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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Trippled


    so they never get the feedback on automation during their playtests? i mean that was one of the things i have often hear from non-sonic fans, casual gamers talk about when you let them play it.
  2. Loop


    Pure of Heart. Dumb of Ass. Member
    The song was definitely not written for the game. Sure they have similar chord progression in one part, but you only have so many. And Japanese composers do have writing patterns compared to Western composers etc.

    One thing you have to see is the theme of ONE OK ROCK's album, where Vandalize is featured. It's totally unrelated to Frontiers, even the song itself is regarding a toxic relationship where people cope with sex and alcohol.

    I'm pretty surprised to see SEGA license a track for the Sonic IP again, pretty sure the previous times they did it were only with DCT. I'm open for more activations like this with bands.
  3. Exoticus


    SEGA and pressuring their devs to finish the game by a holiday or anniversary - name a better duo.

    But seriously; you would think that after the multiple times rushing a Sonic game ended up backfiring, SEGA would learn their lesson. Alas. Thank goodness for Iizuka.
  4. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    It's been 30 years of this (all the way to Sonic 3 at least) and SEGA has not learned the lesson at all.
  5. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Unrelated anecdote but I’ve had Vandalize stuck in my head the entire week… It’s such a good song, I got hooked on One Ok Rock because of it.
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  6. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    Wondering if Sage and other characters will have a main theme with a vocala s well.
  7. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I wouldn’t say that’s entirely true. Fire & Ice was delayed, as was Team Sonic Racing and Frontiers was supposedly delayed internally. I think the lesson could certainly have been learned better and it may still end up being the case that Frontiers does come out undercooked, but there has at least been some acceptance towards delaying non-tentpole releases.
  8. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    Mania was delayed too. It was originally a spring release but they needed more time so it got pushed to fall. So they've consistently had no issues delaying games since at least 2015.

    Forces wasn't simple because they needed more time, or because it was rushed, they wanted the game to be simple and designed it as such. They said this in several interviews at the time. No amount of delays or extra time would have changed anything if that core philosophy was still in tact.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
  9. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Besides Boom which wasn’t even developed by Sonic Team, I wouldn’t describe any of the Sonic games since after 06 as “buggy” or “rushed”. All the bad games have been bad because they had issues with their core design philosophies, not because they didn’t have enough time in the oven. So I’d say yes, they have learned their lesson about rushing games. 17 years ago.
  10. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    I don't know man.

    With a staggering 9 levels to blow through, missions designed like filler to "make up" for it, an entire era of a character missing, a story that gives up basically as soon as it starts, (it is not even trying to pay tribute, nor does it have the "meta era" specific problem of trying to hard to be "funny." It simply ceases to exist until the end. Should have been a darn level pack lol) barren and empty hubworlds (that I still prefer to all the ones beforehand, btw), and whatever the heck that Final boss is, I don't really view Generations as a finished game
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
  11. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    You're as bad sitting on the sidelines snarking with popcorn. Stop it.

    Can we all ease off on the personal attacks?
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  12. Snowbound


    I don’t know if I agree with you about Forces. Even if simplicity was always the goal Iizuka had made comments suggesting that the game had to make compromises due to a troubled development.

    Iizuka on Sonic Forces “the road to fruition was anything but smooth. Major changes to the content were made while development was already underway, and at times the project’s whole future was even called into question.”
    Source: Sonic Forces Soundtrack Liner Notes

    Anyways, it seems to me that Iizuka is the common denominator that pushed for delays.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
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  13. Mana


    International and Domestic GOAT Member
    How does that contradict what I said? Nothing about his words imply a rushed development cycle nor does it change the fact that several people involved said they wanted the game to be simpler to be more accessible to a wider audience.

    If anything the fact that it could have such problems but come out without 06 or Boom level bugs shows they were stlil given enough time to see that the game came out to the vision they decided on, even if it took a while to get there.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
  14. Snowbound


    I’m not saying that the game had a short development cycle, nor do I disagree with u regarding the developers wanting a simpler game to appeal to general audiences. I am saying that we know that “Major changes to {Forces} content were made.” What I don’t know is exactly what was changed. Given that I am uncomfortable saying that forces wouldn’t have benefited from more dev time.

    That said in the liner notes Shun Nakamura stated that he wanted to make a customizable Avatar “right from the outset”. Now this is speculation but that could have been a timesink that prevented other aspects of Forces from being fully fleshed out. So if your point is that Forces theoretically had enough dev time but it was misused… then that is a possibility.

    To be clear I don’t strongly agree or disagree with your posts. I just think that there’s still more info we have to learn about Forces development before we can truly judge what went wrong.
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2022
  15. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    …unless they had to strip back the scope of the game to be able to achieve this and “making it more accessible” was simply the official line.

    A bit tin-foil hat perhaps, but it seems to me that there was a lot more to Forces that just didn’t make the cut, so it would surprise me if this were the case.

    Just my own speculation though.
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  16. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    The Cyberspace levels still look like dogwater, unfortunately. A lot of people seem to agree that they're the worst part of the game, and that stems from the control. The controls seem great in the open zone, but they're don't appear to be condusive at all to the cyberspace level design. You can see certain points after a dash panel where Sonic just slows to a crawl, whereas the level designs are made for a much faster Sonic.

    The open zones and combat still look great to me, and the cyberspace levels are now confirmed to be optional, so. Meh.
  17. Azookara


    yup Member
    If this is a success and becomes the "future" of Sonic, I hope they try to reign it back in a bit, or at least evolve it in a way that feels more appropriate to Sonic.

    I'm okayish with all this as an experiment, but all future Sonic games starting to focus heavily on combat while separating all loops and interesting terrain to side-levels would blow ass. I already am mixed on open world games and find myself unable to "get" them most of the time (there's a sense of aimlessness I've never been a big fan of), so all of what they're doing just seems too alien to me if this has long-lasting effects on the series.
  18. Flare


    I am actually more excited for the open world than the cyber stages... probably because I can kinda feel what the cyber stages will play like.

    That said, I would also miss that focus on Sonic's rollercoaster platforming versus combat playground if this does become a new standard - which I hope it does because if this is what excites the current Team and may help them build a better product because of that.

    They could also go in the direction of Mario, where he has two directions his mainline series can go in - which at times it kinda felt like with Dimps back in the day. I would kinda like to see again in all honesty, not making ports of current titles but having a series that can run in tandem.
  19. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I think there’s certainly a case to be made for developing an open world that more naturally incorporates the traditional Sonic landscape features and aesthetics. I think the team have succeeded in their aim of making the Starfall Islands feel alien and I don’t think they’re outright generic as a result thanks to the architecture and enemy designs, but they are quite un-Sonic-like in a way that I wouldn’t to become the norm in the future. Granted, I don’t want something like Sonic Utopia to be transplanted wholesale as I do feel that type of gameplay comes with its own issues, particularly those of precision and raising the skill floor above what I believe is right for the series, but I think this format can only serve to be strengthened by a melding with traditional Sonic hallmarks.
  20. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    It feels less like they're making a 3D platformer and more like a character action game with platforming elements. Not sure how to feel about that, but people seem to like it.