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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Flare


    They say similar things with almost every Sonic game they develop.

    It’s all ‘from the ground up’ this, better quality that.
  2. qwertysonic


    creating the biggest sonic collection
    One of my pet peeves is "from the ground up". Literally nothing is designed from the ground up. It's all based on something earlier. And no one want's something that designed from the ground up. Take cars for example. I don't want a brand new car, I want one that's been iterated upon for decades so all of the glaring problems have been engineered out. It's the same with a video game engine.
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  3. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Knowing this fandom, I have a feeling that most of the zealots acting like this footage is a crime against humanity would be calling Frontiers the Second Coming and what Sega should've done years ago if they'd been told it was a fangame
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  4. MykonosFan


    MODE CHANGE. Moderator
    Not sure if this screenshot is better, but looking at the raw footage from IGN's gameplay and it does thin before connecting back to the top line. I can see it as a hook.
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  5. Flare


    Game studios should be held to a different standard than fan games.

    That said I’m not mad at the gameplay so far, I’m happy in some aspects (genuinely didn’t think he’d run up sloped walls) and kinda saddened in others (the jitter of him running up slopes)

    The open area I think will be fun to just run about in, so I’m not worried. (Some of the best bits of BOTW is doing nothing haha)

    I think those that are annoyed at the angry reception should know it’s often from a place of people wanting better quality and being burnt so many times. Sonic Team don’t help themselves, they imply that they have learnt lessons and of course unless they showcase a flawless game they will get a mixed reception.

    And they could be fruit coins? The top poking out being the stem?
  6. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    It's definitely a stylised droplet. Could be something related to water, could be Chao related.
  7. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    that's because 06's development was a dumpster fire plagued by constant team changes, scope changes, and downsizing, whose tiny, tiny team by the end was just trying to get the game to work at all right up until the last minute*. We don't have any indications at present that this is the case for Frontiers.

    Mind you, I don't think there'll suddenly be a huge overhaul of the game or even that the builds it has are super, super different, but I don't think this comparison works.

    * They also had to deal with porting to the PS3, a console that even experienced devs had issues porting to, let alone Sonic Team's first outing on it
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  8. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    come to think of it, I can't think of any 3D Sonic games that had good homing ring tether animations. Sonic Adventure had them follow you in a very flat straight line, no animation on the rings themselves. I wouldn't mind something like how Sonic 3 did it, where they can fly past you if you suddenly stop with the lightning shield, and they continue their normal rotating animation. It really gave the feeling of pulling these physical objects around.

    what's also frustrating is, I get why that change was made because in Adventure you could positively break the game in so many ways by shooting off into space when spin-dashing up and off a slope (usually to your death, even in areas where dying is hard like Mystic Ruins Past), but an open world is perfect for those kinds of shenanigans.

    it sounds basic but I'd be really happy to see some impressive day/night lighting after Sonic 06 initially promised it (with great results in game in the E3 build!! ahhhhhh--) and we didn't get it in that game at all, so there is admittedly some nostalgia there for me. I really liked the lighting changes in the missions in Generations too - Sky Sanctuary at night for one of the Classic missions is extremely moody and cozy.

    it wouldn't surprise me at all - sharing between a company's teams is more common than you think. If anyone here recalls, Babylon's Fall by Platinum Games, which is published by Square Enix, initially got flak for having assets taken from Final Fantasy XIV, before the latter game's director revealed that he explicitly gave them assets to help them out. And, going back to Sonic, for instance, the different team that worked on Sonic Spinball used unused Sonic 2 assets for that game (while the JP team was back making Sonic 3 at the time). I don't know enough about, say, Ubisoft games but I'd bet money that all their various studios share assets with each other, and IIRC Bioware did the same.

    hmmm that wouldn't surprise me. quite often QA is done near the tail end of the process, so you have Alpha builds where not everything is in and things are deeply broken, and Beta builds that have all the planned features but is janky as hell while they polish those edges out before going gold.
  9. shilz


    getting my daily allowance of vitamin kk
    Sonic has his slide back, to and this time, it works like Fortnite. There's your momentum for you!
  10. _Sidle


    The purple coin logo looks to me like a stylized Spincycle that's about to be completed. Still don't know much about the ancient technological civilization that likely made them to make a real judgement on that.
  11. Starduster


    Can bench press at least two Sonic the Hedgehogs Member
    Fighting my procrastination addiction
    I read the coin symbol as a Chao head at first but it can be interpreted several ways, can’t it?

    Either way, that fruit is still very strongly suggesting to me Chao raising could be back which I would love, especially if they have more input into the core game to create a real feedback loop. Being able to find eggs in the world and take them to specific gardens like an expanded version of the adventure fields would be fantastic.
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  12. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I know you're mostly joking but even still, I don't think Sonic fans are actually this stupid. There are good fan games and not so good ones, but we hold them to a different standard because obviously they don't have a multi-billion dollar corporation trying to sell them to you lol.

    idk. I mean, when you've got a less than ideal YouTube like/dislike ratio, bad journalist impressions, bad impressions from non-sonic fans, bad impressions from your core fandom and game industry professionals clowning on your game...

    ...then maybe it's time for us to put aside the tired, condescending and worn out mentality that "stupid consumers don't really know what they even want" and consider the possibility that maybe the game might actually not be up to snuff so far.

    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
  13. Linkabel


    It's fruit you'll feed to the Wisps native to the island.

  14. RikohZX


    Yeah, I'm getting tired of this attempt at reversals people do. The claims of toxicity in the complaints because there was a lot of them, the idea that Sonic fans don't know what they want, etc. etc.

    No one but those who thrive in it want to hear a cesspool of negativity, or be shat on for expressing that they're not as negative as everyone else, and I get that, but wide sweeping statements that demonize everyone that doesn't like what they see is reductive in its own right.

    And maybe, just maybe, the industry doesn't crap on Sonic Team games solely because it's trendy to do so.
  15. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    How the hell is taking a trip to Hewlett-Packard supposed to help us?

    Edit (to avoid double-posting):

    Welcome! :) Always good to have another voice here.

    Also, I have to agree that the first thing I thought of when I saw the purple coins was Chao. I can definitely see a hook or a droplet, with the hook making the least sense to me, given the context of the rest of the game (unless we are finally getting RubyEclipse's Big's Big Fishing Adventure TM).

    I wouldn't think the fruit is Chao related though; even if they were in the game, would Sonic Team actually lock the fruits behind overworld puzzles, which might end up only being completable once per save file? But then... it still begs the question of what the hell those fruits are for. While we're on the topic of Chao, I heard someone say in a video that they thought the rock creatures made Chao sounds, but it doesn't sound like that to me at all... nobody else heard a similarity, right? I honestly don't hear it, but they do sound adorable. My pipe dream right now is that the Chao have been transformed somehow into those little rock creatures, and you eventually find a way to change them back. Don't lecture me on how batshit insane that is, I'm well aware. :,)

    It's also interesting to get semi-confirmation that the footage is a compilation of clips, and the file names are intriguing.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
  16. Snowbound


    Thank you for saying this. I’ve grown tired of Sonic fans attacking game journalists/game journalism. It’s embarrassing.

    Strongly disagree with this take. I mean fans might think this footage looked promising for a FAN game in DEVELOPMENT... but I bet they would still point out the lack of momentum. There have been instances of folks overhyping fan games (Omens) but that’s almost always followed by most fans offering more critical perspectives. We’re at a point now where the best fangames are at a near professional level (GT, Galactic, Triple Trouble 16 bit... the list goes on) due to standards being so high... and guess what: fans have met those standards, Sega hasn’t. At least not since 2011.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
  17. Crimson Neo

    Crimson Neo

    Loopin' around. Member
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  18. Flare


    I wasn’t that quick

    It’s kinda a shame that so far they haven’t had any commentary to go along with the video clips. I’d be interested in them taking about slower walking and the reasons they are doing it versus just seeing slower walking haha.
  19. Andrew75


    Technical Artist Member
    Project AXSX(Sonic Xtreme) + Misc Projects
    No excuses , game looks just as bad and incompetent as 06 at least from the trailer. I guess I’m just sick of being disappointed every time a new game pops up after long waits , and shows broken untweaked gameplay or poor level design. I called it for forces and I’m calling it again , sorry if I sound overly harsh. But I’m kind of mad at sega right now.
    anyways sorry for the toxicity…. But yeah I should have just waited before release before saying anything. Been burned way too many times. Hell, the generic world environment set pieces look like they were double dipped from pso2 for god sakes . (Sarcasm)
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2022
  20. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Right, but that's not their point. There is a realistic possibility a lot of this game's issues are addressable. 06's early issues were not addressable because the team was overworked just trying to get the game working. That's not an excuse, that's a reason why 06 was not fixable but this game still is.