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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Snowbound


    Do you think the june footage was a sega marketing department decision or was that the devs being proud of their environmental work and wanting to focus on that? Now that I know that the frontiers team is basically the same size as the forces team I understand why they were proud of that footage. All the criticisms we had were justified… but by God only 60 people made that? That’s impressive
  2. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Almost exactly what I feel, though I need to have fun with those controls too, or else refinement wouldn't do much. The main thing I dislike from previous games is them not feeling ok to control, and we've had a wide range of annoyances on that department even when they aren't the same from game to game, so just thinking that I'll really be in control of the character and not trying to gain the favor of goddess Fortune is an absolute win in my book.
  3. Azookara


    yup Member
    Every time I see people rave about Frontiers controls I want to feel optimistic, but I keep remembering in all these clips the little moments where Sonic just kinda clunks around the world geometry or veers around haphazardly. It's most egregious in the cyberspace stage footage we've seen from multiple sources.

    I want to believe y'all, I really do. But I feel like I'm not gonna know for sure until the hype subsides and I play it for myself. (Or at least see it played extensively.)
  4. RikohZX


    It's weird because Cyberspace seems totally divorced from everything interesting about this game. You can't tune the physics. You have levels designed around Boost design, but Frontiers Sonic just doesn't seem to work right for it. And while I see the jank in the traversal, I can also see the potential of his movement in the open zone stuff, but linear path traversal doesn't seem to work right.

    It's like staring down Forces but worse awkwardly taped onto a game that wants nothing to do with it. Literally Classic Sonic in Forces syndrome except now with Boost.
  5. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
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  6. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Good to know we can expect to see them at launch. Hopefully they’ll be collecting analytics on the the distribution of users across individual sliders and slider combinations in order to hone in on the ideal control for future games, open zone or otherwise. Granted, perhaps the best scenario would be to retain this feature outright, but it’d be good to be able to provide proven presets based on player data.
  7. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Betcha one of the first mods for the game will be letting you use the same controls in cyberspace as the overworld.
  8. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
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  9. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Neat video showing that you can hurt enemies by Drop Dashing or even just jumping.

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  10. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
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  11. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    In a game with a combat system like this, it was genuinely not in my thoughts that you could just... jump on them lmao
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  12. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    Yeah I thought they'd pull an 06 where you're the one taking damage instead.
    Nice to know the ol' reliable jumping is still working tho, could make for a fun "classic moveset only" challenge run. (Generations in particular is very fun played this way!)
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  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    So like it's an actual Sonic game? :V
  14. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    It probably does fuck all damage compared to the actual combat options to most enemies but it’s neat it’s there. I expected Sonic to take damage jumping at enemies but I guess that’d be a little dumb.
  15. MrMechanic


    Hello Sonic Retro.

    So I went to EGX, and yes I was able to get 20min of gameplay at Segas booth before they changed their policy.

    I'm working on a preview video which will cover the basics as well as a few other "things" that isn't so obvious.

    In a nutshell. Cyberspace = trash, over world = really good, but it does have 1 big problem.

    A few parting notes before I get to work.

    * Believe the reports about the controls. They really are that good! Though there is a small learning curve to them since button placement is altered.

    * EGX had a few problems with power supplies, so a few pods crashed on the first 2 days.. meaning... we got to see the frontiers command line interface.

    Someone has a pic of it, I'll try to see if I can get it, but a few things.

    Rangers is still being used in the filename (not really a shocker), the demo timer is a simple boolean rule, as is the save reset, if anyone where to access this on the backend they could easily change those values and access the entire demo lol.

    * Ninja is the best Sonic boss fight for decades, the first boss where you actually have to 'think', multiple strategies can be used to take her down.

    * Motion Blur is on by default, turn it off for a drastically improved visual time.

    * Drop dash is utterly pointless and too fiddly to use for any reasonable scenario.
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  16. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    @MrMechanic Was Drop Dash unlocked from the start or did you earn it somehow? Maybe I was doing something wrong but I wasn't able to activate it during my time with the demo.
  17. MrMechanic


    Anything that wasn't a combat ability was unlocked from the start.

    So drop dash, the SA2 bounce attack (though I need a team of scientists to figure out how to trigger it).

    And yes even the light speed dash was also unlocked from the start! It also gives you a mini boost when you successfully collect a few rings.
  18. Snowbound


    Did you try using the drop dash on slopes or flat surfaces? I’ve seen videos of folks gaining speed by drop dashing down a slope… but just because the videos look good doesn’t mean it actually feels good when playing.

    Edit: video of the drop dash down a slope -

    I’m looking forward to your video and I’m happy to hear that the open zone controls are good. Can’t say I’m surprised by the cyberspace levels, they don’t look fun to me
  19. Mana


    Long Live The King Member
    I'm not trying to speak for anyone in particular but I kind of understand the part of the fan base that isn't excited for this because for them this still isn't the Sonic game they're looking for. I've given up on that thought process and just want a fun game.

    I've already accepted that the Sonic Team that made the Classic and Adventure games are gone and the people here now aren't trying to capture the spirit of that game but make something new entirely that is even further away from those games than ever before. And thats fair.

    I've accepted reused level design as a byproduct of modern game development and something I expect even in the greatest experiences (BOTW) while they feel Sonic NEVER reused old levels and environments and always went the extra mile to make each zone feel like it's own thing. And that's valid.

    I've accepted they like to try serious stories with Sonic and although they fail sometimes (Shadow) I'd be lying if I didn't cry like a baby at the end of games like Adventure 2 and Battle when they nailed it (Sayonara, Shadow the hedgehog...), some people prefer when Sonic is a goofy kids series like they tried with Colors and Lost World and that's fair. No problem with that.

    Honestly it's hard to explain to someone that I'm fine with something new instead of asking them to keep trying to make the type of games I want to see but failing because their heart isn't into it, some people just want those type of games. It's what they play Sonic for and that's fine.

    There's really no way to reconcile these different thought processes especially with a Fandom as fractured as Sonic.

    I just hope everyone goes into frontiers with an open mind and a willingness to accept its not trying to appeal to anyone in particular (remember part of the only reason the cyberspace levels are there are just so the game has SOME staple Sonic elements) and they're finally making a game they're proud of regardless if it fits into peoples idea of what Sonic "should be".

    And I hope more people have a good experience with it than bad.
  20. Kyro


    Looking forward to your video and in depth, thoughts, man!
    Also if you manage to get that picture please do share, that sounds interesting if nothing else.

    In Good Vibes Gaming's video, they mentioned they got the sa2 bounce after rescuing or "freeing" Amy, if you can confirm anything of that sort. I recall seeing someone somewhere say the bounce was tied to holding B + Y (or was it X) during a jump?