I was half expecting more Sonics to join the bunch, like boom Sonic or adventure Sonic. Either way I'm excited. I loved Generations and having a game build off that should be fantastic. Is Classic's presence needed? Probably not, but hey I don't care. I'm happy to see them building off something that proved to be a success for them. No doubt classic Sonic will play a lot better with more time for refinement. So yea, bring on quasi-Generations 2.
Thoughts. At first I thought "Aw yiss finally it's not cheesy and overly comical". Then I saw Classic and thought "Oh no, they're riding the nostalgia bandwagon again". Now that Iizuka confirmed it isn't Generations 2, I think that it actually looks really promising. They're kicked out the guys that did the Colours story, so it's hopefully going to be way better in that respect, with less "Hey kids, look at us breaking the fourth wall! Aren't we funny?" writing and more serious writing. I'm glad I'm not the only one who saw the wrecked place as Rooftop Run. I hope we get more playable characters than just Modern and Classic, but I also hope it has nothing to do with Boom. Boom I just want to be totally and utterly left out of the main canon. I'm holding out for more characters returning for a few reasons, the taglines of "even a hero needs help" and "join the resistance" heavily imply the other characters returning, and the other point is that 06's first trailer had only Sonic in it. I'm way more hyped for this than Mania, because to me Mania just looks like a fangame. It has really similar aesthetics to Sonic: Next Level (by the way, are there any new versions of that?), which I would've appreciated more if that aesthetic didn't automatically bring to mind fangames. I also really want to know the story of how the world got Terminatored and and how Classic showed up. I'm with whoever said that Ryan Drummond should be brought in to do Classic's voice, though. Jaleel seemed pretty grating to me. I really want the game. Right now. I also want Metal Sonic to be in it and have a major story role. And I also want writing akin to SA1, Unleashed and Black Knight, but that's not to say I didn't like SA2, Shadow or 06's writing. The first three I mentioned felt right from a balance perspective, but the other three made me feel at home with the darkness. Gotta love being the target audience for the older, "edgy" games. That's the thing though, Sonic was always meant to be the cool character that appeals to teens. I don't get why everyone seems to prefer the overly lighthearted and cheesy plots of Heroes and Colours instead. Please, glorious trinity of Social Media people, grant us more information!
It all sounds good, and I really hope this will be an awesome game. Here's hoping for a new gameplay style! (I'm SURE they won't use the boost formula in this one; but then again, I'm almost always wrong.) I remember when I saw the start of the trailer, I thought of that PG-13 Sonic movie rumor, and that this would be a tie in with the movie, especially with the ruined city and giant robots. Then when I saw Classic Sonic, I realized there's no way they can make this game dark. So then I collapsed from watching a livestream around 7am in the morning with no sleep. Either way, I just want multiple characters in 3D this time around, but I wouldn't bet on that. What bothers me is if the focus on Classic Sonic will cheapen the game, or cheapen the other's gameplay. But they had a while to work on this, and they seem confident, so I'll definitely be playing this. Wish them luck on this game.
It was Holiday 2017, so unfortunately yes it'll likely be coming out at the end of 2017. I'm really shocked at the Classic Sonic hate here to be honest. And unlike SA2 or Sonic 06, this is the kind of dark I like to see. Robotnik, despite all his plans and whatever, has never really "struck". He always seems to be at the start of his plans or Sonic comes in at the 11th hour and everything blows up in his face. The closest to what is portrayed in this trailer is, IMO, Sonic CD's Bad Futures and the Knuckles Chaotix bad ending. I think it's a rather cool concept to see Robotnik actually winning using the mechs that are normally just hanging out in his space station, and multiples of them to boot. I hope we get more information next week.
I'm only speaking for myself here and not for anyone else, but it's not hate on my end. Far from it. Generations was the return of Classic Sonic I'd be pining for longer than I care to remember. And Mania is the literally another dream come true - its a brand new Classic Sonic game by a team who we can really trust. Classic is back and here to stay. This game though... I don't understand it. Generations was meta. It was unabashedly a celebration of the series' history, putting festivities above all else, and it really was something special for it. Now though I'm struggling to understand why they're doing the same twist twice. Do we need more Classic pandering? Generations was great, but it should only ever have been a one-time deal.
Yea that makes sense. Idk, personally I just enjoyed Classic Sonic enough in Generations that I'm happy to see him back in a main title. How it works into the plot I have no idea, maybe Eggman and Robotnik escaped their White World time void and teamed up to take over the planet with brute force rather than time magic. Haven't a clue, as we barely even know what this game is about yet. Hell we don't even know what it's called. Then again I'm also the guy who liked the Wisps in Lost World (except Rhythm) and didn't really care why they were there either, so maybe that logic holds true for me here as well. Eh what can I say, I have a soft spot for that chubby lil Sanic.
Classic in Gens was so awesome, and I'm definitely no against Classic Sonic appearing in more mainline games from Sonic Team. Despite not seeing anything beyond a teaser trailer, I've got every reason so far to think this is going to be a good game. I've only got a problem with Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic teaming up again, like they're somehow different characters and every plot needs to involve some degree 4th-wall-breaking time travel shenanigans. It's really too early to draw any conclusions about the in universe reasoning for this, but it's not not something that should have been pulled in the first place imo. Spoiler Wisps in Lost World though? gtfo
The trailer showed three Eggman robots destroying the city (or maybe the city was already destroyed when they got there. Don't be quick to judge). Two of the robots shot lasers at two of the Sonics. I might just be paranoid, but I can't help but think that they'll add one more Sonic this time, and that Sonic will probably be Boom Sonic. Heck, if they're forming a resistance, why stop at just three Sonics? Why not have Adventure Sonic? 06/Lanky Sonic? Battle Sonic? Comic Sonic? SatAM Sonic? U*********d Sonic? The Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloon Sonic can be their mascot. Of course, if there's voice acting, either Modern Sonic will be voiced by someone else, or Roger Craig Smith is going to be talking to himself a lot.
It's simple, guys. They're finally giving us the sequel to Sonic Chronicles. The defining moment of the whole event for me was the Q&A they held following Sonic Mania's debut, where they got Iizuka and three other randos who contributed nothing to the game's production and briefly asked them questions about the game they couldn't possibly have had meaningful answers to. "Which Sonic game does Mania take after the most?" "All of them." An answer without substance or conviction. If you asked him the same about this game, he'd say the same thing. The only takeaway here is that the Sonic franchise is more directionless now than it has ever been- even though Mania's brilliant, it also signifies a complete erosion of Sonic Team's values, like they're finally throwing their hands up and giving us whatever we ask for. And now it turns out they were just spinning the wheels for 3 years, and this big reinvention of the series we were holding out for is reminding us of all these other games they've done recently. It seems like Generations, it looks like Crisis City, we assume the plot involves time travel (which is the ultimate narrative cop-out because it disregards continuity by design)- and yeah, had to roll my eyes at classic Sonic for once. His presence signifies their reluctance to commit to either vision for the franchise, and their fear of excluding half of their audience. It's a skin-deep money play and the resulting dynamic doesn't blend. The compromise cheapens both representations of Sonic, with classic getting the short end of the stick, because this sure as hell doesn't look like a game he belongs in. This is the most boring reveal in the history of the franchise. Shadow, '06 and the storybook games at least had their own style and vision. Boredom is so much worse than revulsion.
Jeez, the Sonic fanbase is impossible to please in any way. We got Sonic Mania, y'all are happy but everyone else gets salty and disappointed, we get a new main Sonic game, everyone is hyped at first until they see Classic Sonic, even though they're raving on about Classic Sonic being in Sonic Mania... *sigh* I'm not surprised if SEGA goes into another cycle of self-loathing and disrespect to the fans because the fans deserve to be disrespected like this. Hell, I've seen the effing fancharacter and porn community act more civil than this!
The fanbase is impossible to please all at once, which is what they're trying to do here. It's fine that people were bitching about Sonic Mania because that isn't the Sonic they grew up with. They're free to ignore it, while one half of the fanbase is finally getting the chance to be 100% satisfied with a game. But this Frankenstein Sonic- who out there wants this? Who wants 100% of this game? 50% either way is a failing grade. Also the "fancharacter and porn community" is not a separate community and the discourse here is entirely civil.
Whatever it is, I have a massive contempt for a majority of Sonic "fans", just... everything you can read on the internet really. Whether it's this website, Youtube comments, media, press, personal opinion, blahblahblah... But truth be told, I don't really care that much, as long as these new games are good, they give a much needed injection of life back to the franchise, giving enough time for me and everyone else here to make our fangames without the franchise itself dying out.
Guess it's that time again for those who want to blame the fans for mess Sega created of this franchise to come out of the wood work and start complaining about complainers. All that was missing from this post was yet another unironic "baww, green eyes" jab or something. lol Fascinating that someone who doesn't really care that much about what other Sonic fans think, has just spent two posts in this thread criticizing them for expressing what they think. Nah, I'd actually argue that's not an unpopular opinion. Their implementation in that game was very sloppy.
I think the important thing to remember here, is that we know fuck all about this project. It's impossible to tell what the game is going to be like 100% with maybe 30 seconds of CG footage. All we have so far is Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic, burning Rooftop Run, and Death Egg Laser Robot. It's hard to say it's going to be boring or bad yet because it could be anything. So while it's exciting to have something new, I think it's best to avoid speculation on this for a while. Although this is the teaser we should have gotten on 6/23, with actual information yesterday, but we got Sonic Mania and that's better anyways. There's something that we can speculate about because we have two whole levels of content and an idea of that game's general direction.
Classic Sonic has appeared in settings with destroyed or ruined architecture before, like Sonic CD. I don't see how Classic Sonic clashes with the setting in the trailer for the reason of him not appearing in dark settings before because he has. Also, you immediately judge the quality of the game even though it hasn't been released and nothing is known about its gameplay or story. In response to the last three sentences, would you prefer to complain about a story like Shadow the Hedgehog's instead?
Can we not flip shit about a game we know absolutely nothing about for fucking once. Please? That would be nice.
It's a boring teaser. That's still a huge problem. 30 seconds is more than enough to represent the character of a game. If you can't make a game look exciting for 30 seconds, how are you going to hold an audience for 10 hours? If you're not showing us the best of what you've got in that 30 seconds, then why waste the time? If the game winds up being way cooler than this, it means they're still setting false expectations for their game with this. At least have the good sense and creative wherewithal to sell us false hope. It's not hard to do. Sonic 06's teaser was fantastic. EDIT: I don't think we really need to have another discussion on classic Sonic aesthetics. You remove the hills and roller coasters and this could be a teaser any game. We're at least accustomed to seeing modern Sonic in generic environments. Also, if I were judging the quality of the game, I would have said something about its mechanics- clearly impossible. I'm judging this teaser. Thread has reached the point for me where I'm treading the slide of misinterpretation that leads to tons of rapid fire quote addressing and that's not how I wanna spend my Saturday.