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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Yeah, see, I have no issue if you don't like it or complain. I'm excited about the game like the vast majority of the internet and I don't see the need to force you to like something you don't.

    That's not what you replied to. You said most people would notice the asset reuse when they clearly haven't and even the ones who did have said its had no impact on their enjoyment of the game. If 90% of people are saying they didn't mind I'm inclined to believe it's going to be the case in general when it comes out.

    By all means complain about the game all you want it's not going to effect me or my purchase and coming to the internet to discuss how you feel about things is what forums are for.
  2. Sonic Frontiers is currently one of the most pre ordered games in Japan.

    With all of the recent news and buzz surrounding this game in Japan lately, its become pretty apparent the games since Colors felt so phoned in because Sega of Japan's priority was their home turf and not America.

    Ain't ever seen a Sonic game get this much attention in Japan before. Its actually insane.
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  3. Taylor


    I think the last three big 3D Sonic games being duds have made people really on edge about Frontiers being good. Doesn't help that it's harkening back to the tone of 00s Sonic which is sorely missed by the Sonic fans who populate the internet today (generally speaking). It's not just about Frontiers but the legacy of 00s Sonic as a whole. So yea, tensions are running high lolllllll (as much as they can over a kid's game anyway)

    That being said, I think the gaming press liking how the game is right now makes sense. They liked the boost games, and they like open world games. Mix it together and you got something appealing to many. Even Pokemon is dabbling with the vaguely defined concept of "open world". It's a sign of the times. I also don't think initial press matters *that* much, it just means the game isn't an obvious broken disaster like 06. It can't answer the real question: will Frontiers be fondly remembered for a long time or will it be forgotten in the next year or so, as just another relic of its time?
  4. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    I don't think people quite understand how big of a deal it is that this game is doing so well in Japan. That's a huge market. This is something you can't (and shouldn't) ignore.
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  5. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    It could maybe even help with Sonic 3 in Japan gain more recognition, who knows?
  6. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    I know I’m getting carried away here but the game doing well in Japan could mean the series could have a bigger budget/team going forward, if Sega is willing to take some of that away from the dozen yearly Yakuza releases :V

    In any case the game’s reception in Japan is excellent news. I’m really running out of words to say how hyped I am for the game at this point. lol
  7. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    Korone's DLC doing good work in Japan i see :V
  8. Honestly, more than anything, its just nice to see Sega's three decade long push to get the Japanese market is finally starting to bear fruit. Anyone familiar with Sega's history should understand how much effort they've putting into getting Sonic up in their country of origin.

    Even if Frontiers isn't exactly the best game ever, it's definitely gotta feel good to have their work finally acknowledged.
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  9. Snowbound


    I currently have mixed feelings about Frontiers but I see a lot of great ideas so the thought of a Frontiers sequel with a bigger team, and budget, is really appealing to me. I know the game isn’t even out yet but with more time and resources I’d love to see Sonic Team grapple with these questions when making a frontiers sequel:
    - How can rolling down slopes be added to the open zone w/out making combat irrelevant?
    - How can loops be added to the open zone?
    - How can we make unique environments while maintaining 60 fps?
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  10. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    No, it's not. The Series X has constantly done this with games while the PS5 hasn't.
  11. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    Got any examples?
    I’m not doubting you, but all the series I follow usually have similar Serie X/PS5 performance so this is new to me.

    Glad I got a Series X at least, seems like this is gonna be the optimal way to play the game.
  12. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    I'm more interested in seeing a sequel that better mixes traditional gameplay with the open zone. Not just more naturalized level designs, but more if they can make playing a level and playing the open zone seem seemless.

    I want to run around and instead of finding a portal to a level, the open zone itself has a level and I can play it. Like how Bowser's Fury makes traditional platforming levels a part of the open world itself.

    I've also always wanted a Sonic game where going to a new zone is itself a level. Instead of a cutscene or a minigame transition, imagine finishing a city zone and playing a level where you leave the city and into a jungle or a desert.
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  13. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    Gonna be honest, off the top of my head I can't think about anything, and the only thing that really comes to my mind is Mass Effect Trilogy which really was just an Xbox One/PS4 game. Also Cyberpunk 2077.

    But I may just be thinking about better performance overall.
  14. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    Best not to jump the gun of course! Even if it gets good reviews in Japan and critical acclaim that doesn't necessarily mean it will sell well!


    Yeah if the game sells well in Japan that's a win all around, more budget for Sonic is something that's been sorely needed. And if Sonic Team are more confident about the series that's again sorely needed.
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  15. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    I feel like the game has an easy chance to have the biggest Sonic game aunch in Japan... even if that isn't necessarily a lot.
  16. That's essentially what Metroid Dread was for that series. Wasn't a large number by itself, but was huge for a series that usually under-performs in Japan.
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  17. Plorpus


    Hog Blue So What Member
    It’s the second most preordered game at that specific store, not Japan as a whole. That being said, GEO is a pretty big chain so it’s still significant. I guess I’d compare it to GameStop, except they sell more than games and aren’t quite as big.
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  18. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    I know Frontiers won that award and everything but I can't help but feel like it maybe wasn't just "The Japanese audience" that got it there and more "Tokyo Game Show Attendees From All Over The World". Is this an irrational line of thought?
  19. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    If it were just the international TGS attendees who liked it, then it wouldn't be the second most pre ordered game right now on Japan's GameStop equivalent. I can see why you might think that, though.
  20. The awards are done by a Japanese ministry. I don’t think the public vote. It’s not a TGS award either, it’s just presented there.