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Sonic Forces Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Blue Blood, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Tiller


    HDK & World Runner
    Theme song fuckin' rocks. Graphics look impressive. Level design doesn't look like they've learned enough lessons for boosty Sonic. Hopefully its just the first stretch of baby tutorial level like GHZ in Generations but I won't hold my breath.
  2. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    Not wild about the theme. Feels a bit too generic hyper anime, mainly because of how fast the percussion is, as well as how many seemingly lead instruments there are. I have a hard time believing the Switch version will look like this. Regardless I'll really have to up my GPU to get the PC version to look quite that nice (currently running a GTS 450).
  3. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    I'm legitimately really glad that the theme song is anime as fuck.

  4. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Agreed. Of everything to come out of this stream, both Forces and Mania, this track is what's got me the most hyped. It's another welcome change from this and this.
  5. Overlord


    Now playable in Smash Bros Ultimate Moderator
    Long-term happiness
    What was wrong with Colours' theme? You have no taste.


    Getting a bit of a Soviet Russia vibe from the logo =P Game looks very Unleashed like, this might not be terrible after all. Wonder what the mystery third gameplay style is?
  6. minichapman


    I'd like to think I'll be imparting words of wisdo Member
    United Kingdom
    Staying sane.
    Three different gameplay styles? I mean Classic and Modern but what could be the third? Hopefully no vehicle sections.
  7. LukyHRE


    The only one who has a Portal-themed avatar Member
    Buenos Aires, Argentina
    Bitching and complaining about my country -.-'
    I thought it was a joke because they used the same chords of Chocolate Rain :v:/>

  8. Jason


    *Results not lab tested. Member
    The panel was describing factions as a thing in the game. I have a feeling Eggman/Eggman's forces will be playable in some form.
  9. Kyuu


    Memory Access Violation Member
    Unf, that main theme. It's like a mashup between Reach for the Stars/Wonder World and Open Your Heart/Live and Learn. I love it.

    Hedgehog Engine 2 looks absolutely gorgeous. Seems to me like they slowed the boost gameplay down a little bit to make it flow better - the speed difference between boosting and not boosting looks a lot smoother now.

    I dunno what to say that hasn't already been said, but I'm definitely interested by Forces now. :v:
  10. fishing
  11. minichapman


    I'd like to think I'll be imparting words of wisdo Member
    United Kingdom
    Staying sane.
    Suddenly everything makes perfect sense.
  12. Beltway


    The most grateful Sonic fan of all time this week Member
    Sega of Darkest Peru
    Artwork and looking for post-grad work...
    Welp, it's as many of us called it from the first teaser. Sonic Forces is Generations 2, don't believe Iizuka's lies.

    Anyone, am I the only one who picked up on the small tidbit that this game will have --for some absolutely asinine reason-- three gameplay styles? Because Sonic Team has a great track record with juggling more than one playstyle in the past....and on a new gameplay engine to boot! (Which is named as a sequel to the Hedgehog Engine lighting engine for some reason....the game does look pretty though, will give it that.) Are you shitting me?!

    This really bothers me, so much more than the boost gameplay (bleh) and Wisps (yay...) returning. That combined with the vocal theme (which sounds fine, I guess) and the level theme being in line with the Bad Future concept art/game teaser....

    Yeah, I guess this game really is probably going to (also) be the Sonic Adventure 3 certain fans have been yearning years for (or Adventure 4/5/6, if you cite Heroes/Shadow/Sonic 2006 as the technical third Adventure game)...and it's likely going to be an unfocused mess of game design, just like its predecessors (because that's worked out so well every time they've tried pulling that off.....). Guess my skepticism in Sonic Team/Iizuka and his associates paid off. They (and anyone else in Sega who pushed for the game to be designed like this) haven't learned from their mistakes, and short of a management staff shakeup, I doubt they ever will.

    But hey, that's just what I'll think. I for the most part will just watch from the sidelines and enjoy Mania.
  13. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    I have some reason to believe that this might be the case. It's going on something that I learned well over a year ago that I'm not allowed to detail, but yeah. I'm thinking this too. And it would be really cool. I could also be totally wrong.
  14. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults
    I have nothing of substance to contribute I'm just drooling out of all of my orifices

    The theme is fucking flawless
  15. Harmony Friends

    Harmony Friends

    it's the whole gang Oldbie
    So what's the new gameplay style? And what is the character that is going to play it? Hm. I hope it's not too much padding-y like past alternate 3D gameplay styles.

    Theme song's like 50% Jun Senoue butt rock and 50% that really great final boss theme from Lost World. I dig it.
  16. TimmiT


    ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Member
    For whatever it's worth, Sonic Team is already using Generations as the basis for two of the gameplay styles. So it probably isn't too much of a strain for them to develop another gameplay style on top of that.
  17. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    Remember Lost World? They didn't even have to worry about spending time in other gameplay styles there.
  18. SonicGenesis89


    Cool! Sweet! And Catchy! Member
    Green Hill Zone
    Collecting Sonic Manga
    I'm really loving this game so far and I am really hyped as Hell! I love the theme song and I love the graphics they look absolutely beautiful! I can't wait to see more footage. I even like the music (from what I can hear over the crowd) in the stage. Also, if you look really closely at the Eggman robots in the background in the gameplay footage it looks like they are being shot at by some resistance group. Perhaps Sonic's friends or G.U.N? I'm also loving the Logo and name. The Logo's design is very Russian Constructivism-ish looking with grunge textures and it really matches the whole 'resistance' vibe and theme this game has. I don't mind that it's Boost gameplay again either because I personally really like the Boost gameplay and Sonic Unleashed as well as Generations are my favorite 3D Sonic games aside from the Adventure Titles.
  19. I clipped the main theme from the post-SXSW stream to YouTube if anyone is interested:

  20. Venom Snake

    Venom Snake

    The Hedgehog Engine 2.0 looks freakin' gorgeous, holy crap. Is there any chance we might see some direct feed footage uploaded onto the official YouTube channel or was that gameplay snippet exclusive to the panel?