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Sonic Forces Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Blue Blood, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Actually, you can see at the start of the clip that it's a higher pathway. The ground crumbles under Sonic's feet at the start and you can see a palm tree there, so I'm pretty sure it'd drop you to a different section of the level.

    Not saying it looks great (really it just looks like a slightly better Lost World, which is fine by me) but this sort of thing is commonplace. I think it just seems really weird because crumbling, uneven ground shouldn't also be able to support a big fuck-off loop.
  2. RikohZX


    If I remember right, the console versions of Generations also had some pretty obnoxious load times.
    Just as well I guess I'm fairly neutral about the simplified style for Classic Sonic, probably because it fits trying to stick to the simple design/layering of the original games this time. Everything else seems to be getting more of the budget and visual focus.
  3. Ell678


    Am I Annoying You? Member
    Barrow, England
    Sonic Incursion
    Good Lord. That is so visually boring. There's absolutely no detail. Nothing interesting to look at. The whole thing just looks flat and...well, shit.
  4. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    It would be sad (but unlikely, thankfully) to know the Switch version is being made by DIMPS and is like Unleashed Wii and not a port of the PS4/Xbox One version.
  5. Aquova


    Professional nerd in training Member
    You never know, Sega might surprise us. I for one am now hoping the new mystery character is actually an older, war-torn Tails sent back in time to save the world.
  6. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    So trying to think positively, I'm hoping that the more simplistic art direction will allow for some more interesting level design. Like yea GHZ Generations looked beautiful, but it was mostly eye candy and the developers probably spent a lot of time making all those land pieces that would only be seen and never used. This GHZ is more simplistic and they probably didn't have to work as hard on its assets. Maybe because of that there could be more level to explore and the land pieces will actually be useful. Like comparing the loops, the one in Generations was not designed to ever walk on the top of it, but this one has items and stuff on top of it.

    Also another thing that looked positive about the footage. That vertical spring did not look overly scripted. Sonic was launched up but was able to continue moving to the right. Had it been a more automated thing they would likely have used a diagonal spring.

    Minor things but they could add up to something good.
  7. Banking on ironic humor could get you some extra sales but is that worth further tarnishing the series reputation? Especially when doing the common sense thing and just making a solid and fun game would do just as well? Once upon a time, Sonic games were unironically fun and good games that sold a ton and drove excitement to the brand...

    Not that I don't see your point. As a fan who cares, that is just the kind of thing I would not support with money and I'm positive I'm not alone on this.
  8. Chaos Rush

    Chaos Rush

    They REALLY need to stop shoving Green Hill Zone down our throats.
  9. Mastered Realm

    Mastered Realm

    Man the terrain literally looks like a bunch of platforms tied together with a loop on top lol.
  10. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I mean yea, I don't get why they couldn't add ground (although the loop kinda has a base to it, but the rest of the area doesn't). But still trying to remain hopeful :v:
  11. RikohZX


    If you look closely, you can see some of these areas tied to background tiles that are relatively flat. It seems they're going a 2.5D route in that the ground you walk on will be mostly emphasized in some areas to stick out from the backgrounds they're tied to. GHZ had plenty of floating / nonsensical stuff too given that it was the abstract Sonic zone that defined the series. The very end of the bridge run also seems to show thicker land on the other side, so it's essentially visual variance of depth.
  12. Misinko


    Bettering the world, one bugfix at a time! Member
    Cornland, USA
    Sonic 2 SMS Cleanup
    I think you're misinterpreting what you're reading here. From the general consensus I've seen, most folks seem to be dissatisfied with the way that the game looks in comparison to Colors. From what we've seen so far, the levels in Forces are looking horrendously linear, with long sections of stage where all you do is run in a straight line and occasionally boost, which is very reminiscent of what we got in Colors. And on top of that, I see a lot of outcry over the seemingly pointless return of the Wisps, especially if they're going to be used like they were in Colors, where they controlled the boost. I don't think most folk will argue that Generations is superior to Unleashed in terms of raw design, but this game isn't looking to be a continuation of Generations. It's looking like it's dragging back Colors from the dead.

    Again, I think most folk agree with the sentiment that Generation's gameplay was the best of the Boost trio. Heck, I've even seen die-hard Adventure fanatics (myself included) praise Generations for the way it handled the boost. The problem with the "core" gameplay of the boost, is that at its core, the boost is literally Unleashed without the Werehog. The natural purpose of boosting is to hit max speed without any effort, and Unleashed is the only game in the linup to really do that, what with the level design structured to accommodate that. The boost gameplay has evolved beyond that, and as it stands in its current form, it doesn't really resemble what it was in its inception.

    That's not always how sequels work. I mean, take Sonic 2 for instance. It's obviously a sequel to Sonic 1. But the main plot of the story has nothing to do with Sonic 1. It doesn't even take place in the same location. The only thing that really connects the two are the characters and the Chaos Emeralds, but if that were all that was needed, then Sonic Adventure would be a sequel to Sonic 1 as well. And heck, stuff like Batman Begins and the Dark Knight Rises don't even really share much in common with their fist film, yet they're obviously sequels. Think about this, for a moment. Outside of characters and that small allusion to Joker at the end of Batman Begins, what do the two Batman flicks have in common? Could you jump into the second movie without seeing the first and fully understand what's going on? Is Scarecrow, or the Legion of Shadows mentioned in the Second flick? Could it stand on it's own movie if taken out of the context of the trilogy? The answer is "no". Thing is, most sequels are connected by a common theme rather than a continuation of the plot. And Sonic Forces does so not only story-wise, but gameplay-wise as well. You have Modern and Classic (and the third, unnamed character) coming together to stop Eggman yet again, and their respective game styles are exactly the same as they were in Generations. And I know Iizuka said Classic would come with a "twist", but until I actually see some footage of this so-called "twist", I'm taking what he says with a grain of salt. It's incredibly easy to make a claim, but backing it up is what matters.
  13. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Well, again, they're already making this a dark and serious Sonic game. They probably wouldn't tarnish the series' reputation any worse by adding in a character creator with how this game's story is likely going to end up.
  14. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults
    We really don't know enough about the game's story to be making assumptions about how it's going to turn out.

    "Oh no there's fire everywhere and something that sounds like the framework of an actual plot, clearly it's going to be a contrived, overly edgy grimdark-athon" :tinfoil:
  15. Skyler


    Neonネオン Cowgirlカウガール Site Staff
    The next audtion
    how did you know :v:

  16. I really don't understand the "dark and serious" argument. Literally every Sonic game has been "dark". Scrap Brain Zone had pollution, saws, electrocution. Chemical Plant zone, again, a gritty zone. Eggman (yes, eggman) tore Marble Garden to bits, bombed the shit out of Sonic numerous times in Sonic 3. Sonic Adventure the entire city was destroyed. People (implied) died. Sonic Adventure 2, he blew up the moon. Sonic Heroes, again, more explosions, kidnapping. Sonic Unleashed, splitting the fucking planet in pieces.

    So, can someone tell me what the fuck "Oh this is such a dark Sonic game" means? Because I don't get it. They're all primarily dark. The fandom whines about every little fucking thing. From Sonic's eyelids, to how Jason said "remorse" in unleashed. The problem is that SEGA is trying to appeal to this western fanbase. A fanbase that complains about every little fucking inconsistency. Instead of bursting their creativity and making a game they love to make, attracting a new generation to their beloved hedgehog, they're bending over and sucking cock to these 20-30 year old, nostalgia seeking butt wipes, and this is why Sonic is going down in flames. It seriously took everyone THIS long to realize that they're playing the nostalgia card? Generations didn't teach you that? SEGA has no fucking idea what to do. They have no direction. The mismanagement that lead to their hardware division's death will eventually lead to the death of every IP they own and probably the company.
  17. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    I think dark/serious with Sonic can work fine. Like you said, it was done in the classic Sonic games, and also I think that Ian Flynn has done it well in the comics. It's just that whenever Sonic Team has tried to do it in the games since Sonic Adventure it has been laughably bad. Even in the recent Sonic Lost World when things got more dramatic it was terribly handled. So I don't exactly expect well written stuff in Sonic Forces when in the very first trailer we have Sonic making an angry expression looking at a city in flames that is being destroyed by giant Death Egg robots. :v:

    And look: I love that stuff. I feel like there's something special about the way Sonic games try to have serious stories. There's something about the mix of likable cartoon characters, edgy writing, and bad voice acting that I adore. Just if we're talking about the series' reputation, that stuff isn't gonna make things better.
  18. SpaceyBat


    United States
    Freedom Planet 2
    So the general vibe I'm getting is...


    That was my second thought, but the silhouette of the new character is missing the titular tails (or any sign of a tail at all for that matter).
  19. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults
    I don't even begin to understand what the thought process is here, what about that scenario suggests bad writing?
  20. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    Nothing about the teaser trailer does, but it's a trend in Sonic games. Even Sonic Colours, Generations, and Lost World are all still badly written games. It's just they don't have serious plots (with the exception of some bits in Lost World) so there hasn't been as much to make fun of.