I imagine that even if the new character isn't Bubsy, one of the first mods for this game will be replacing whoever the new character is with Bubsy. :v:
Guys, DeviantArt is on the case What could pawsibly go wrong? This could. + - Not gonna lie, I like this design unfacetiously
YES!!! That's a Bubsy 2017 design for ya!!! I love it. It's just also ironic that if this 3rd character/play style ends up being superior or more enjoyable than the 2 play styles we've seen...it would change A LOT of things for the future of Sonic.
What do you all think this new character will have in terms of gameplay style? They're not ergonomically designed for speed imo, and the "fighting-like" pose just kinda screams combat. :/
If it is a character creator, there's a chance that it's something like Sonic and his friends are rescuing civilians from the first level (I think there was something said about the others rescuing in the city and communicating with Sonic via radio?) and from the rescue rises the Resistance, and this where you, your OC Donut Steel/Coldsteel/Blonic/Bubsy/whatever that you design appears and becomes playable. But that's just a guess based on the context of what we know already and the fact this "new character" appears in that ruined city.
I know it's still kinda early to say until we get new footage... but aesthetically in the Modern Sonic stage, I kinda wish there was more going on in the dystopian city. For example: like civilians running away from the background or foreground, fighter jets flying in the background zipping by, One of the Death Egg Sentinels knocking the planes out of the sky, squads of Gun Soldiers shooting up Eggman's mechs in the background. All we really see is the robots acting menacingly but not actually doing anything. We also see turret fire but we don't see the turrets or who is shooting at the robots. It feels kinda incomplete. For a new graphics engine on a modern console, I expected a bit more, you know?
I feel the same way. The straight lines of gunfire look boring. I know we'll be going so fast that you think "hey, cool!" and then divert your attention back to the gameplay...but still. They can do so much more.
I've heard a theory that the third character, if it is an OC, will play in the Adventure style of gameplay. It would make some degree of sense as it would move slower than Modern Sonic but still be fairly quick, just lacking the Boost ability.
What if the third character is Sonic from the future, being a "new" Sonic which is basically SEGA of Japans way of introducing Sonic's new design via this game.
Nakamura proclaims that it's not Green Hill in the Classic Sonic footage. Of course, this doesn't really mean anything, since it could be something like "Sandy Hill Zone" or "Chaos Hill Zone." It's still using Green Hill motifs, design elements and so forth, just flooded with what seems to be more dangerous traps, enemies and literal sand.
Glad that's cleared up. I saw the pyramids in the background, but the thought of merging Green Hill and Sandopolis is unsettling. Maybe there's a game mechanic that what ever is done in the past by classic sonic affects the present?
That's comparable to saying that the first levels in Sonic Lost World and Sonic 4 Ep. 1 aren't Green Hill Zone. They aren't, but they are. We already had a Green Hill with a little sand, for what it's worth, and it looked rather different at least: Okay I have to: Spoiler http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICSNhMSaVgk