Honestly, at this point it's pretty obvious it's Green Hill Zone in the midst of destruction and decay or some such. Instead of a white world ala Time Eater, something happened and Classic Sonic's GHZ got utterly devastated or something. Maybe like a Bad Future retconned in-universe even onto the past due to Eggman's mysterious new power that helped him conquer the world. It is pretty offputting to see it reused so liberally, but if Classic Sonic is being brought to the present afterwards, then either his stages will have more variety or his half of the game is visiting old places sent into decay or something.
Maybe it's like in Sonic the Comic when Mobius merged with Earth, only instead of two different planets it's two different time lines or something? I was honestly hoping for that kind of thing back in Generations actually, where the two Eggmen used time to create some sort of Eggtopia level that merged aspects of various final base levels. So Classic Sonic could have played through a level that pulled from Scrap Brain Zone, Death Egg, and Metallic Madness while Modern Sonic's level could have pulled aspects from Final Egg, the ARK, and Eggmanland. But sadly there wasn't as much time fuckery as I was hoping in that game. If the world was falling apart as Tails implied, I would have enjoyed seeing the later levels start to deteriorate in some way.
Oooo, this actually looks pretty alright. Not happy about the return of copious hidden yellow springs, but at least we don't have to GHZ again :v: What happened at 1:26, was that a drop dash, or what?
I am definitely not feeling that music. The level design also feels like it's a nerfed Generations/Lost World style Green Hill, with nothing to distinguish it from other iterations of Green Hill. The dried, sand-ed up rivers don't even have any involvement in the actual level, which is disappointing. There could be more interesting design takes later down the road in the game, but right now I'm not holding my breath.
This official video, released by SEGA themselves, is explicitly calling it Green Hill Zone. This leaves no more room for saying it isn't. It looks like Classic Sonic's physics are largely the same as they were in Generations. I'm a little disappointed they haven't gone for something more fluid and momentum-driven (or outright true to the classics), but it's hard to be too sad because the classic stages in Generations were still plenty fun, and we've got Mania to fill the proper classic physics gap.
My expectations were set extremely low by the Direct reveal and this... doesn't disappoint I guess? Doesn't look great and I hesitate to say it even looks all that good, really. But having such low expectations for the Classic portions at this point leaves me not feeling much for it either way, positive or negative.
It just looks like more of what Classic Sonic in Sonic Generations was like. It was always going to look lackluster in comparison to Sonic Mania. I never really expected more than that though, and despite its issues I still found Classic in Generations fun to play, so I can't really say I'm disappointed either. It's just also it doesn't exactly impress.
Just like in Generations, it seems like when he hits the ground at low speeds, he just loses what little he had. It's like he's got sticky feet. And again, holy hidden yellow springs, Batman, I wanna do the jumping myself.
My expectatioins must be really low or non-existant then as I actualy like this. Do I wish it was better detailed, oh yea. But I feel the layout design is fine otherwise. Just wish they'd fill out some of the space below the platforms that don't crumble. Also, did anyone else notice a musical nod to Splash Hill?
Hmm, not impressed by Sandy Hill. Still looks like an uglier version of what we got in Generations. There's also no interaction between Sonic and the sand, so it's safe they added it late in development just to make things a little different, as changing water into sand can be done with 3 or 4 clicks.
That was some music. But it doesn't look bad. I feel a little better seeing a whole level, but I'm still confused as to why all those springs are there. They don't need to be, there's a jump button. Two things that were interesting though. They actually had to press the spin dash button multiple times to charge, and it looks like Classic Sonic has the drop dash from Mania.
I will give credit where credit is due, the level design is kinda decent. Now for the really bad. The music is tonally out of wack with the theme of the zone that it ruins it.
I hope that music is still a work in progress. That being said it won't take long before someone shoves that in a Sonic hack. Also why stick to using the Sonic 1 percussion? That is so limited compared to other stuff...hell just use a standard drum set.
I already made one joke about Sonic 4's music I can't keep doing it Yeah this is very uninteresting, it's kind of like what I would've expected Green Hill in Generations to be like before I actually saw it, painful level design homages and all. So sick of this half-baked nostalgia approach in general really, it's not impossible to move forward with new ideas that aren't "Sonic, but with a sword"
Terrible music and more shitty classic sonic automation instead of proper momentum based physics? Count me in >_>