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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    Since publishers themselves actually cared about it, it led to a kinda toxic discourse about games really, what's worse is that nowadays it actually affects how games get developed , developers bonuses, and even sales.

    so...personally, what i have seen of the game, i really like, i am there day 1, and i don't care about reviews in general -some really high reviewed games are games i don't like and vica versa-....but just for the sake of SEGA and Sonic Team and their morale, i hope they get good scores this time around -if the game is indeed as good as i hope-.
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  2. Good review scores are pretty much the only way they're feel their work was worth it.

    Having your hardwork be lambasted is one of the worst feelings ever, even if its justified.
  3. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    I do wish Sonic Team could get a solid win again. Last time a Sonic Team-led Sonic game was universally well-received was Generations, and that was over a decade ago.

    On a different note, holy shit Generations is over a decade old.
  4. With 5 years since Forces, you’d think they could at least put something on the table that scores better than mediocre.

    And for veteran Sonic fans like us, wouldn’t a lot of you agree that we kind of apply a curve to the general census opinions? Ie mediocre Sonic games are usually at least liked by a majority of us, “good” games are considered great, and the rare “great” game gets absolutely worshipped.
  5. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    I honestly don't know what to EXPECT in terms of review scores, considering the game could either get 10x better or 10x worse in the other 4 islands, and there could be some kind of Minecart situation that just takes it down an entire 10 points... but I think an 80 would be considered a huge success for the franchise.

    Assuming the rest of the game is on par with what we've seen thus far, if not better, I think 7.5-8.5 average seems realistic, no? I feel like this is going to be a divisive game though, you will probably have people saying it's an 8 or higher and then people saying it's a 4-6. We've already got articles and write-ups comparing it to Sonic 06, so I expect some reviewers will be particularly harsh. But as long as it surpasses prior entries in the series, I feel like that's a gigantic step in the right direction.
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  6. MontiP


    "Tylerfoxorwhatever? I barely know her!" Member
    Honestly? I expect this game to land around an 83 on Metacritic; seems a pretty reasonable agregate score, if you ask me (and besides, even some highly acclaimed open world games like Spider-Man PS4 didn't end up above 90).
  7. That’s such an amazingly bad sentence… which publication do you write for?

    As for score, I’m guessing high 70/low 80 on Metacritic in the best case scenario. Sonic doesn’t get much generosity from the press and there are some janky elements we’ve seen that will get called out even if the game is otherwise great. Worst case, I’d say mid to high 60s. I think what we’ve been presented with is decent enough for casual players that it’s not going to be another 06 or Forces, but I also haven’t seen too many examples that’d elevate it beyond Generations.

    In terms of fan reactions, I really can’t tell. There is a good amount that I dislike but also a lot that I find intriguing. Going off our tier list thread, I could see most fans placing it around the second or third tier of their faves (after the Classics, Adventure games if they like them, and Generations) if it’s good. If it’s bad, I’d expect to see it grouped no lower than Heroes and above Lost World. And if this is super annoying because it misrepresents your tier list, let’s just say the highest is A/B and lowest is C, assuming S is the best.

    So I generally think the potential spread in quality is narrower here, but there’s just nothing that screams, “top tier.”
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
  8. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2022
  9. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Eh, even Mario Odyssey has an hours long video about how it’s some kind of betrayal of Mario 64 and that we’re all (implicitly, of course) wrong for liking it. I’m not too worried about a few savaging reviews when the bulk of impressions so far have been highly complimentary.
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  10. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    That's odd, I didn't like Odyssey because it's basically Mario 64 2, and I didn't like Mario 64. Where's Galaxy 3?
  11. Didn’t realize that was a real quote from a review lol.
  12. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    The Galaxy Duology is in my top 3 games of all time (first being Tetris, third being Sonic Mania) but I think the Odyssey type of style is better for the long term future of the franchise, and I still had a lot of fun especially because I've grown to appreciate the open sandbox approach to the games the older I get.
  13. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    I wish some of those gaming events happened in france every once in a while:flunked:
  14. VenomTH


    I've been holding a 65–75 prediction since the game was first unveiled. It'll likely get close to Colors or Generations although I can't say for sure if it'll be lower or surpass them. Sonic Team saying they intend the reception of the game to elevate them to the top of the industry just solidifies my opinion that the game will be mixed or average.
  15. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Have they ever really made that claim though? Sonic team rarely thinks they’re sitting on gold they’re just getting a game done, this is the only instance I can think of where they seem very confident in their work.
  16. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Did they ever stop? If I'm already interested in something I won't check out reviews but for a game I'm iffy on I do look at reviews, and read how players felt about it on Reddit and the like before I pour my money into it.

    A lot of people who aren't as deep into being online as forum and discord posters still use reviews to make their decision on purchasing a game. I'm expecting at least a green review score number but there's two things to remember here.

    1 : Sonic sells on brand alone. Even if this game is mediocre I see it clearing at least a million copies as it's a multi console Sonic release and the first platformer in 5 years.

    2 : There's an influx of kids introduced to Sonic through the movie who will probably get the game, regardless of reception, and might even grow up believing it's one of the best games ever made because it was THEIR first Sonic game.

    I don't see the game failing regardless of reception but I hope it does do well and they're able to make more games with this type of ambition in the future.
  17. Being confident in your work and actually achieving your desired result are two different things. But yes, Sonic Team are very rarely this upfront and confident about their work.

    Hopefully it pays off for them; if this was any other company, we'd have a good idea of what we can expect. But this is Sonic, nobody ever really knows what to expect. Especially with 3D Sonic games. This is a roll of the dice in the trust sense of the word.

    But the worst case scenario is that the game is just mediocre. Which would suck after all of the hype and positive buzz, but nothing we haven't seen before either.
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  18. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Oh for sure, whether it is good or not has nothing to do with their confidence level, it could just be delusional. But this one seems like it has a positive reception so far and I personally can’t wait, so hopefully their confidence is well placed and backed up.
  19. Vertette


    Considering how positive journalists have been so far I doubt it'd be as low as 65. I'm guessing somewhere around 80 or higher, unless the game really turns to garbage during the last few worlds. Doubt that though.