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Sonic Free Riders

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Tiranno, Jun 2, 2010.

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  1. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Yeah, it's awesome, but I feel like a complete retard playing this with someone watching. Very hard to play when your own mom is laughing her ass off right in front of you...>.>

    Oh, and I dare anyone to dance this fast and be successful.

    (This is video was not sped up manually. When you get to play the mini games freely, you can change the speed of any minigame, and that's the fastest you can go)

    But...Sonic Free Riders...hmm...
    Hard to say if I'll get it or not. Heck, I already have plans to get a 3DS later on. Tough call. Well, maybe I can find some Gamestop store or something showing this off. Doubted, can happen.
  2. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL

    Congratulations, SEGA. You're trying to market a game from a franchise few Japanese people care about, on a console few Japanese people own, with a required peripheral few Japanese people have the space for... to Japan.

    What could possibly go wrong?
  3. Hmm... Listening to the Free Riders site's version of "Start Up Your EX-Gear!" and it's definitely a remix. Hadn't thought about it before.
  4. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    I like the new Main theme they have playing in that video.
  5. Alpha Wolver

    Alpha Wolver

    Why? Why am I being forced to play this with Kinect? A controller would be better in every way.

    I'll have to live off YouTube videos and in-store demos of this game, because I am not paying over $200 dollars for this.
  6. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    Yeah, I'm still completely clueless as to why SEGA isn't releasing this as a straight up 360/PS3 title their fans would actually be able to play.

    We all know the Kinect is going to flop, and hard. It's been four years since the Wii's release, and people are getting tired of the whole motion-control gimmick, if they haven't already. And people didn't exactly line up in herds for the Playstation Move either.

    SEGA's missing out on some serious bank by making this a Kinect exclusive.
  7. JaxTH


    Pudding Deity Oldbie
    Los Angeles
    Jack shit.
    It's totally obvious why it's Kinect exclusive.

    To move units. Make it kinect only and the people who really want it will buy a Kinect.
  8. Sonic Warrior TJ

    Sonic Warrior TJ

    Time for a buzz, cuz Member
    No doubt it's going to move units, everything else coming out for it probably already has a Wii counterpart, and consumers are familiar with the Sonic brand. I'm just saying, they could've made it a 360/PS3 title, and given it Kinect and Move features respectively.
  9. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    What? You pre-ordered this?
    Hmm... I honest love the Riders franchise, and I want this game, and buy it and Kinect wouldn't be a problem at all, but...

    I don't know. Remove Sonic Free Riders, and what is left in the Kinect? I don't want to buy a [periferal] just for one game (especially when said periferal is more expensive than a console). Plus, there's the high probability of Kinect potentialy flail.

    I can't decide, and it's being a dilema. With the money I would spend in Kinect+the game, I could pay many monthes of gym membership and supplements...
  10. 0r4ng3


    Sega's missing out on clients with this, but rest assure, their pockets are full of gold from Microsoft. They won't lose anything. Unless they're in this for pride, which I doubt as they haven't been as dumb as they were before the Sammy merge.

    Anyway, a friend of mine will buy Kinect, as he's a big Microsoft fanboy. He has told his friends that we can test it with some games. So I'll just crash at his place and play this until he catches up and boots me out. Then... I don't know. Maybe a joined buy with a couple of friends of mine. I'm not paying full price for Kinect.
  11. DrunkDoomguy


    Sonic +
    Many of my friends hope that Sega will change their mind about making this a Kinect exclusive because they don't like the concept of Kinect. I doubt anyone will be able to play the game with a straight face though, because chances are your family will make fun of you while you dance infront of the tv.
  12. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    Welcome to the world of motion controllers. The Wii has been successfully making people look stupid for four years now.
  13. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    Thing is, I'm able to play Wii games with other people in the room and NOT feel like a complete spastic. I wasn't able to do this with Eyetoy (which let's be honest, Kinect essentially IS).
  14. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    Oh, I have a straight face to do this kind of stuff. I have a pretty high self-steem. I know I look good no matter what I'm doing. I'm used to wagle my WiiMote with other people, in the presence of relatives, or even singing and dancing Maroon 5 songs in Rock Band in the presence of unknown people at parties, and, let's face it, Adam Lavine has a fucking high-pitched voice, so imitating him singing is ridiculous, plus the fact that I'm the only one in my family that speaks a foreing language and have an american assent, and that probably understading what I'm singing, and even with all these cons, I have a lot of fun doing it, and I don't get ashamed whatsoever. So, I know my stuff.

    And I don't do it to show off or anything; I do it because I genuinelly feel a lot of pleasure doing this stuff. Even if something is outright stupid and ridiculous, but you, in all honesty, have fun doing it and don't have shame on hiding it, people don't give too much concern to it, if at all, so they don't even notice how ridiculous it is. They just let you have your fun, and in fact, they even begin to ponder (since you are having oh-so-much fun that you don't even get ashamed) if it is really that fun, and even concider trying it out themselves.

    Plus the chicks likes guys with attitude*; They like guys that do this kind of stuff with no constraints. They like guys that don't get ashamed of getting shirtless even if they are not in a pool or at the beach, even if they don't have a good body**.

    I would have no problems playing Kinect at all. In fact, that's the whole point of buying it.

    *Not that doing such things ever helped me with the girls at all.
    **Please, PLEASE, be reasonable.
  15. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    And if that works for you, all the more power TO you. All I'm saying is there's likely a lot more of us that it doesn't work that way for. =P
  16. Spanner


    I used to do things... Member
    United Kingdom
    I wish I knew...
    I don't get this Kinect thing. Why would people want to be like this just to play a silly Sonic Riders sequel:

    I don't see people wasting $250 on a motion-control camera just to act like an idiot. Then again, that's my opinion.
  17. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    And again, I point you in the direction of the Wii.
  18. Polygon Jim

    Polygon Jim

    Eternal Tech Member
    across town from Hinchy
    All the bitches.

    At least a majority of Wii titles let you play with a more standard control option, or at least don't overdo the stupid arm swinging except for the gimmick games. Kinect is just a device to let you pay $250 to prance around like a faggot.
  19. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    And I point out that Wii costs less than Kinect, has motion controls on it, and has more games on it.

    Why would I buy Kinect over it again? Eyetoy, an optional addon for PS2, had a smallish software catalogue of dedicated games that used full-body movement to control them. No-one cared about it and it died miserably. Kinect is that but about 4 times the price. And Eyetoy didn't have a complete games console as competition doing more or less exactly the same thing it does!
  20. Endri


    Officer I don't have my drivers license with me. C Tech Member
    Thank you. You just prevented me from committing a huge mistake by pre-ordering Kinect. I never looked into these devices this way. Reason makes sense.
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