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Sonic Forces Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Blue Blood, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Wafer


    Find me on Twitter instead Member
    I did actually enjoy Forces, I just wish it had been... more. Too much of the total game length was spent grinding out XP for costumes, wispons and species. With more substance to the game, the grind could've been less repetitive. Classic Sonic felt very tacked on to me, and just difficult to control consistently. I loved the Avatar concept, even though the Avatar levels were a bit of a mess. Putting a virtual Wafer in as Sonics new best friend was really cool, I just wish there'd been more places for them to go.
  2. Forces was downright mediocre, and that's the nicest thing I can say about it. Overall, it was a huge letdown, and I wasn't even expecting much to begin with. Everything was such a downgrade from what we had in previous games, and I just could not bring myself to give a damn about the Avatar. I'm one of the people out there that actually wants more serious stories in Sonic again, but Forces completely fumbles at it. Infinite was a cool idea for a villain, but then he ended up doing fuck all in the story. The game feels like it's trying to be so many things at once, tries to pander to different audiences at once, and it just felt like they didn't really know what they were doing and just slapped some shit together to meet a deadline and called it a day. Sure, it isn't as buggy as 06 and RoL, but at least 06 did something to make itself memorable, even if it was for the wrong reasons. Forces was just plain forgettable, just like Boom and Lost World before it.

    I really don't want Morio Kishimoto to return as a director or lead game designer, because he's really just a one-trick pony that can't do anything exciting with the series. Need I remind everyone how Colors' final boss was recycled, not just once, but twice? Sonic Team comes off as so creatively bankrupt these days that it's honestly just downright pathetic.

    Do I hate Sonic Forces? No, it's not a terrible game, but I can't bring myself to like it either. Is it because the game's story and atmosphere is "dark"? No, it's honestly not that dark, and nothing really happens in the game to make me care about what's going on because it's presented and executed in such a poor, half-assed way.

    I also find it funny that Sonic Team said that they've "learned things" from Mania's success, but the cynic in me thinks all they learned was "Classic Sonic + Green Hill + 2D Gameplay + Drop Dash = Easy money". Sega says that Forces was also successful, and that honestly makes me even more worried for the series' future.
  3. Wafer


    Find me on Twitter instead Member
    F for Infinite. So much wasted potential, there. The whole "virtual reality" thing in particular just didn't make much sense beyond "he can control magical cubes" and "hey now the sun is real big, stakes are high!"

    Bring back Infinite in another game, make him unrelenting and more than a Shadow without a cause and he could be great.
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  4. LockOnRommy11


    Despatche, there’s nothing wrong with a nice rant now and then, but even I’m struggling to keep track of everything you’re writing and all the points you’re trying to cram in to your posts, so maybe it’s best for you to maybe do it through another medium, like a video or something.

    Sonic Forces, for all intents and purposes, is not a great game by any standard. It’s like the boring DLC of Sonic Generations missing everything that made Generations (and Sonic games in general) fun and interesting. Little decent music, lack of varied level design and level tropes, tired character, level and enemy models, a boring meandering story which is try-hard edgy in stark contrast to the game being a low graphical quality cartoon, and far too many cutscenes that have just readable boxes of text. It’s not great, and this is from my only hour of playing it. If it gets better then nevermind, I couldn’t muster up the strength to carry on through.

    Sonic Forces is the Sonic 4 of the boost games. It has the potential to be good but has design that works against it. It’s a sloppy game which, although not terrible and playable, is just... dull. SEGA releasing a playable game doesn’t mean we should all go out and buy it. A game simply being playable isn’t a merit, that’s the very least of what a game should be.

    I feel like you’ve come here to enforce your vision and opinion on others rather than simply expressing it. Yes, there may be people who only like the classics and who may have a biased distaste for some of the newer games but I can guarantee you that on Sonic Retro they’ll be fewer than anywhere else. It’s okay to let those people do their thing.

    You seem to have a strong sense of injustice and that SEGA / Sonic Team have been misunderstood in recent years. Whilst elsewhere on the internet this might be the case it certainly isn’t true here.

    Most of us can agree here that SEGA have in the past gotten exactly what they deserved for their prior shit shows - Sonic 2006 through to Sonic 4 with almost no exception.

    Most of us can also agree here - with historical evidence - that Sonic Colours was well received. The issue I think you seem to have however is that it’s not heralded as the saviour of Sonic because it was just a good game. Once you’ve collected everything, the game has little replay value and a number of us aren’t fans of the gimmicky Wisps either so I’m not surprised it’s not brought up constantly.

    No one is re-writing history, but no one else is forcing their opinion either, so let’s just agree to disagree on your views concerning how the series is perceived, because I think you’re either on a different level to the majority of us for some reason, and that is in no way a criticism.
  5. I honestly think they should've just gone all out with the Phantom Ruby mind-fucking people with all the crazy illusions. Have levels get suddenly twisted and distorted. The closest we have to this is the Avatar's Capital City stage with the giant Infinite monsters destroying buildings and to a lesser extent, Shadow's Virtual Reality Green Hill stage, with Shadow seeing illusions of Rouge and Omega saying crazy stuff, like Omega constantly saying, "I AM NOT WEAK" over and over. More stuff like that would've been cool, but NOPE. Not much really happens in the game, and that's such a damn shame.
    I kinda wanted Classic Sonic (and I guess by extension, Mania's story) to turn out to be an illusion created by a Phantom Ruby prototype. That would've been a crazy twist, but also a funny way at trolling the fanbase.
    Also I'm still a bit miffed that Zavok is in TSR instead of Infinite. Zavok helping Eggman after Lost World makes zero sense.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  6. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    Zavok is the only muscular villain they've got. They kinda had to use him as Team Eggman's power character.
  7. Eggman's treated as a power character in the Riders games, though. They really didn't need Zavok. They could've made Eggman a power-type and put Infinite in as a Technique-type.
  8. Wafer


    Find me on Twitter instead Member
    Yeah, this seems almost like a good way of summing up my feelings on Forces in general: they pulled their punches in the places where they should've followed through. Like, if you're going to punch, go all in!
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  9. Sid Starkiller

    Sid Starkiller

    Virginia, USA
    Paying off student loans
    ...oh yeah. I didn't play very much Riders, so I forgot. They're quite inconsistent with how they treat Eggman.
  10. Aesculapius Piranha

    Aesculapius Piranha

    つづく Oldbie
    I think the backgrounds often conveyed the conflict just fine even if not perfect, and I had little problem with Infinite's powers. There is an entire level dedicated to him wiping out all of the resistance he is facing. The main problems with this game were wonky physics (particularly with 2D Sonic -_-) a camera you had to fight, and the cutscenes themselves being kind of bad for conveying the plot and arguably level design as well. I do think an epic shot like that concept art would have conveyed things pretty well, especially if that were the level select screen and robots disappeared from squares as you defend positions on the map, instead of it being like an election chart.
  11. Frostav


    God no, Infinite being a furrybait jackal is like his sole redeeming quality lmao
  12. Jay T.

    Jay T.

    It takes an idiot to do cool things... Member
    Isn't it implied that Infinite might be dead (or de-powered)? He was unwillingly whisked away by the Phantom Ruby in his chest and it seems like all the Phantom Ruby prototypes are destroyed. If that's the case, then that might be a factor in why Infinite hasn't came back.

    I do have some other things to mention, but I'll bring it up later.
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2019
  13. Wafer


    Find me on Twitter instead Member
    I don't think anyone really dies in G̶o̶t̶h̶a̶m̶ Modern Sonic, they just go to Arkham.
  14. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    I mean we all want to fuck him in the butt at least a little bit, but I'd say Infinite's design is more confusing than anything. The helmet shape plus only covering half the face plus the giant-ass fluffy tail and hair is just a weird jumbled-together aesthetic. If I recall correctly I was put off by it before release such that I thought his outfit and design might change depending on the cosmetics the player has equipped, which is why he looked like he got his head stuck in a dumpster.
  15. Nova


    Don't take it too seriously Member
  16. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
  17. The Joebro64

    The Joebro64

    Here's my beef with Classic Sonic in Forces. IMO in Forces, Sonic Team solved the two biggest problems with Classic Sonic's Generations counterpart - his spin dash feels much more like the Genesis games and much less overpowered, and rolling actually feels useful. However, in doing so they fucked up everything else: he feels like he weights 200 pounds. He's slow, doesn't accelerate fast, and it feels dangerous to jump because you don't know where he'll land.
  18. I don't know, it was never made clear what happened to him. He just flew off, and that was it.
  19. Powpuck


    How can you be sure you've beaten him if you don't go for his ring?
  20. Hydr0city


    > Kamikazee Member
    I remember being really excited to find out more about Infinite pre-release, and I was always slinging theories around with my friends. It was like I was 13 again speculating before a game would come out, it was great. I really wish they did a bit more with Infinite - his current story isn't...BAD, per se, but it had a lot to be desired and could've been made way more interesting.

    He's a cool idea, he's got a neat design, and while the "I'M NOT WEAK" angle has grown on me a LITTLE, I still wish they did a bit more with him.