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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Mana


    Box Office King Baby Member
    That's an entirely different debate, and not the point either, so I don't even get the point of mentioning it when that'd lead to a completely different game entirely.
  2. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I mean, the real debate is what the specific differences between the overworlds and cyber levels actually are, in terms of what the level design requires from the controls. I'm not sure what specifically would break in the cyber levels we've seen so far if Sonic's acceleration, top speed etc. could be altered like in the overworld. Similarly, I'm not sure what's supposed to be so different about the platforming challenges on the islands that would accommodate for the difference anyway. The fact that we couldn't even tell up to this point (and indeed, it's still just one person's testimony) should say a lot.

    It is annoying -- because I think the implication here is that the mechanics in the cyber levels really don't go any deeper than Colors or Forces, even though we've got wallrunning, a drop dash, a weird shitty version of the bounce attack...okay, well, those things aren't amazing, but if they were incorporated into the level design, it would feel a lot less sterile than the "only run jump boost and homing attack" we've seen so far.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2022
  3. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    "boost" levels require more precision than the open world and have less margin for error, and the more precise you get with platforming, the less you can change without having to change physics or level design. Changing Crash's base jump height would fundamentally change how his games would play - hell, the N-Sanity Trilogy using a different kind of collision mesh for Crash completely changed how the game behaved for me compared to the originals (for worse). Sonic even gets a lot of mileage out of this in the classic games - Knuckles' reduced jump height is largely what keeps him from being able to just recycle 100% of all of Sonic 3's levels like it can with Tails.

    (and yes, "batshit" is a term of endearment, I love the original Phantasy Star :))
  4. Technically Inept

    Technically Inept

    Least Jaded Sonic Fan Member
    Man that was some good music to go to sleep t-

    Wait what? What do you mean this is the theme that play while exploring a world
    in a Sonic game?

    Also, is it really called theme of Starfall islands? As in, there is only one theme, not multiple for the different environments?
  5. Londinium


    People actually read these? Member
    Starfallasleep Islands
  6. DefinitiveDubs


    First, stop acting like an asshole: I'm not reading the forums 24/7. Forgive me for having a life and not replying to comments that are not even a day old. Even if I didn't reply, you are not entitled to a response nor a debate.

    Second: allowing control customization would go a long way to getting the normies (and also, older people) onboard who think modern Sonic games are too fast and they can't react to anything that's happening. That's why I thought they were added it in the first place, which is why this is so disappointing. Ironically, I can see why Cyberspace would benefit from setting Sonic's speed and can't for the overworld. Control customization is never a bad thing, and the Cyberspace levels would beg for it more than a big open area would. And the only reason they wouldn't allow this in Cyberspace is because tweaking the controls might break scripted sequences, which again goes back to the systemic issue of that there shouldn't be any scripted sequences that are in danger of breaking. Does Sonic 1 break by removing the speed cap? Would Sonic 2/3 break by implementing it?

    We're not talking about how high he jumps or whatever, it's just how much control the player has over Sonic's speed. If I can have that control in a racing game via the options menu, why not Sonic? Because it's a platformer? That's not much of an argument considering they both go at similarly high speeds.
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2022
  7. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh

    I think they might be obfusticating quite a bit when attempting to promote this game. It's almost as if they've got two disjointed playstyles and they lack confidence in the so-called "open zone" concept.

    In other news:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Cloudy sky, bloomy sun, green grass, rocky rocks, structure in the distance, main character vaguely looking towards it.

    Except in America Land where Sonic looks at the camera and the colour grading is probably wrong.
  8. I’m pretty sure the US and Europe are getting that completely different box art with Sonic grinding.

    It’s a very weird situation where I may actually prefer the western box art and it is primarily due to the BotW influence. The only other game where I think I may prefer the non-JP box art is Virtua Fighter 5 lol. At the very least, I am tempted to buy both versions instead of just the JP one which is my normal MO when the art has been changed.

    I think I’ll preorder the JP collector’s edition on Switch just to have and then pick up a PlayStation copy here to actually play.
  9. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I don’t get the point you’re trying to make here, it’s a fairly bog standard box art format for open world games of any sort at this point. Plus the American one doesn’t even do that at all and just has Sonic grinding on a rail with more of a focus on the “coolness” than anything else.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
  10. Mana


    Box Office King Baby Member
    Me asking you to explain what you meant isnt me being an asshole. You can't make claims that are either easily discredited or relate situations that aren't 1:1 then expect people to not say anything, then also not respond when several people post or say something that shows what you said doesn't add up. I'm not going after you specifically.

    The cyberspace levels are more linear and designed around the speed caps built into the levels. Yes it would break automated sections by changing the speed caps. In the same way it'd be break them even in Generations or Unleashed. You never clipped out the level in either of those games by boosting at the wrong time? I have and that's usually during a sequence where control is about to be taken from the player temporarily.

    The question of "should there be automated sections in the boost levels or not" has nothing to do with why they DON'T let you change Sonic's speed cap in them. The levels are designed around Sonic running at the speeds they set and changing it would break the game, yes, but for anyone who's played any Boost game that should have been obvious.

    The open world is designed in a different way that won't break from letting you control Sonic's speed. That's all I'm saying. The argument about if this is a good thing or not is entirely different and not the point you raised initially.

    All you said was that you can't control the speed caps in the cyberspace levels, which I thought most people knew would be a given.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2022
  11. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    this art trope has existed since the 19th century lol
  12. Zephyr


    Sonic Fans continue to be baffled that trends exist, and that Sonic might follow one.
  13. As nonsensical as it sounds, I do feel like there is a justification. Sonic literally established itself as a franchise that went against the grain (that being Mario) and bucked conventional trends to carve its own path. That is the image many hold of Sonic. So it probably feels like a betrayal of that theme when Sonic follows conventional art trends.

    I agree that its dumb af and people need to get some perspective, but there is a semblance of logic.

    Sonic is poison tbh.
  14. Kyro


    Its true, but fuck if he isnt an addictive one.

    Anyways, I really do like that theme for the starfall islands, but is it confirmed anywhere if thats what plays when just exploring the open world? I do think its a fairly good track for it if so, its long and isnt too repetitive, and isnt too over the top to be distracting, but it would be disappointing if it played on every islandm
  15. VectorCNC


    CNC Sculpture/Artwork
    Just curious, was there ever any light shed on what that cryptic symbol was, back when Frontiers was initially being teased?
  16. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    We saw it on the inside of one of the big geometric floating structures, but we can't decipher its meaning now any more than we could last year.
  17. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I'd imagine it has something to do with the cyloop and the ancient civilization that seems to have taken residence on the islands thousands of years ago. (I mean, who else could have built all the structures?)

    God, this game has gotten me so curious. I can't wait to uncover all the mysteries in the final game.
  18. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    It seems silly to think customizable controls would "break scripted events" in Cyberspace when the speed is already upgradable and that is your incentive to collect speed upgrades, to beat time trials. Also, there are "scripted" events in the open zone, so I don't think it has anything to do with "breaking" the game, otherwise customization wouldn't be allowed at all, right?
  19. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I'd imagine it has less to do with the speed caps and more to do with other customizable things like turning sensitivity, acceleration, stopping time, etc etc. All those things matter very little in an open world and are mostly preference, but could make a linear stage unreasonably hard or far too easy, depending on the stage.
  20. Shade Vortex

    Shade Vortex

    The Black Vortex Member
    USA, WA.
    YouTube Memes
    There is no indication that the open world stats or skills reflect at all for Sonic's abilities in Cyberspace, and the likely answer is that they don't.

    People can argue about this every which way every way until Sunday and we're all as blue in our faces as Sonic is (except his muzzle), but everyone who's actually played this damn game says these sliders do not affect cyberspace, the why and why not really do not matter at the end of the day. The open world skills are for the open world, that is the primary focus of this game, its budget, and its development. The cyberspace stages are an afterthought, and are mostly so short and linear that this argument going in circles is going to last longer than all of them combined.
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