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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Truth be told, we're not gonna know if this song fits the game until we've played it. I just think its a bop on its own.
  2. MootPoint


    Clockwork Aquario's Strongest Soldier Member
    Nah I get what you mean, it does seem more "regretful" in terms of tone compared to other vocal themes. Songs like Open your Heart or Live & Learn are hard rock but those are there to pump the player up. Overall, they do have a positive vibe to them.

    It does make me curious about how the game is going to end, though. The past ending themes have been more uplifting; will this one have actual consequences? lol
  3. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    I like this. Excited to hear it again with the context of the full game as the credits roll.
  4. Josh


    Ah, yeah, I'm not much for music theory, which is why I have trouble articulating this stuff. But I think you hit the nail on the head. I was in high school when the whole emo thing was at its peak, and I just hated it, I felt insanely out of place. So it's no surprise that it still hits me weird a decade or two later, haha. The whole tone of Frontiers' story and the way it's being marketed, like Forces before it, keeps giving me this off-putting feeling like, "They're really not making this one for me, huh?" and this just seems like further indication of that. But if nothing else, like you said, the characters should still FEEL like the characters with Flynn writing. There have been tons of Sonic games where the story did nothing for me, and I didn't really care since I still jived with the gameplay. Hopefully that'll be the case here, too!

    I really appreciated the way Flynn put it here, as someone feeling that way:

  5. You just gotta realize that you were an old man even in High School who wasn't "with it" :VVVV

  6. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
    I love Crush 40 songs, but I love even more when SEGA call different artists to interpret the vocal songs / themes, that's why I like the Sonic and the Secret Rings OST, His World from Sonic 2006 and With Me from Sonic and the Black Knight.

    Having so much music variation is a good thing in my book.
  7. Xiao Hayes

    Xiao Hayes

    Classic Eggman art Member
    Umm... Not my style of music (it's still too "pop", if that makes sense), yet it's good, and I think it fits the tone of the game as well as the "cool teenager" Sonic's meant to be. Every vocal song since "endless possibility" has been from mediocre to horrible (please, Chaos Emeralds, erase "Speak to your Heart" from existence) besides Infinite's theme in some very few cases where people other than the original band sings it.
  8. Josh


    I mean, I was listening to 80s music and lamenting that I couldn't have been a teenager then, so yeah, kind of! Now I see TikToks of teens listening to Mr. Brightside and wishing that they had been teens when I was. Time is a flat circle. But every time I see that Simpsons meme about how I "used to be with it," I can take comfort in the knowledge that I never was. xD
  9. Beamer the Meep

    Beamer the Meep

    Better than Sonic Genesis... Member
    It feels kinda nostalgic for my pre-teen years even if I didn't listen to Emo music myself. If it has plot significance, I imagine it may tie into the reason SAGE is so intent on getting Sonic to leave and saying his "reckless actions endanger the world".

    Also, do we think a different singer is handling the main theme or could it be the lead singer of One OK Rock is singing it?
  10. Snowbound


    I’m feeling the exact same way. I didn’t listen to this kind of music in the early 2000s however the genre is now incredibly nostalgic for me. I’ve also broadened my musical horizons as I’ve gotten older. But as a kid I was so out of the zeitgeist that this song doesn’t bring back memories of listening to Paramore and The Killers… it reminds me of early 2000s Bruce Springsteen songs like Radio Nowhere and Further On Up The Road.
  11. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Fun fact: The line "Fuck the pain away" in the uncensored version of the song is actually a very subtle reference to the fact that Sonic and Shadow are totally gay and have hot gay sex regularly.

    or maybe i've just been reading too many yaoi fanfics in the wait for frontiers who knows
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  12. It should be noted that we have had songs dealing with heavy subjects before too. Black Knight ended with a song about living life to the fullest, and that's after the final boss wanted to create an unending world to escape her own despair. Yea, Sonic is no stranger to this type of music lol.

    It stands out even more because this is the most somber song Crush 40 have done for Sonic.
  13. DefinitiveDubs


    That's not really THAT heavy...that's pretty basic stuff that's been with stuff since Sonic 1's box art.

    Vandalize, meanwhile, (after I've analyzed the lyrics a bit better) is about a guy who's suffering depression after a bad breakup, so he drowns his sorrows in casual sex and alcohol.
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2022
  14. Well the illustrated point is that somber songs aren't anything alien to Sonic is all.
  15. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Both shocked and not shocked that nobody is bothering to mention Worth a Chance (Secret Rings) and Dear My Friend (Unleashed) but I guess the phrase "Crush 40" just demands memorization from some people more than any other.
  16. MontiP


    "Tylerfoxorwhatever? I barely know her!" Member
    Ok, when I first heard the preview, I was like "Yeah, this is fine. Not my favorite vocal theme out there, but I like the vibe it's going with."

    Now that I have replayed the full song a couple of times, I gotta say: I fucking love this song now. And as someone who sort of grew up in the sidelines of that "edgy/emo period of the 2000's", this song did give me a stint of nostalgia (even though I'm just 21 now :V)

    That being said, if this song was written with Frontiers in mind, then that makes me wonder... Just what the fuck will be the outcome of this story that results in such a somber theme :ohdear:
  17. DefinitiveDubs


    The only theory I can come up with is it's going to involve Sonic and Amy's relationship becoming strained. I know that sounds fanfiction-y as fuck but it's legit the only thing I can think of without knowing more details about the story.

    With the censored lyrics, it's possible Sega can spin it to be about a ruined friendship (and thus have it be about another character), but given the original song's meaning, and how "love" is still in the lyrics, I feel like romance has to be part of it somehow.
  18. Snowbound


    If they were to make it about a ruined friendship maybe it has something to do with SAGE’s backstory and, potentially, the character’s fate. I mean Sega has killed off a main character in their introductory Sonic games (looks at Shadow in SA2). Of course they immediately backtracked… but still
  19. RikohZX


    I mean as far as the series, spinoffs and even the IDW comics are concerned, Infinite's ass is still deader than a doornail, but given how they went for a different sort of edge with him it's still hilarious how anti-climactic that all was.
  20. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
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