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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...

  2. VenomTH


    As a matter of personal opinion, I don't feel overly confident.

    The boost being back is disappointing. I was hoping for a more momentum-based gameplay which the boost effectively limits; it looks like Sonic might control somewhat closer to what he did in the boost games than the Adventure games. His model and animations also resemble the boost games—these two points lead me to believe that the game is still using the Hedgehog Engine.

    The other thing that makes me worry is seeing Sonic fighting. It looks like combat activates from the homing attack like in Sonic '06 but I can't be certain. If this is the case, I feel more assured but it still raises some serious concerns. The graphics look good, though. I have been waiting for particle effects since the Adventure games. The spin-cycle contrail coloring looks amazing. Overall, I'm keeping medium/low expectations but I'm excited for tomorrow.
  3. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    yeah like, the whole "they need to be built into the architecture" thing died with...Sky Rail in SA2. Also what the hell was Final Rush about?

    And like, Heroes had two whole levels dedicating to falling and dyi-- grinding rails in a barren canyon. We're long past that point.
  4. Frostav


    All of those levels are over giant bottomless pits. The rails are your sole option for moving forward. We could debate on whether these are good levels, but that's the main point.

    When the rail is just...40 feet above a big-ass field, it looks really strange. I know people keep mentioning rails in previous games, but it is actually really rare for them in any of the previous 3D Sonics to not be over bottomless pits. Because if a rail is over normally traversable ground, I need a reason to use it over just...running on the ground. And these rails in Frontiers don't seem to provide any reason to do that. I dunno how tf you even get up there to begin with!
  5. RikohZX


    My problem with Rails is that after the Adventure Era, they basically became setpiece traversal and paths to boosters compared to the Adventure / Heroes stuff letting you have a bit more manual control and getting off of them to grab goodies or secret routes. Now it just looks like the game world has random rails jutting about to get you from A to B smoothly, which begs the question of why am I playing Sonic if they don't want me to Sonic?
  6. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Hedgehog is a lighting engine, not gameplay. We know it's using HE2 from Forces -- because this is probably what it was actually developed for.

    It's hard to tell from these scant clips what the control will be like, other than that Sonic can at least run in a tight circle at low speeds. One person on SSMB thinks the way Sonic slows down during that bit is evidence of the game still having Forces' herky-jerk acceleration, but I think it's a bit too vague to know for sure, and it looks a bit smoother when he runs up to the colossus enemy.
  7. Looks neat so far overall.

    Floating rails don't bother me, things have been floating around in the Sonic universe since it's inception. Floating islands, platforms, rings... Everything floats.

    As far as them being played out though, that's a valid argument.

    I'd like them to bring back mine carts, GG S2 style or like DKC. Give the rails some meaning y'know?
  8. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Mine carts sounds like an awful pace breaker. I'll stick with sonic grinding on rails with his shoes, thanks. Maybe an area with grind rails that's set in a mine with carts, but no riding in one. Recipe for disaster.
  9. This clip was way too short for me to form an opinion on whether the actual gameplay seems fun or not. Probably a bad move to release footage in that case.

    That said, the frozen whirlwind animation stood out to me immediately and I hope they fix it. Rails also look silly, but I imagine redesigning them is not going to happen.

    Looking forward to getting more footage soon. With the exception of that animation thing, nothing was glaringly off. I just wish they skipped releasing this nothing teaser if there is more coming tomorrow.
  10. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...

  11. foXcollr


    Resident Dolphin Member
    Out of all the things that could possibly have me feeling a bit concerned, it's actually the little Korok ripoffs. I was really hoping the shameless parallels to BOTW would end tbh

    I'm not opposed to something new, but goddamn I hope if it's something new, it's actually something new. There are too many talented people working at SEGA for them to be copying someone else's homework
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2022
  12. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I'll admit that stood out to me. I mean hell... animal buddies? Chao? Actual established Sonic things? What are these onion goose fellas?
  13. Antheraea


    Bug Hunter Member
    just make it Chao :cry: you have the best little collectable adorable creatures right there Sega
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  14. Snowbound


    Is this teaser still online? I don’t think I’ve seen it; I’ve seen the cinematic one of sonic running but I don’t recall him throwing rings or ring boxes... maybe my memory’s just fuzzy
    Sega has just set the tone for a month of consistent updates. They are also building hype for the reveal tomorrow. This is kinda good marketing... which is funny because the fanbase has been bitching about the marketing all year. I’m not saying you were... but I actually think Sega’s cleverly building up hype here. Let’s just hope the footage tomorrow puts this attention to good use
    Well if they ARE onions things maybe they’re there to be fed to chao. After all Tails has a folder of chao recipes on his computer ;p
  15. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Chao recipes doesn't mean recipes for things to feed to the chao. It means literal chao recipes, obviously.
    Wonder what they taste like.
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  16. Chaos Fusion

    Chaos Fusion

    Looking at some stills from the trailer and there are some details which can be missed since they are on screen for a split second. More specifically what looks like a graveyard?
    Edit: Reminds me of those sword graveyards in Elden Ring. Though bit blurry.

    Obvious it was going to be included but multiple markers/waypoints. Probably manually placed via map screen.

    Some of those grind rails definitely are not accessible nor do they go anywhere except towards what looks like the ocean so perhaps they are an aesthetic choice? Some do have boosters on them though.
    Mainly speculating here but with the mention of cyberspace stuff, maybe these rails aren't rails but cables/wiring? IIRC, there was that leak about the Ai that Eggman lost control of?
    Land further out in the distance.
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  17. RikohZX


    Some of those aerial rails might either require springs, or a power-up to reach them perhaps. Who knows, with how you seem to "echolocate" the map for points of interest, maybe there's obstacle course challenges to find around the zones that make use of those things.
  18. LucasMadword


    LucasSaturn Member
    Completely random thought, that is going to not be true. Imagine if it was like Sonic CD where you had to access those cyber-levels by running fast for a period of time, and so the easiest way was to grind on those rails and you enter those levels. Maybe you jump through the rings and you get transported (kinda like that Ratchet and Clank game on PS5).

    Is this what it's gonna be like? Nope. Is it fun to speculate? Yup lol. Random 3am thought for me.
  19. Actually, it persisted all the way up until Unleashed (Gens if you count rooftop run coming back)
  20. charcoal


    Be Cool, Be Wild, and Be Groovy Member
    Yeah, the grind rails in unleashed are well suited for their environment, and have custom designs for each location.
    They fit in pretty well, I'd say.