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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Turbohog


    I know there has already been some discussion on this, but Sonic's voice here is so weird to me. It's deeper than it's ever been and I'm not used to it at all.
  2. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    If I did not miss this info and footage, could you elaborate on how what we've seen is a refinement? And how this evolution has been positive?
  3. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member

    Everything we've seen so far has been the realization of this concept from the Lost World Zelda DLC, a big open playground with secrets to collect by using Sonic's abilities and parkouring to explore and reach different parts of the map.

    I'd say in general what we've seen is the refinement of the playstyle they were going for in Lost World's levels (except Cyberspace for obvious reasons) in a less abstract environment and with more of an Open World.
  4. The main game takes place in wide open areas, in which Sonic can utilize his new moves without slipping and sliding as ST finally refined his control. The main game, what with being open and fairly free roaming, doesn't take place in linear hallways for the first time in a really long time.
  5. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    It looks like a positive refinement from the past few games to me because the game actually looks fun for once :V
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  6. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    I mean, most of this "using Sonic's abilities and parkouring to explore" seems like interacting with automated springs, boosters, and rails to me. I'd think 3D mario before Frontiers hearing this description for example.

    Also, being able to turn is cool. But just looking at the footage we've seen makes it very apparent me it came at the cost of momentum, which I don't think makes it a straight improvement.

    Actual momentum, btw. Not what the fandom tends to refer to as momentum.

    He loses speed instantly after dash pads and shooting up ramps, and from just how the lack of weight looks, I highly doubt they're can be any real tension to maintaining speed. Like, does anything we've seen so far when speeding along look as intense as this?

    The effects are a part of why it feels intense, yes. But the weight and inertia are as well, an something a part of why I kind of like some previous games that Frontiers just lacks. Also, as far as the above footage, I can feel a sense of "danger" going fast just looking at this, which I don't watching Frontiers.

    On another issue, maybe I just missed it, but I can't find anywhere what the limit on the combat skills in the skill tree are. A number of them it just says you can do it "during a combo"...


    So you can activate them as you get a certain number of hits? Is that what it is saying? Because I don't see anything like an sp bar or cooldown timer or anything like that in the footage.

    But if it was the first mentioned, how come it doesn't say the number of hits needed to activate them?

    I am confused, because the way this is written just makes them all sound extremely spammable, and it's not like the inputs themselves are all that complex. They look like they have a TON of i-frames and can't-touch-me-itis as well.

    Have we at least seen any footage of Sonic being hit out of his skills or something?
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  7. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    There are many parts of the game shown that use Sonic's abilities besides springs and rails, in addition to how the game is designed so you can use those different abilities to "sequence break."

    He keeps the speed for a long while then slowly slows down to regular top speed. He keeps the speed and momentum from dash rings too. Ramps were always a set speed.

    EDIT: Here is an example:

    If a Sonic game looked like that, it'd be terrible. I do not want to play a Sonic game like that. Sonic Racing, sure!

    That is fitting for a racing game, but I don't want boost levels to be even more linear, nevermind the open zone.

    EDIT: Wait, none of them say anything like that. It doesn't mention number of hits or combos.

    Some moves are finishers, which means they leave Sonic vulnerable and presumably unable to immediately attack.

    The Ninja and Sumo boss shows that enemies will block or resist attacks during combos, including the special moves, so they are no more spammable than basic punches and Homing Attacks.

    In this game, if you're able to go ham, then that's probably because you stunned the enemy. In which case, that is what you are supposed to do.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
  8. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    I've seen a number of things to suggest the opposite of that first part, but if that is what they are going for okay, yeah. That kind of makes sense, And I need to rewatch that footage, I guess.
  9. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    You ninja edited on me lol

    That footage with the dash rings kind of demonstrates my problem when he loses his speed the second he jumps. However, I will mention that the point of the video, him keeping his momentum from dash rings does look quite a bit better than some other stuff I have seen. (It's automated crap but okay.)

    Also, the lack of inertia and weight is fine with the open zone, but what I was actually having in mind was the cyberspace stages, which ARE linear. And frankly, some of that stuff looks repulsive to me as things are lol

    Seeing that stuff just makes me want to play Generations instead.
  10. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    I ninja a lot :ruby:

    Inherently, a lot of moves like the Homing Shot and the projectile moves can't be linked if you're too far away. You can do the Spin Slash into the tornado, but it seems the tornado does leave you vulnerable.

    This is a very inconsistent problem, because there are some times where SOnic keeps his speed while jumping. I think it's like Lost World where Sonic only keeps speed above a certain amount. I'm sure they made it this way for the sake of platforming, though with Sonic controlling super tight in the air, it's not needed, I think.

    Being able to double jump out of anything means you can save yourself from so many things that would kill you in the boost games.

    That kind of speed and intensity you mention isn't good for platforming or timing like Sonic has, even in the linear boost stages.
  11. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    I don't think it needs to be as fast or as "intense: as anything before. However, it is my belief that having that sense of weight to him makes going however fast as you can more satisfying.

    But whatever. It's not that significant. Spark 3 has a similar feel (except better done than Frontiers) and I think that's fun so whatever.
  12. New preview detailing the Open Zones.
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  13. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    my brother in christ the game hasnt even released yet, you havent even played it
    Last edited: Sep 20, 2022
  14. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Game's not out yet and we might have found some tech.

    Apparently, you can cancel a Homing Attack with a punch, which keeps the speed and momentum of the homing attack but you get to move freely.

    EDIT: Wait--it might be because Sonic homing attacked in the direction of a fan, that might have canceled his homing attack.

    The idea is there but it doesn't seem like it's voluntary.
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
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  15. I wonder if this is referring strictly to the open zones or if it also implies the cyberspace stages won’t become more difficult and involved from what we’ve already seen which would be unfortunate to say the least but absolutely in line with how almost all of Forces boring mindless levels were designed.
  16. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Nothing about that says anything about the Cyber Space levels not being difficult?[/QUOTE]
  17. Indeed, the article explicitly focused on the Open Zone. I have no doubt that the cyberspace stages will progressively get more challenging.
  18. JaredAFX


    You telling me a shrimp fried this rice? Member
    Downloading megahertz
    A compilation of over 40 minutes of gameplay. Put in a spoiler tab just in case (I don't think this is anything that hasn't been shared already, but I haven't watched it yet so I want to be safe)
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  19. RikohZX


    I know that Iizuka's estimations of 20-30 hours to complete are probably overestimates, plus the 60 hours for 100% completion, but I thought about it versus other games again. I just can't see modern Sonic Team making something of that proposed game length not feel extensively padded out when the Nintendo games inspiring it are around half that length for the snappy Super Mario Odyssey, to well over double that length on average for Breath of the Wild.

    It also really doesn't seem like the open island zones have all that much meat on their bones so far, with how quick the game is to focus on Cyberspace stuff again and again from the advertising. Sega shouldn't show all of their hand least problems ensue like the infamy of Metal Gear Solid V, obviously, but I just can't wrap my head around what they're filling all of that with, besides puzzles, fights, and little minigames like Big's fishing. Unless there's just an overbearing excess of it.
  20. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member