was probably in actuality the reveal of the horrifying initial movie design, that was probably the only time I’ve seen people frequently bringing up Sonic IRL :V
  4. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    Still excited, just want sonic to do well and be better, and I want to share my favorite childhood character with others. Cynicism will only make me unhappy, and I’m glad people are finally looking forward to a sonic game again, I hope a lot of you feel the same way.
  5. RikohZX


    Arguably Sonic's actually at his biggest peak in a long while. Mania was a great, excellent time, but it was standing next to Forces which even Sega was pretty quiet and glum about after its sales were just "satisfactory". Despite Colors Ultimate last year, we're now sitting on the massive success of the second Hollywood film, to the point that it actually beat several other films in the box office that no one expected. And the IDW comics had a pretty big climax mere months ago at that, and Origins did decently well for everyone but the dedicated fans.

    Frontiers is effectively in the best potential situation it can be right now despite Sega's usual stupidity almost sabotaging it out of the gate with their early footage. I'm still not confident enough to pre-order / day one purchase it, but for many people their tunes are changing practically overnight. This is kind of a make-or-break situation: if Frontiers hits strong, even if just in the 80s of scores, everyone's going to shout from the high heavens that Sonic is back louder than Agent Stone did for Movie Eggman.

    If Frontiers falls on its face then it does have positivity backing keeping it standing, but it will hit that much harder to screw up that much for a Sonic Team banking their entire future series direction on this.
  6. MH MD

    MH MD

    While i get the skepticism of citing some guy on twitter as source/proof, this guy actually knows his stuff and have the data and analysis due to his work i believe, he is trusted source on those matter, even if he don't directly share a lot of his finding but he don't have reason to lie there, should be noted that his data is usually USA-centric

    and also the number of views for trailers during huge gaming events is important, being the second most watched trailer in an event where there is a lot of various game trailers is huge, there is also this stuff from last year's games award

    still top 3, on the biggest gaming event of the year, is really huge and not to be underestimated

    This game does indeed have more buzz than usual main sonic games due to those things i have posted

    But if we are going from personal experience, as someone who followed closely the marketing cycle of sonic games since 2006, i also haven't seen any sonic game being talked this widely before release, not even colors or generations, also a lot of people who don't care about sonic in general, are really interested in this one just because of it's open world nature, it also led to some people to notice it because of this but also mock it too, but in both cases, it was more noticed than any sonic game

    to not forget how massive the movies are and those alone led to a lot of new audience being interested in the next main sonic game too
  7. Hmm. This bums me a little since replay value is such an important part of Sonic games. Its not a deal breaker but its als

    I don't see how this disproves my point.
  8. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    It's always nice when Sonic games are culturally relevant (for reasons other than being laughing stocks, that is). Frontiers is the first 3D Sonic game to really feel relevant since Generations, which in turn was the first one since '06. And '06 is what really did the series in in the first place.

    As much as I love Mania itself and the positive buzz that it generated, the perspective within this community is a bit skewed compared to the general audience. It was a retro styled, digital only sidescroller. Mania hit hard amongst the people who like that sort of thing, but it fundamentally just could not hit as hard as big, contemporary 3D game with fancy graphics. Frontiers is a much more interesting prospect to far more people. Whilst Mania's reception was pretty much unanimously positive from day 1 and Frontiers' has been more mixed (edging more and more positively as time goes by), it's engaging many more people.

    You can compare the two, but it's important to remember that the two are very different. Needless to say that Frontiers is generating much more buzz overall than Forces, Boom and Lost World.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2022
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  9. Chimera


    I'm not a furry. Tech Member
    Castlevania prettyness
    Other way around.
  10. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    Every time I hear TikTok booth I die a little inside
  11. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    People joke, but using TikTok as an advertising medium might actually be the smartest thing Sega has done with this game's marketing. Especially if they want to get young people interested in Sonic.
  12. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying the leak came from the SEGA booth, or...?
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2022
  13. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    just out of curiosity I decided to search Sonic Frontiers on TikTok to see what people are saying and literally the first thing that shows up is a video from GamesRadar calling the game a disaster and it has like 10k likes

    I think it's in SEGA's best interest to heavily advertise the game on tiktok if they want to set the record straight. It really can't be understated just how huge tiktok is with younger gen Z kids right now, more so than any other social media.

    you either get with the times or get left behind lol
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2022
  14. Well that’s not good but it is from June and I felt the same way then too. Though it’s nuts that these publications will just say shit like that about a preview of a game they haven’t played yet… It’s like they’re trying to be YouTubers without any of the personality but with all of the hacky unprofessionalism.
  15. Clickbait is what gets people traction nowadays, for better or worse.
  16. I’m aware but it’s not really even clickbait since you scroll onto it lol. There are also other ways to do create interest. The hyperbolic negativity route is just super lazy and played out.
  17. TickTock and Twitter can get stuffed, its full of the same Sonic 'I must jump on the hate bandwagon' Trolls that look to hate on the likes of Sonic, COD with out buying or playing the games.
    SEGA need to worry more about making sure the game isn't too buggy, I think the gameplay already won a lot of people over and its shaping up to the best the Sonic game in years. Not that I thought Sonic Forces was anywhere as bad as people loved to make out, unless you played the crappy Switch version.
  18. Vertette


    I don't know about Twitter, at least. It's one of the few places on the internet where I've seen people claim 06 "wasn't that bad".
  19. It's not just there even, it's on many a forum with the same people jumping into any Sonic 3D game thread, to slag off the games and the Sonic Team. In many cases despite not buying or playing the game and just going off hearsay. The same tends to happen with any Ubisoft, EA or COD threads :)
  20. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member