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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Flare


    Combat looks nice to me. I like the flower enemy where it felt more like a mini boss with patterns versus the balloon thing... which is genuinely scary looking but felt a bit too just homing attack until it dies haha.

    I am not a fan of combat systems, I am more of a Zelda sword swing and dodge, than a Hyrule Warriors button combination attacker. But I'm sure people will love tapping A 8 times for kick rush attack haha.

    I do hope there is enemy encounter music, not to the extent of the Warehog, but something besides calm music.

    ALSO, the rings flying out AFTER he hits the ground is weird... I don't know the reason behind that decision.
  2. astroblema


    my name means "star wound" Member
    It's a secret!
    This is fine to me tbh, I just hope they delay the game and add momentum
  3. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    Why? When the game is in the first place designed around not having momentum, what would implementing it truly add to the experience? I do think a further delay would be beneficial (but almost certainly not realistic), but would also be better spent cleaning up the animations, further optimising the game world and adjusting Sonic's movement in more meaningful ways, such as raising his default running speed.
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  4. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Let's be fair here, that music has been added in post for this video. It's certainly from the game, but the music continues playing even when the footage transitions to a different area. There's very likely some more aggro music for encounters.
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  5. Sonic reverting to his standing animation midair is the type of personality and energy I want out of character action combat.
    It’s the Lost World model for some reason they’re still using it when it doesn’t match the CG and possibly the cutscene model which would explain the mismatch you pointed out.
  6. Black Squirrel

    Black Squirrel

    let's hurl a bwiki mart Wiki Sysop
    Northumberland, UK
    the kwiki mart is real d'oh
    IGN must be ecstatic, getting dibs on something this miserable.
  7. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    More tiny "what even is this" things to list.

    What the fuck is up with the decision to make Sonic teleport five yards away (to the point the camera almost loses its lunch trying to keep up) before he performs certain aerial attacks? It's extremely disorienting.

    The player toggling distant camera shots despite being in a close combat scenario (presumably by accident I guess). It really does feel like the person demoing the game is trying to play the game for the first time (much like the previous footage).

    The use of the quick step during combat (as a means of a dodge move) is a great example of how the Boost mechanics do not fit for what they're trying to pull off here. They eject Sonic out of the immediate arena, so the player always has to make their way back to continue fighting. If Sonic could attack from a distance, then sure, whatever; but a lot the fighting shown here is at close quarters.

    Voice clips for Sonic during the colossus battles sound much deeper than RCS normally sounds when voicing Sonic. Is that really Roger, or the JP voice actor? Either way, it's jarring.

    No surprise whatsoever that the blue auras on the colossus arms are speed boosters by proxy, used to coast Sonic up to the top of the boss. At least they also have red ones to repel him as some sort of challenge, I suppose.

    Rings falling out of Sonic once he hits the ground after an attack (instead of when he gets hit immediately) is...actually kind of a good change?

    The one thing I could probably say as a positive about the combat shown is that there seems to be enough of a variety of mechanics to allow for combo potential. But the various leaks faulted it as button-mashy and dry back when they were posted years ago, and that still holds true today.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2022
  8. Palas


    Don't lose your temper so quickly. Member
    So you're trying to tell me a game that portrays a character that moves fast across an expansive world, and whose combat techniques are also based on moving (see: spin cycle), and in which the faster you're going, the better you're able to handle or at the very least start combat, wouldn't benefit from momentum?
  9. Gestalt


    Sphinx in Chains Member
    Needless to say, Frontiers won't have the combat depth of a Zelda game, but Sonic's acrobatics make up for it. This time, we got a better look at how the game's controls work and I must say... I have nothing to complain about. OK, the battles seem to drag a bit, but isn't that just standard fare in these kinds of games?

    What this game needs to do for me to lose my shit* is
    show a final trailer in which we see a playable Knuckles, Tails, Shadow, Amy, and heck, maybe even Eggman. Fingers crossed.

    *This is what you wanted, right?
  10. MootPoint


    Clockwork Aquario's Strongest Soldier Member
    I think you misread. I know it's the forces model in the gameplay, but I find it strange that there are clearly two different, in-game models that showed up in the video, especially when the one in the opening panning shot matches the CGI model much better.

    Gives me the idea that the long quills are from a newer build of the game.

    It could also work with the assumption that the forces model was just a placeholder. It's the only one that could react with the PBR Shaders, which HE2 takes advantage of.
  11. CrunkNut


    The game looks fun. Animations are still somewhat jank, but combat seems pretty cool. Sonic's voice though is weird. It's so much deeper than normal. I wonder what the deal with that is.

    My hopes are rising (very) slowly. I might enjoy a new Sonic game again.
  12. MH MD

    MH MD

  13. I’m saying that shot is possibly either a cutscene or pre-rendered hence the difference.
  14. RikohZX


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  15. MootPoint


    Clockwork Aquario's Strongest Soldier Member
    Nah, that's totally in-game. It's not as high poly as the one in the CGI trailer.
  16. Childish


    Pigs wiggle when they walk Member
    Shady lane
    Sonic 4 Blast Processed
    Didn't one of the leaks say something about customisation options like colours ultimate? Perhaps they give you the option to switch to different modals? I doubt it but it would explain the different models.
  17. MH MD

    MH MD

    as for the "it takes million hits to kill" concerns ...honestly i am not concerned here cause we know there are skill tree and basically leveling up, i am sure the enemies will take less hits to kill as you progress through the game , and it seems to me there is a number of ways to approach enemies

    and that leave me with the combat itself, i actually like it a lot, it's a natural extension of Sonic's movelist, looks fast and snappy, and they didn't implement instant Homing Attack from ground before? it seemed as natural evolution as the drop dash from mania

    That said...there is a lot of jank going on here, they really should fix that cause it's not doing the game any favor right now
  18. …isn’t Zelda just Z-target, strafe jump around until the enemy is vulnerable, and hit B? Or press forward and B to stab? I wouldn’t really hold it up as a game series with great combat depth. Something like DMC or Ninja Gaiden is much more fleshed out. I am talking as someone who has really only played Ocarina and Windwaker though.

    That said, I found today’s trailer much more appealing. I’m glad that’s the general consensus. I really don’t mind button mashy combat and it can be fun with the right moveset. I know it’s not gonna be smoking sexy style, but I’m interested to see how flashy you can get when you’re good and not taking it slow to demonstrate things.

    Some notes:

    The spin move looked better in context when you can see the conclusion of its animation as well.

    I think I did see a real dodge and not just a sidestep. I thought the first dodge was one but later dodges looked like they had unique animation that was in response to an actual attack.

    That shielded enemy seems super tedious. I hope you can one cycle it when playing for real.

    I don’t like the camera snapping around for that move. I get what they’re going for but it’s too sudden and goes way too far back.
  19. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    The scenes with the larger quills look a lot smoother. Maybe they're doing the Nintendo method, get the core in 1st and fix the animations later (Mario Odyssey's cutscenes were far rougher initially than in the final, they didn't clean that up til like last).

    Why show an older crappier build though when a supposed better one exists?

    Oh and someone mentioned they didn't like the music. That's on you personally I love this direction. No this isn't a traditional Sonic game, the look isn't traditional the music isn't the gameplay isn't. Personally I'm glad. I wanted different and this is definitely that, and it looks kinda fun, even if not perfect.
  20. CrunkNut


    Could it be possible the two models are for different console generations? Completely unrelated game, but an example would be LittleBigPlanet 3. On PS3, they reused a lot of assets from LittleBigPlanet 2, but on PS4 they made new, higher quality ones to take advantage of the better hardware. Maybe this is something like that?