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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    That is the post saving feature. If you don't want the draft saved then you need to blank the post and a minute. It'll say "draft deleted" in the lower right of the post box.
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  2. RikohZX


    Honestly, people give them too much crap for Advance 2 and 3 specifically, and the 3DS versions of Generations and Lost World felt like something pushed out the door by tie-in mandates. Great level designers? Hell no. Fun Rush trilogy, solid understanding of Classic with Advance 1 at the time, and solid overall entries until Lost World 3DS became one of the worst Sonic games I have ever played? A more fair assessment personally.

    I'll even say Sonic 4 was painfully, dreadfully underbaked and mediocre as the most forgettable games last decade, but I understand the development problems and executive choices at work, and I'll still play them sooner than I would Lost World and Forces. That's how much I trust DIMPS over Sonic Team at this point.
  3. Childish


    Pigs wiggle when they walk Member
    Shady lane
    Sonic 4 Blast Processed
    You think you have it bad? I'm still using an iphone 4s.:eng99: (her name is SASHA btw)
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  4. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    Hey I’m faithful to my sig: I like Sonic Advance :p
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  5. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I would absolutely love another sonic advance game, or even better, a new sonic rush game.
    I know it's a fever dream but that would be so cool.
  6. Childish


    Pigs wiggle when they walk Member
    Shady lane
    Sonic 4 Blast Processed
    Who knows? The movies have given sonic more popularity so sega just might hand sonic over to dimps (or another studio) to cash into it. The boost formula seems to not be going anywhere and is kinda the default right now so I definitely think a rush successor would make sense (not that sega likes sense).
  7. Aesculapius Piranha

    Aesculapius Piranha

    つづく Oldbie
    The combos they showed on the standard enemies looks lackluster and not fluid, but on the "colossus" character it looked pretty fluid and fun. I do like that they nerfed homing attack but still keep jumping from enemy to enemy. It was a good compromise they came up with. I like the visual style *A LOT* but also feel like they could have come out the door with a bit more of the running action we expect. Also IGN is a terrible choice to premier things whoever's footage it is.
  8. I just realized something...

    Is there no double jump?? I can't recall seeing it
  9. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    There is. You can see it during the bossfight with the colossus.

    Morio Kishimoto is a fan of the double jump. I remember reading an interview where he talks about how much he likes it.

    I don't think Sonic really needed a double jump but I never had a problem with it tbh.
  10. OK thx

    I'm a blind-ass bat lol
  11. Aesculapius Piranha

    Aesculapius Piranha

    つづく Oldbie
    One thing I kind of feel like bringing up that I didn't realize from my initial hype:
    Generations was a really good game. I did not think it was well-written.
  12. Snowbound


    The complaints about the clashing aesthetics in Frontiers are ironic considering that Sonic Team lost numerous members who worked on Unleashed and/or Generations who went on to design the locales in open world games like Breath of the Wild, Mario Odyssey and Xenoblade Chronicles. Maybe these guys would’ve created a more cohesive world:

    Makoto Yonezu (Art and Design work on Adventure 2, Advance 1, Advance 2, Riders and lead field artist on Sonic Unleashed -> Planet designer on Mario Galaxy 2, senior lead artist: landscape on Zelda BOTW, Mario Odyssey field artist)
    Daisuke Amakawa (field artist on Sonic Unleashed -> Character modeling for Zelda BOTW)
    Hideaki Hakozaki (field artist on Sonic Unleashed -> Producer Xenoblade Chronicles X)
    Keihan Fujii (field artist Sonic Unleashed, stage artist Sonic Generations -> Landscape Modeling Zelda BOTW)
    Satoshi Takahashi (character modeling Sonic Unleashed -> field modeling Mario Odyssey)
    Masahiro Ukai (Programmer Sonic Generations - Programmer Xenoblade Chronicles 2) I know he’s not an artist but I wanted to include all former boost-era ST members who went on to work on Open World/Combat games

    Sources: (CtrlF is your friend on some of these pages) (this served as the foundation of this post)
    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild/Credits - Zelda Wiki (
    Sonic Unleashed/Production credits - Sonic Retro
    Xenoblade Chronicles X/credits | Nintendo | Fandom
    Sonic Generations/Production credits - Sonic Retro
    Xenoblade Chronicles 2/credits | Nintendo | Fandom
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2022
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  13. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    haha don't worry about it, it's a blink and you'll miss it type of thing
    I wonder if it's part of his basic moveset or something you have to unlock
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  14. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Jumping itself is actually locked behind the skill tree, just after running. Good luck! :)
  15. Crasher


    Why hello there! Member
    I mean, with the constant public remarks about how Sonic isn't good and how most pre-release game journo footage typically doesn't look that great for any game, you really can't blame them for being a bit cynical about the presenters :V

    Honestly, the footage gives me a vibe of a progress video you'd see in a dev log. This is more of a mechanics showcase, not a first-look preview of the gameplay and how the game flows. I don't know who put the video together (i.e. is it IGN or SEGA?) but SEGA should've provided a proper gameplay trailer for the first day and a properly edited showcase of the mechanics (with a voice-over or something), instead of what appears to be disjointed clips of each bit strung together with minimal editing.


    So after combing through 30 pages of reactions...

    I'll just say it again.

    Sonic will never work in 3D the way you want it too. Period. It's just not technically or financially feasible for anyone but utterly obsessed fans with unlimited time and dedication. And so far none of them have truly done it either. Maybe Sonic Worlds? But that game looks awful compared to modern AAA efforts.

    - Sonic's 3D gameplay with momentum will never be something casuals or kids can pick up and get good at without getting frustrated. Sure, some can, but most won't. That's why this franchise is eternally cursed to have scripted sequences in 3D.
    - True momentum based gameplay in 3D with slopes can also utterly break an open world design extremely quickly. This also gets worse the faster Sonic himself is capable of going.
    - Of the existing attempts we have, Sonic Utopia and many other demos are technically cool and sound, but very offputting for casuals and young kids who want to buy this. Yes, skilled players can do really great stuff with them, but they are not as easy to pick up as the 2D classics, and that's a bigger problem than everyone here realizes.
    - Sonic with full boost or even adventure speed can run through most open world maps in mere minutes. His speed utterly clashes with what is technically feasible in a lot of designs. No truly open world fan attempt has truly resolved this issue, even the very best are still just tech demos and concepts that would end up very similar to what you see here.
    - SRB2 is still the best 3D Sonic game made so far in terms of translating the franchise to 3D, but that game is hard for a lot of users to pick up, has only just recently tackled slopes, still hasn't done loops properly without scripting, and has taken nearly 20+ years of refinement to reach the point it's at. It also has some awful difficulty curves later on and is still utterly unbeatable for many less than experienced/skilled players.

    Boost Sonic on a big map with randomly placed scripted objects may very well be the best that's reasonably doable in 3D for this character. You guys are seriously underestimating just how broken a full game Sonic Utopia engine with this setup would be, and how many players would get bored with it and put it down, especially the younger and more casual base that still likes Sonic as a character.
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  17. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    There is a very wide area between "Utopia" and "Boost". Just saying.
  18. RikohZX


    I'm not asking for Utopia/Project Hero tier physics and momentum. I'm asking for Sonic Team to not automate everything so hard that nothing can be done without boosters and springs everywhere, and his movement being so controlled by them that running across a dash pad only speeds him up for a second before he resets to a brisk jogging run.

    People in an afternoon could replicate what we've seen of Frontiers' movement, take the animations from Forces since they're mostly the same, and still work in better physics controls than a static, unbending rolling stone that stops on a dime. They've already crafted the level design, although I struggle to really call it that so far, and it would be more intuitive than trying to rely on a boost button that just shockwaves you for a couple seconds, while the walls and hills that shouldn't be crossed just have to be steep enough.

    Literally. This isn't even fancy or overly complicated. The complicated part is actually trying to add any of this into a pre-existing engine that is hardcoded since at least 2013 to not really cooperate with any of this sort of stuff.

    Mind you I'm not asking for a complete redux of everything like this little test tries to do/imply, I know it can shift level design heavily to accommodate for it, but.. there really isn't any level design. Sonic Team just made a big open map and plopped a bunch of rails and springs down that flings Sonic everywhere without any flow. It just exists unlike objectives and things to seek in other open world games.
  19. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    I don't understand. Do you think that the concept of struggling uphill, gaining a bit of speed downhill, and then maintaining it is that big of a a concept for casuals to grasp? Do you think casual players and children are literally morons?
    And for the second point you do realize that sonic has a speed cap, right? He has never just kept on building speed forever, you do know that? The sonic in the trailer is quite a bit slower than say, generations, so I really don't think the basic universal principle of momentum would really break the game as much as you're implying.
  20. Snowbound


    There is absolutely a way to make a momentum style game with compromises to make it accessible to the public. Frankly I think Sonic Speed Simulator does just that...and given it’s popularity on freakin roblox I’m confident that it’s accessible to kids. it’s not what I thought I wanted out of a 3D Sonic but I’ve fallen in love with it. For instance I initially thought the SA1 spam-able spindash was a relic of a time when devs (read between the lines: Naka) didn’t want to use shoulder buttons. I figured that a modern take on a 3D momentum Sonic would have the ability to roll on a shoulder pad. But that decision would make the game more technical than it needs to be. after playing Speed Simulator I saw the pros of the spamdash. It lowered the learning curve for young players while allowing veteran players to get the momentum gameplay they’ve been craving.
    I agree with this sentiment:
    Now maybe Sega/Sonic Team doesn’t want to put the work in to find the middle ground between hyper technical fan games and forces boost to win... but I refuse to believe that it’s impossible