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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. RikohZX


    Probably could trim the opening verse of the slow part of the song down or out to have the piano part match up with the trailer, then kick into the guitars for the meat of the song? I dunno, it did seem like the slow part extended too much into the gameplay part.
  2. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    Sonic being thrashed by a gigantic robot that he has to pull out Super Sonic to fight what clearly won't be the final boss--and on the first island too--is already super exciting and already indicates that there is more to the game.

    I can't imagine being too busy being annoyed that fighting the gigantic robot at high speeds has automation (there is, simply put, no way to make that boss work with "no automation." Even the automation it does have in service to still keeping Sonic's physics is pretty janky lol.) to think there is nothing more to the game. All I'm imagining is what the other bosses and especially the final boss is like, if we're already getting this.

    And for a game that is more about its story than most, and one that is clearly about the mystery, assuming that there is no story because they don't want to spoil it is a very bizarre take.

    To make someone think that the game has no story because they are clearly trying to create a mystery around the story would be impressive, lol. But I don't think Sonic Team succeeded on that front--many other people say they're actually opting out of marketing to not spoil themselves.
  3. Azookara


    yup Member
    I just don't have any faith that Sonic Team is going to pull off a story that's anymore than the progression of:
    - Sonic ends up lost on island with AI that wants to kill him and some voice (probably the TailsTube lady) wanting him to save the island
    - Sonic has to save one friend per island but there's an especially big Titan in the way
    - Sonic can't beat the biggest baddest Titan until he gets all the emeralds
    - Sonic does it, becomes Super Sonic, beats Titan, next island

    For about four or so islands. Call it faithless but I find no intrigue in following that structure when it seems all there is in-between is roaming a big map that's not terribly interesting on it's own + doing some small stages in between that I've already largely played in different games. And I'm not fully convinced that there's much more to the game than those things except bosses (the one thing I don't really come to Sonic for).

    I'd love to believe in Flynn giving me a good story that makes any time with this game worthwhile; he's a great writer and if anyone could it's him. But I can't shake the bad feeling everything around it is bringing me, and I'm not gonna be able to until I'm proven wrong.
  4. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    You're right. Still interesting given the free-roaming nature of Frontiers. I think it's cool that puzzles aren't the only way to "interact" with the environment.
  5. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    What is your doubts about this, besides the notion that it is for some reason improbable that the islands that take more than 4 hours to explore don't have something else to them?

    I'm saying that believing that a game is literally nothing more than the few 1-2 minute trailers is an extreme lack of... "suspension of disbelief", for the lack of a better term.

    I recognize this sort of thing from back when Breath of the Wild was coming out. People shouting from the rooftops that there were NO towns, NO other place than the Great Plateau, NO story, nothing else to the game than what the trailers that intentionally hide aspects showed. I guess even the prestige of Zelda isn't immune to this.

    I feel comparisons between Frontiers and Breath of the Wild are shallow, but I do think that SEGA is emulating the marketing strategy. A huge part of BOTW wasn't shown off until near release or at launch.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
  6. Azookara


    yup Member
    Well for one, I don't have faith in Sonic Team to be able to make anything of actual substance, given about 15 years of reasoning to be worried they can't deliver on those aspects in some way or another.

    On the other.. even if it did, I also don't think BotW has nearly enough towns, different locales or story to keep me invested, so I don't think pointing at it's lack of marketing or presentation for those aspects does it much favor, either. But I know it's an unpopular stance to be a BotW-disliker, so whatever.

    Again, would love to be proven wrong. I don't expect to, though.
  7. Sneasy


    Sneasy Member
    I'm sorry, but "it's Sonic Team" is such a non-response. It means nothing while being used for literally everything (including games they don't even make?).

    What about "Sonic Team" will make this game be bad? Do we have precedent for open-world Sonic Team games? Well, no, and that's why most people are cautiously optimistic.

    I, for one, don't recognize many of the actual patterns in bad Sonic Team Sonic games. About everything is more than I expected (especially the combat), and I had so-so expectations for this game.

    Namely how the gameplay loop (especially the fact that it has an actual gameplay loop) and the parts of the gameplay loop avoids pretty much every problem the longer Sonic games have.

    As for your BOTW opinions, if that game didn't have enough for you, Frontiers certainly won't, so you can be sure of that. Though if you ask me, wanting more towns out of BOTW of all things is the kind of bloat and filler you seem to expect Frontiers to have.
  8. Azookara


    yup Member
    Well I'm glad your expectations are being surpassed.

    I'm not spending several pages arguing over why it ain't working for me, though. Have fun. lol
  9. PhazonHopper


    So I've definitely been on the fence about this game, but after this latest trailer, I have to say, I'm SO FLIPPIN' HYPED. Hearing the lyrics of my new favorite song (I almost tear up every time I hear "fight the pain away", that part really resonates with me, haven't listened to the uncensored version haha ^^;) alongside Sonic transforming into SUPER FREAKIN' SONIC just won me over. I know there are a few gripes with this game here and there, but I'm just so excited now I can't help but ignore them. I think when the game comes out people will look past those issues just because of how EPIC this is all going to be, between the amazing and mysterious story, and the NEW Sonic gameplay (that will probably be the new norm, fingers crossed!!), and not to mention the INCREDIBLE soundtrack!

    Ugh, so hyped, guys! I've already preordered this on Switch and Steam (even though my computer can't handle it, haha), and I'm probably going to buy a copy for everyone in my polycule next paycheck!
  10. Battons


    Shining Force Fan Member
    You have to remember not everyone plays these games often, doesn’t play 2D games, only plays what’s new, understands the concepts but hasn’t learned how to apply them…….. I could go on and on. Sonic mania does a poor job at getting newcomers into the series in terms of how to play a sonic game. The simple reality is these sections need to exist to demonstrate proper movement and behaviors so that newer players can then replicate it later when they are asked to do it themselves in harder levels. Much like studying for a test. I think having an actual tutorial or progression more than just throwing you into green hill #75 with pop up ads that nobody will read would do wonders at helping people get into sonic games.
  11. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    That gameplay loop actually sounds pretty fun to me :V
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  12. MH MD

    MH MD

    Long live the King Member
    If you think what they showed was boring or not intriguing, that's totally fine, i am just saying that it doesn't speak to the lack of amount of what they showed -cause they showed a LOT- , it simply means that all things they showed are just not interesting to you

    But also i don't think other games reveal that much when revealed ,let's just take a look at a game that will release a day after Frontiers, GoW Ragnarok, for as much trailers as they had, they didn't actually show too much, to the point a lot of people just called it "a DLC"
    it was only after the last night that they actually showed a good trailer that showed a good variety of environments and bosses and made the sequel looks distinct and made a lot of skeptics actually excited or interested.

    Bayonetta 3 is in the same boot, revealed like 5 years ago, revealed again a year ago, since then their trailers were actually lacking, it's only just yesterday that they actually showed real gameplay that delved deep into it's various mechanics and new gameplay additions, only then, we got a clear idea of the game and how it will play, and only before release by 1 month

    BOTW2 - no i will not call it TotK- actually still the most lacking in terms of reveals/marketing and known content about the game, we didn't actually get a real gameplay of the game yet or what to really expect...besides a sequel to botw and new sky layer of the open world

    and can say "but those earned the benefit of the doubt\are good developers with good reputation" etc. , that doesn't actually change the point that they don't really reveal that much, and their marketing cycle were lacking in some ways -i do consider GoW:R to be worse than frontiers, regardless of the actual quality of the game itself-

    tl;dr: they showed a lot, maybe you don't consider what they showed intriguing or good and that's fine

    i hate when i accidently type a lot
  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Hyped is.... not what this trailer makes me feel like. I mean, I know I've been vocally critical of this game (and it is nice to see playable Super Sonic in levels, that's fairly rare) but the entire time I was watching the trailer the tone just felt like it was a memorial to something that's died rather than a brand new adventure.
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  14. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I agree. There's a huge difference between "I don't like what Sonic Team is showing" and "Sonic Team is not showing anything".
  15. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I honestly think the marketing have improved a lot. I think they just need to show a little more of Cyberspace levels, but I'm still happy with what we got in trailers. They probably are planning to show a little more of the OST as well.
  16. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    Thanks for missing my point. Appreciate it greatly. Really, thank you.

    My point is that whole argument was not going anywhere (and were not constructive at all), was cyclical, and was going on far too long. I wanted to shut it down by going "regardless of the reasons, these are the facts, and we have to deal with them. If you don't like them, don't get the game, and move on". Ultimately, I have a fairly mixed opinion on the game myself, I haven't shied away from that at all. But on the other hand, I also haven't gone in this thread constantly regurgitating my opinion while ignoring what people were saying. Which is what that whole debate really dwindled down to, people of opposing sides which neither side was giving up ground.

    I am only clarifying the point I was making with that post because it was called into question.
    Last edited: Sep 15, 2022
  17. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
    New screenshots. Sonic is riding a flying enemy across a sea of clouds. Looks like one of the islands will actually be a large collection of islands in the sky.
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  18. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Kind of like Skyward Sword, cool.

    Although it's so unlucky that this game is already being accused of being a BOTW clone and then they have a sky mechanic similar to the one for BOTW2 recently revealed that they couldn't've possibly known about. Hopefully people realize that its a funny coincidence and don't start pointless flame wars...
  19. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Keys to the Kingdom or whatever isn't even coming out for another seven months or so, I don't think it will be a big deal.
  20. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
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