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Sonic Frontiers Thread - PS4, PS5, Xbox, Switch, PC

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by MykonosFan, May 27, 2021.

  1. Blast Brothers

    Blast Brothers

    Somehow this trailer reveals even less than the one that didn't even show Sonic's face!

    Yes, the environments look competently detailed and certainly belie a bigger scope than previous games, but for a trailer constructed almost entirely of environmental shots, they didn't exactly bring the "wow" factor. They also all look extremely similar, but just different enough to suggest that we're supposed to find them distinct- the realistic style doesn't seem to be panning out in that sense. This is compounded by the obvious direct comparisons to the geography of BotW, which looked more interesting even in that game's early trailers.

    I'm also worried by how flat the terrain is*- I was hoping for signs of actual platforming, but this just looks to be vast for vastness' sake. How is that going to be any fun? Not to mention that they were all completely static- what is there to do in all of these spaces? Where are the enemies or items? Where's the anything? I get that it's intentionally vague on the gameplay so that they can reveal that later- but why show so little of any element of the game?

    This feels like the classic "announcement of an announcement" -where we're supposed to get hyped solely off of the prospect of learning more- but minus the date at the end. It felt like waiting in line to get tickets to a movie only to be told it's not out yet. I really would have preferred the absence of news to this, even if I know that probably wouldn't have been a good idea from Sega's end.

    Of course, the saving grace of a trailer that tells us almost nothing about the game is that it also tells us nothing about how good the game is. Time to retreat back into my hole until more news drops.

    *I know it's not completely flat, but holy shit did the trailer make it feel like the game takes place in Kansas from all the open areas on display with little to no height variation
  2. Shaddy the guy

    Shaddy the guy

    Professional Internet asshole Member
    Nobody knows, but it's probably not an obscure character from an old animated short that has nothing to do wit this game.

    I want it to be Nicole, even though it probably won't be.
  3. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I just hope Sonic Team have chosen to make an open world game because they have genuinely good ideas on how this can work for Sonic and not just because it's the big thing right now
  4. Shaddy the guy

    Shaddy the guy

    Professional Internet asshole Member
    ...Is it the big thing right now? Feels like open-world games have been "the big thing" for like ten years. Ripping off BOTW specifically, maybe, but not just general open-worlds.
  5. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    This art style honestly feels like what they wanted to do with Sonic Adventure but couldn't. But I'm glad it's so much more cohesive. Lost World looked cheap, Forces looked like a muddied hybrid. This looks like the realism of Unleashed mixed with ancient fantasy, a description that I also somewhat apply to SA1 (and SA2 to a lesser extent)
  6. Turbohog


    Sonic Team has been trend chasing for decades. Shadow = guns, Werehog = God of War, Colors/Lost World = Mario.
  7. MontiP


    "Tylerfoxorwhatever? I barely know her!" Member
    Wasn't Shadow partly due to fan requests/demands for Sonic to have a gun?

    *Also, you seem to be a bit salty right now, just sayin'
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  8. corneliab


    Alright, after a very small amount of consideration I've decided that no gameplay means I don't have to think about this until they actually show some.
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  9. raphael_fc


    Overthinking Sonic timelines. Member
    Let me summarize everthing I have to say about the trailer:

    I like it.
  10. Shaddy the guy

    Shaddy the guy

    Professional Internet asshole Member
  11. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I'm not going to get excited over a Sonic Team game but I am interested. More than i expected.

    It's shamelessly ripping off BotW but at least it looks good and is different than what we have had before. I think the cartoon book aesthetic fits Sonic.

    It won't be as restrictive in movement. Id rather have more flat terrain and a departure from the physics of old if it can get us more organic free running. Not ideal obviously but much better than anything we've had in ages in regards ro movement.

    The story will probably be hilariously awful which I'm down for. Or Ian Flynn will make it good? The whole premise of a sexy ghost girl sounds really dumb and I don't know flyns writing. But who knows.

    I'm unconvinced by Kishomoto qs director but I think Sachiko Kawamura as producer is promising. She's a talented artist and could be a good influence in that regard.

    So yeah, I'm pretty positive on it.
  12. One thing I find myself continually disappointed in this franchise for, is the seeming lack of faith for the visual appeal of the original design aesthetic.

    Now some of you may be like "WTF green Hill again" but that's not what I'm saying. Look at Mario Odyssey. It still looks and feels like a Mario game, despite having a AAA production quality and infusing modern pseudo-realistic elements.

    For the life of me, I will never understand why people don't see the potential in something like a Sonic CD type of world for players to fart around in. Sonic hasn't even had ONE title like that and he's been kicking for 30 years.

    Mind you, I don't think every game should be like that, sonic can do different things. I even think frontiers look pretty and I'm excited about it moreso than I've been for a sonic game since unleashed without a doubt. Just....squandered potential man.
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  13. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I've never had a problem with the Sonic visual tropes being used to lot. But I think in this instance it is nice to get a different aesthetic after so many times of having the same ones over and over. This may be a matter of personal taste, but I just think BotW aesthetic fits Sonic.
  14. Hamzawesome


    • They still refuse to show gameplay
    • World looks empty
    • Morio Kishimoto is the director
    Yeah this game won't be good, I didn't expect it to be good but at least I now have confirmation for myself. Oh well.
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  15. Frostav


    The more I see the world, the more I kinda like it. While I do echo @UpCDownCLeftCRightC's gripes about how much Sonic Team refuses to give the classic aesthetic a shot in 3D (an actual shot, for the record, not soulless pandering), there's a certain beauty to the architecture. But I do wish it were more distinctly "Sonic".
  16. Laura


    Brightened Eyes Member
    I'm pretty surprised to see how many fans disliked it all things considered. Never thought I'd be defending a Sonic game. Lol

    I'm off to bed, stayed up far too late xD
  17. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    I am ultimately still hopeful for this! The main red flags for me
    • Morio Kishimoto is directing (I don't think he really gets Sonic but please I hope proves me wrong this time)
    • Sonic Forces model is re-used (yeah it's a nitpick but you cannot know how much I hate that model, especially when better ones exist)
    • The overworld looks barren and empty, maybe this was just for the trailer or something but I'm hoping the final game actually has interesting things going on
    yeah I can't believe us in the UK actually stayed up for this lmao why does this spiky blue mouse have such a hold on us
  18. Wildcat


    What’s shown looks great. I’m sure they purposely left out enemies and stuff. Just meant to reveal what the world looks like.

    An open world game with Genesis style environments would be cool too. I think both SA’s stages were Genesis-style even though they take place on earth. To me anyway.

    They were definitely modeled and themed after the Genesis stages.
  19. RetroJordan91


    The REAL Blue Sphere Guy Member
    Yeah so based on how SEGA marketed Forces, this is all we will hear about Frontiers until E3.. the focus will go straight to Origins now.. gameplay for Frontiers will be shown off in the summer

    Sonic Team really needs to make sure that Sonic controls great and that the gameplay is polished enough before showing any more of the game
  20. MontiP


    "Tylerfoxorwhatever? I barely know her!" Member
    "Character Developement" :eng99: