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Sonic Forces Thread

Discussion in 'General Sonic Discussion' started by Blue Blood, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. RikohZX


    I can't even call it Heroes gameplay for the Tag-Team. Sonic Homing Attacks/Boosts, OC nukes everything with a weapon, uses Wisp powers and drifts automatically, but it seems to be a fairly simple setup and sweep rather than actual team-switchup mechanics.
    It's literally just the two combo'd together for the full platter of abilities, the only closer you'd get is by duct-taping the OC to Sonic at the waist.
  2. Vangar


    This actually looks quite terrible. I've kept away from this topic since I was focusing on mania but now after looking through this I don't think i'll come back in here.

    I want to like the cheese but after playing mania this just looks shockingly bad.
  3. Cooljerk


    Professional Electromancer Oldbie
    I thought the new tag team gameplay footage looked like a shitload of fun, personally. Really looking forward to this.
  4. Retroman


    To be honest, not setting my bar high for this game. Looks like it will be a mess of good and bad elements.

    Also, GHZ needs to stop being rehashed and used, I mean come-on. It's a meme at this point.
    Why not Emerald Hill, Angel Island or even a brand new original water tree tropical forest map?
  5. Blue Blood

    Blue Blood

    You're entitled to that opinion, and I'd be interested to hear what it is that you like the look of.

    I think that it looks totally the opposite - the 3D level design could hardly be more linear, the Wispon look to be either messy or pointless, double boost is just an automated boost, enemies don't do anything... It's all just so bad. I'd say it's inoffensive at best, but that's being kind. This gameplay does not look good at all. And for the love of God, everyone please shut up. I thought we were done with unnecessary dialogue in Sonic gameplay. Sonic talking to at the avatar is incredibly awkward. Not even the music is good.

    I'll give them credit for the environment theme. Going from a decayed and desertified GHZ exterior to a brightly lit factory interior is cool. But that's really the only positive thing that I can say at all.
  6. Vangar


    THIS! Dear GOD I hope that is something that can be turned off! Every video i see has nonstop talking!
  7. Sir_mihael


    Until now I've always took Iizuka's words of classic and modern 'worlds' as being a branding sort of thing. The idea that they're actually seperate canons is pretty weird, although it's worth seeing how the events of Forces play out before we seal anything in stone.

    If the 'seperate canon' idea is legit, It raises more questions than it solves. If the "Modern world" started with Adventure 1, then why are the characters making references to shit that happened in S3&K and CD?

    I feel like it's an ill-thought out idea just for damage control at this point. Whilst it's nice to preserve the integrity of the original games without knowing a terrible sequel doesn't share the same canon, I feel this move may have been done in reaction to the "Why is he called Eggman now!? Why are there humans!? I watched Sonic X and it said-" kind of crowd, which is what's bothering me the most. Fingers crossed it's for the former reason.

    Although as said, I'm waiting for Forces to tell the full story before we make any conclusions.
  8. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!
    I think in the separate world scenario, both Sonic's share Sonic 1 - 3K + CD, but after that they split. Modern Sonic has Sonic 4, then the Adventure games, and goes from there. Classic Sonic has Mania and he may even have all the Genesis era Spinoffs like Chaotix and the Game Gear games.

    Classic Sonic is still Modern Sonic's past, Generations said that, so they still share the main line history. This Classic Sonic is apparently from another dimension, so things could be the same but break at some point. It could be like a Rick and Morty infinite universes thing.

    I think that makes more sense than them being the same, because if they are and they start injecting new history into things (Sonic Mania, Sonic 4), that throws everything off. They referenced Sonic 1 - 3k what about the events in Mania? Mania and 4 also seem to take place at the exact same time. So which is it?

    Of course none of this would be an issue had they not changed the building blocks of the series 10 times :colbert:
  9. Sir_mihael


    Yeah, that's actually a much easier way to look at it than my over-thinking. More like Zelda's split-timeline than a giant wall separating the games. I also hope Forces elaborates more on this and actually makes Classic Sonic's gameplay and story worthwhile.

    This. It was one of the things that I didn't enjoy in Heroes. Even 06 with all it's flaws, dialled back on the mid-level talking, which at least gave you time to think for yourself a little (save for Sonic's amazing observations in Crisis City :v: )
  10. Atendega


    Lesser Sea Sponge Member
    Comfy couch
    Collecting insults

    Looking at the IGN footage, though the level mainly follows a corridor structure, there appear to be plenty of opportunities to take faster paths through stuff with timing and skill. And the combination of their abilities just looks like a heckin' good time, boiiiiiis :specialed:

    I also honestly enjoy the in-stage dialogue, especially since all the voice actors are at the top of their game now.
  11. Dark Sonic

    Dark Sonic

    Working on my art!

    For those of you who are looking for a retrospective of what we've seen so far, this seems to be a good summary. It shows Park Avenue for Modern Sonic and the Avatar and Green Hill for Modern, Classic, Avatar, Tag Team, and the Classic Boss. So that's 6 levels and a boss, basically one world of Colors. Hopefully next thing they show is something other than Green Hill or Park Avenue. We need something fresh.

    What do you all think the level breakdown is going to be? If Green Hill is any indication I bet each world will have a Modern, Classic, Avatar, Tag team, and boss stage. Seems like that'd be an ok split.
  12. DigitalDuck


    Arriving four years late. Member
    Lincs, UK
    TurBoa, S1RL
    According to this video, the Japanese release date is November 9th. Seems likely that it'll be the same day everywhere else too.
  13. serpx


    Personally, I love the boost 3D gameplay. It's the most consistent and polished fun I've had with the 3D titles. They just can't figure it out any other way, so, use what works. I've personally made peace with 2D Sonic and 3D Sonic being and playing different.

    The music is definitely going in a different path -- some good, some mediocre. I'm not going to judge the soundtrack too much until I've played the game. The music, while different, could overall work with the proper context.

    In regards to the gameplay, they have a proven formula that works. As long as they keep the game polished and make sure it's well designed and fun, it shouldn't be a terrible game. There already appears to be a lot of replayability with levels thanks to the wisps and custom character abilities.

    I have the complaint that the characters are talking too much. I'm concerned I won't give a damn for the story. I really, REALLY miss epic stories like what Sonic Adventure presented. This story, so far, isn't hooking me in like it did in the beginning. I feel like past villains like Metal Sonic are being inappropriately milked. Metal Sonic is losing his coolness to me -- he's becoming more and more like a regular robot versus the badass he was in Sonic CD and the movie.

    I don't plan on buying this game on release. If it scores well, and most folks enjoy it, I'll definitely jump on it. The custom character stuff is an incredibly fun idea that needed to happen. I don't want it to happen in every Sonic game EVER -- yet it's a fun draw as, let's be honest, this fanbase LOOOOVES making original characters. Give them a bone, and let them have fun with it.
  14. 360


    Light Vision Overdrive Oldbie
    United Kingdom
    Sonic Neon
    Sonic Forces you to play this depressingly mediocre game. :v:

    I kid I kid! Okay so maybe I'm only half joking. This is the least I've been hyped about a major Sonic release ever. The game's out in two months and I'm thinking "well maybe I'll give it a few hours one night" where as with Colors, Generations and Mania I was super excited to play all three. I've honestly tried to look on the bright side and remain as optimistic as possible, but as we see more and more it's very hard to get pumped and hyped for this. It just looks like it's going to be "okay" with some disastrous creative decisions like the character creator - and something tells me Sega don't even have much confidence in this hence the budget price. Guess I can get this cheap come release then? So thanks Sega?

    They really need to release some more impressive footage soon. I'm still hoping they're holding out and the rest of the game is more awesome than what we've seen.
  15. Frostav


    The most baffling thing about this game is the unironic amount of hype I've seen in the youtube comments...

    I really do echo the belief stated a few pages back that they were working on some kind of new prototype but had to hastily scrap it. I just can't explain the utter lack of...passion in this otherwise.

    This game truly feels like everyone working on it desperately wants to be working on something else.
  16. Crasher


    Why hello there! Member
    The one thing that puts me off of this game is that there seems to be a distinct lack of polish. Sonic looks stiff, the other character in the Tag Team section seems to be almost attached to you ala Sonic Heroes (rather than another character who follows you like Tails in Sonic 2/3k), the Avatar gameplay looks a bad Ratchet and Clank clone, the UI is bland, and everything just screams that not enough care has been put into the finer details. There's about three months until release, where they could polish it up, but I'm not holding my breath.

    The best example I can give is with the diving. Generations and Unleashed have animations for when Sonic moves up/down/left/right. Here, they don't have it for whatever reason, and it looks sloppy as a result.
  17. Aerosol


    Not here. Moderator
    Not where I want to be.
    Sonic (?): Coming summer of 2055...?
    I really can't wait to rent this game, take in the stupid story, and never think about it again.
  18. Snub-n0zeMunkey


    yo what up Member
    To be fair on Heroes, at least that game had some actual AI going on. In Forces it just acts like the Double Cherry from Super Mario 3D World; the other character is just mirroring what the player's doing. This honestly makes it a little bit confusing to know which one's even being controlled - at least in Heroes you instantly knew who the player was controlling.

    Ikr, I brought this up earlier but it really bugs me...

    ...what's going on with this game? Are they just working on a tighter budget?
  19. Frostav


    I don't know if I'm going to even rent it.

    Like...even the music is the definition of "phone it in". We have seen ZERO interesting level ideas, ZERO interesting gameplay, and the best song we've gotten is an instrumental of the theme song which never plays without annoying vocals in the main game.

    This game is just...there.
  20. Stimil Rc.

    Stimil Rc.

    Doesn't Modern Sonic's Park Avenue play an instrumental version of the song? I hate that it hasn't been released yet. It's the only track I can honestly say I really like at the moment.