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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Wow haven't heard anyone describe a 3D Sonic series as "phenomenal" before. Called it though, you level up speed.

    Also what that Twitter dick is doing to Katie is not ok.
  2. Hydr0city


    > Kamikazee Member
    I'm still uncertain if it's Sky Sanctuary, but it does look a lot more like it. Its still hard to tell, since it also just kind of looks like generic urban buildings. Could be City Escape, or something.

    I don't mind the asset reuse too much if they're able to make sense of it (maybe it's like, going into Sonic's past????) but we'll see where it all ends up. If the level design is interesting, I can look past it a bit because if a level is fun then they can do what they please.
  3. DefinitiveDubs


  4. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I imagine it’d be dynamic stems instead tbh, given how progression between encounters is going to be much less authored than in Unleashed.
  5. I'm glad the enemies fighting will have a theme, because I don't wanna kill some Evangelion-esque robots with Minecraft music on background.
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  6. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Hm. Strange that those hearts are allegedly just collectibles, I thought those were going to replace rings as Sonic's health, with rings taking a backseat as some form of currency. Not a bad thing, just a weird design choice, since hearts are like, universally the health object
  7. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    I think we could focus less on the supposedly reuse of old levels and more on the "phenomenal" thing.
  8. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Kid Icarus got away with it and, given that rings have been the series' hitpoint system since the very beginning, I think Sonic will do just fine as well.
  9. DefinitiveDubs


    Taking a gaming news outlet like IGN at their word is foolish. While they may not be "paid off" as some people like to say, they have a lot of incentive to be on SEGA's good side to continue receiving sponsored ads and review copies of their products.

    They have a history of saying similar raving previews of Sonic games such as Secret Rings. And we all know how "phenomenal" that game was.
  10. There's also the fact that most of the impressions probably don't have much of a history in playing past-Sonic games. That's not to say only fans have a proper understanding of this stuff, but I think having some history with the franchise you're giving impressions for goes a long way.

    Like if the game looks good, what does it look good compared to? What's the frame of reference? Other Sonic games? Other Open World games?
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    Personally I don't mind that this isn't a traditional 3D Sonic. Like "this isn't a Sonic game" isn't a real harsh criticism when the ones we call 3D Sonic games range from horrendous to meh to good but not great.

    I'm just so fed up with more of the same that I'm willing to take a radical departure, I think it's needed. And seems like this'll have a balance of both so it's not all foreign.
  12. It all really depends on what you personally want out of a 3D Sonic game and how well you understand their problems and see them in Frontiers. If you liked Boost gameplay, Frontiers using that framework is a plus. But if you don't like Boost games, for whatever reason, and wanted a complete overhaul of the framework for 3D Sonic gameplay, or even just something closer to Sonic Adventure, then Frontiers was already fighting an uphill battle from the outset.

    Its not too surprising the impressions have been mixed across the board if you think about it like that, and its just a symptom of Sonic constantly changing and overhauling its gameplay for so long that it naturally led to people having different preferences and expectations on what makes a good 3D Sonic game.

    A 3D Sonic game would have to meet the expectations of the aforementioned people I just mentioned; it can't just be a "good game", it has to be a good SONIC game as well that addresses many of the issues I just brought up between New and Old fans. Sounds impossible, but if other franchises can do it, don't see why Sonic can't.

    At the very least, I'm just hoping Frontiers is decent at this point; if its better than Forces, that will at least pacify some fans for a few months before we start clamoring for the next game.
  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    >this plus level up system

    It's like they took all the bad points from Unleashed and decided "it's been long enough, let's try this again, surely it'll go down better the second time".
  14. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
  15. Previews for Sonic games, from both fans and non-fans, have proven to be entirely unreliable in the past to me; either things are nowhere near as good as people said they were, or they're nowhere near as bad as people think. So, I'm pretty firmly in the "wait until I play it" crowd at this point before I make any sweeping judgments.

    My reaction is basically is that Frontiers doesn't look terrible...nothing about it is really incentivizing me to play it either. It's pretty middle of the road so far as I can look at it.
  16. ChaddyFantome


    While I agree with the sentiment, I think using Forces vs Lost World is a very poor example. Those are very different games played by very different groups of people. Nothing came out between those 2 games as well.
    But yea. As someone who played Sonic2, Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles, then played Adventure games and didn't think anything crazy about it, it is rather annoying to constantly be reminded there is supposed to be some divide there whenever I get on the internet.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2022
  17. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I'm still cautiously optimistic, but positive impressions are positive impressions.

    Those are definitely sky sanctuary's floors. How much the rest of the level lifts from that stage or the game in general lifts from others remains to be seen.

    Also, the boost is on the R button now? What do you press for the wall running? I hope it isn't automatic, Lost World didn't need a run button but deciding when you did and didn't want to parkour was important.
  18. jubbalub


    #1 Sonic Superstars defender Member
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  19. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    imo it's a bit hypocritical to tell people we can't take hands-on impressions at face value or get even a little bit excited / relieved about positive impressions tho

    those secret rings write-ups are hilarious in retrospect, but imo we don't have to turn this potentially positive thing into another negative, we'll see if it's all buzz or if it's legit

    in all fairness too, Secret Rings had the benefit of existing during a time where everyone was like "what if THIS game had motion controls? you could really be sonic" so a lot of people were easily impressed by literally anything that used them
  20. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    It's actually illegal to believe anything about this game, ever. If you are caught within 100 miles of any opinion whatsoever you are liable to be caught, imprisoned and pulped by SEGA's policy protection agents.
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