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Sonic Forces Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Blue Blood, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Deep Dive Devin

    Deep Dive Devin

    Goblin Sex Researcher Member
    Actually, IIRC I think that had been there a long time, with people speculating what it was, even though we never really got an answer
  2. Sable


    Probably a small expansion or story DLC to launch in lieu of Mania Plus.
  3. Ashram


    Hate to bump this, but booklet scans for the Sonic Forces OST have finally gone up and the pertinent artist info is down in the notes section of the VGMdb page:
  4. Prototype


    I'm sorry if this is a pointless post, hate to bump a dead thread, and I know I'm pretty late to the game... but I finally played Sonic Forces.

    Hoo boy. I knew it'd be bad based on what my preferences for gameplay are, and the reputation the game has garnered, but damn. I didn't think the actual gameplay would be so awful that I had to quit before finishing the create-a-character screen. Like, that first Green Hill Zone stage... it was the most unresponsive fun-draining thing I have EVER played. Usually I can find some merit in most types of gameplay no matter the genre, but this was just awful. The graphics are nice I suppose, but I'm not playing a game based on polygon count or texture quality. This was just horrible.

    EDIT: I tried to play it once more, just to see if Classic Sonic handles any better. My god, the levels are bland, the music is horrible and the physics are absolutely dreadful. I realise that I'm just re-confirming what everyone already knows, and that I'm sure nobody here actually wants to discuss Forces anymore, but it was so strikingly bad that I just had to comment.

    Also, what the heck is up with Sonic's sarcastic quips at everything? When the fuck did Sonic turn into Bubsy? Poor controls, cheap deaths and endless quipping. Bubsy was the cheap attempt to cash in on the "mascot with 'tude!" craze popularized by Sonic, but now it's like Sonic Team are unironically trying to ape that. It's utterly baffling.
  5. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    A. Today marks one full year since the game's have an edgy anniversary, I guess.

    B. GAME (UK) will soon be releasing a "double pack" for Nintendo Switch that includes both Forces and Mania Plus (with the artbook and reversible cover still included).


    The bundle is scheduled for release November 23rd.
  6. Still havent bought this game. I guess I'll wait until it falls into my lap somehow.

    My opinion on the game was that it looked mediocre overall. Not the worst but not a good game either. However that is based on how it 'looks'. I have no idea how sonic actually controls in the game. If it really is that bad, I guess I may downgrade my overall rating. Time will tell, because I have no motivation to go buy it. I already own multiple manias so a value pack isnt going to do anything for me.
  7. That Sonic Mania/Forces bundle is pretty cool, I think Forces is worth playing for anyone who likes the boost gameplay and that's definitely a good way to get people to check it out
  8. The only really good things that game have are some musics, Capital City zone, a new concept on Sonic games which is the Avatar, some stages that have a different kind of vibe onto it like Sunset Heights zone and a few two themes stages like Luminous Forest zone and Casino Forest zone. The gameplay of Classic zone looks horrendous because he gets fast out of nowhere, cannot pass through simple curves and the game does not respond properly to your commands apperently. Modern Sonic stages are all so boring and boost to win, and the gameplay of the Avatar feels bland with those ultra powered weapons, one more broken than the other. The level design is so damn bland and with almost no custom and creative gimmicks, hazards or scenes to make the stage have some life and essense, the opposite that Sonic Generations did. It managed to take a new level to a bland design after Unleashed. The re-use of old zones are sick because we are very tired of the same thing over and over, the fact that the game have at max 3 enemies only through the whole game, how extremely easy it is to destroy them since they do nothing and u have broken weapons, the derailment over Sonic and Tails characters (transforming Tails into a coward and Sonic with the friendship talk all the damn time and taking nothing serious.), the fact that Shadow, Chaos and Metal pretty much never appear after that cutscene, alot of bad choices that Sega would never do on the classic era games. It is one of the most disappointing games alongside with Street Fighter X Tekken.
  9. TheKazeblade


    "Our Life is More than a Side-Effect" Member
    The double-pack is a good idea in terms of trying to move Forces units, but unless I get the feeling that everyone who wanted to play either game probably already has at this point, especially with how strongly they pushed the earlier Mania Plus physical release.
  10. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!

    Bit of a mega bump but have we seen this before? It's some concept art that popped up sometime last year.


    Who is this "Half-Life 2 Combine/Eggpawn had a baby" robot? Also I guess they were considering making Infinite a buffalo. Kinda cool concept IMO:

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  12. brainkk


    Ghost Infinite looks like a Sonic Adventure villain ghnnn
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  13. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Pretty much all of the concept designs for Infinite are better than the one we ended up with. Fitting, I suppose, because Infinite is a dreadful character that could have been much better.
  14. Sir_mihael


    I really love so much of the concept and ideas for Forces. You really get the sense that the devs had something so much grander in mind.

    It's always one of those games I think nicely about when I've been away from it for a while, then I fire it up to some challenges/S-Ranks and go "Oh yeah, now I remember..." :V
  15. Despatche


    Cool concept art.

    I'm still confused as to why people don't just treat this as an extension to Generations (which it is), and so rate it about the same as Generations (which it's worth). It's literally just Generations 2, in concept, design, and even details. I actually have respect for the people who hate on Generations about the same as they hate on Forces, because at least that's consistent. I really do think that if the game was just called "Sonic Generations 2", and everything else was kept exactly the same, it would have been received a lot better. Simple name changes can really mess with people for some reason.
  16. SuperSnoopy


    I like Sonic Advance Member
    Lyon, France
    Slice of life visual novel, coming soon...?
    Alright, so I have no problem saying that I personally enjoyed Forces more than Gens, and that the game gets way too much shit by the fanbase. I've said it since release, and I'll probably say it until I'm dead.
    But objectively speaking (if such a thing is even possible), it's pretty clear Generations as a game is miles ahead of Forces. Level design, graphics, vision, soundtrack...
    Just because the two games are similar in concept doesn't mean they're similar in execution.

    Also fair warning, you're either going to be destroyed or completely ignored in the coming posts. Either way it's not gonna be very pleasant, so brace yourself.
  17. big smile

    big smile

    Not really. Forces is such a huge back from Generations. Everything is downgraded, even Green Hill Zone, which now looks uglier. It's more like a prototype for a Generations Beta.

    Playing forces reminded me of the old days when they'd have a 16-bit game and then a stripped-down 8bit game. That's what forces felt like: The Master System version of Generations (although even that it is giving it too much praise).
  18. kyasarintsu


    The dumbed-down level design is a pretty universal complaint. I wasn't the biggest fan of Generations but it did have the occasional interesting environment to explore with some cool setpieces and areas. Forces is just shorter, easier, and not as exploratory—not that the bar was set very high to begin with.
    I don't think this game deserves the insane amount of hate it gets because, at worst, it's a bland game with some occasionally frustrating controls. The problem is that, at it's best, it's not that much better than that.

    Since the game's announcement people have been joking about how it's just Generations: Part 2. It released and turned out to be a disappointing, lesser experience.
    Last edited: Nov 27, 2019
  19. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    If you boil or down just to the gameplay and ignore everything else, Forces plays like Generations except worse. Modern Sonic has had his movepool stripped down, he controls worse and the level design is absolutely pathetic even compared to Generations most basic offerings. Classic Sonic wasn't perfect to control in Generations either, and also feels much, much worse in Forces in much worse levels. And finally the Avatar also has terrible controls and rubbish level design. It's almost like there's a theme going here...

    And then you have to go beyond the gameplay; Forces failed to improve or expand upon Generations' already rocky foundations. Forces plot is laughable, Forces recycles assets and themes from Generations that are becoming increasingly tiring, Forces has a terrible plot and characters that attempts to be engaging (unlike Generations which manages to get away with a throwaway plot), Forces has the garbage idea of an avatar character instead of using the multitude of existing characters and Forces has a weak soundtrack. Perhaps most importantly, Forces directly follows Mania both chronologically and in order of release date. Mania offered a fantastic 2D Classic Sonic experience. Forces offers a terribly imitation of this, and also a terrible 3D Sonic experience.

    The name has absolutely nothing to do with it. Almost everything that Forces does was already done better in Generations. Forces rehashed so much of Generations that it feels stale and lazy. And what is new is of such a low quality to boot. The games are similar, as sequels typically are. Forces somehow manages to be even more similar than most sequels, repurposing 2 levels and various other assets, and somehow didn't manage to improve on it in any way. What felt like live and attention in Generations comes off as cheap, lazy and cynical in Forces.
  20. big smile

    big smile

    Forces feels like it started like a mobile exclusive game that used Generations for inspiration. That's the only way to explain how dumbed-down and regressive everything is.
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