Btw never buy a vault key towards the end of an event they don't carry over and you just get less bonuses as a result
I thought this was obvious? You buy the key for an event. The game makes that pretty clear. The bonus boxes are relatively new addition to the vault keys, but they're obviously there to incentivise early purchases. Don't buy any of this game's microtransactions. The prices are ludicrously extortionate. And you're very likely to find that whatever character or lottery ticket you purchase will become far less useful in the future.
Absolutely agree with this. I've made a handful of purchases in this game and honestly they're just dreadful value for money. I bought the Tangle and Whisper vault key because it was half and had the added benefit of removing forced ads but otherwise I don't plan on spending another penny on this game.
As long as there exists an incentive to watch optional ads in the game, I'm not spending a penny. I've spent hours and hours on this game. I'd happily part with some money to remove every single ad, including the optional ones. £5 to £10 to permanently open silver crates straight away and double mission prizes? That sounds fair. I fucking hate F2P models. As long as they exist and companies can fleece you for a tenner to temporarily double the rate of the arduous leveling up process... I haven't got a hope in hell.
I stuck with Team Eggman throughout the entire event. We barely list the first round, won't the second round and finally heart barely scraped a win in the final round. If the event lasted just another for, the other team would have won. For all my efforts and spending close to 1000 red rings on missions, I've got Eggman to level 9 and got a total, of around 450 tokens for him throughout the event (didn't buy the crate, obviously). He's actually a pretgy good character to have. The Motobuv trap is useless and his boost has no supervisor attributes, but Balkiry hurts opponents bad. If you fill up your other two item slots and then just spam Balkiry the second you hit an item box, you can really throw them off. The Lancelot event starts in Thursday. Not going to spend resources on collecting tokens for him though. Special characters cost a ton to upgrade and you rarely get the chance to even do so. I already made that mistake with Treasure Hunter Knuckles and he's actually pretty bad.
I ended up buying the vault key for Eggman lol. I got to level 10 but if I get enough rings I can upgrade him to level 11. I was on team Eggman twice, then the Resistance on the last one. I like playing as Eggman, and idk the motobug thing isn't that bad. It's like the spikes but it moves so it throws people off.
I'm only a 22 tokens away from level 11 and have 581,000 rings stashed away to level up with. My total winnings of Eggman cards was about 450 tokens. We got virtually the same outcome fun the event and I didn't spend £10 on the key. Granted I've been saving up Red Rings for ages and play the game very regularly. I had approximately 2600 Red Rings at the start of the event and I don't use them to open chests. But still, seems so unworth it to spend £10 :/ The reason I don't like the motobugs is because they're so easily avoidable and they don't deal much damage. Zap damage and losing am item if you're holding one is often preferable to other types of damage. But that aside, Eggman has pretty decent stats and as I said before Balkiry is great. The Motobugs being not-so-great is a non-issue. Zazz still needs a nerf though like holy shit. He drops so many star bombs that linger for ages and deal very heavy damage. Yes, he lacks effective means of attacking rivals when he drops behind because the Motobug projectile is crap. But his electric boost allows him to plough ahead whilst increasing his top speed with the rings he attracts in the process and he's got 9/10 speed coupled with 10/10 acceleration. He's so likely to break ahead of the rest of the pack at the start that he doesn't need any offensive recovery options.
Ah, sounds like you ended up spending more red rings than me. I took a break from this game for a long while so I had like nothing saved up, and I only spent red rings to refresh the mission once, then I waited 4 hours until the mission refreshed, rinse and repeat. I guess it just comes down to grind or spend the money. I liked the character enough but didn't feel like grinding too much so I just spent the money.
Well I think I've made my point about not spending money on games like this enough times in this thread. But hey, if my stance mattered even a tiny bit, the industry wouldn't be in the state that it is nowadays I spent 30 Red Rings per refresh (that's 2 refreshes) every four hours/whenever I checked the game after four hours. This came in at approximately an 1000 red ring net loss in total, but I'm not sure how many red rings I actually gained over the course of the event from missions and such. It felt like a good use of them though. I'd saved them up for so long and it was good to finally spend them on something.
The $10 price tag is a tad ridiculous, but that vault is literally the only thing I feel is worth buying in that game. Everything else is a rip off, the box included but at least with that you know what you're getting and aren't peaked at 40 cards for $6 I'm not trying to argue in favor of my method lol. Mobile games are predatory and this is no exception... butttt I wanted Eggman and I didn't have enough red rings and I have some money to blow soooo eh, $10
Eggman's Honour Guard item is actually fantastic. Not only is it a moving mine that can make foes drop their items, Eggman himself is immune to it, so with good timing you can have it run over items or dash panels to stop opponents from getting them while still benefitting from them yourself. But yes, Balkiry spam is generally the strat. God help us all when there are max level whale Eggmans running around throwing down 9 Balkiries back to back. Anyway, the Lancelot event has started, and Tail's Vault now also stores rings from battle chests when they're active. They really want people to buy these things but really they should just slash the price in half like they did for Tangle and Whisper. Honestly, this has to be the most extortionate mobile game model I've seen. It's so clearly catered to making later progression a complete grind unless you're a big spender, and honestly I think that'll be the death of the game one day.
Well this is very interesting. Turns out Hardlight didn't like me calling out their predatory practices and the obscenely poor value for money microtransactions of Sonic Forces, so they blocked my Twitter account. Are they within their rights to do that? Sure, I guess, but I find it eyebrow raising that this is how they deal with criticism. Not for my sake (I won't lose sleep over not being able to see the Tweets), but I feel like there could stand to be some noise about how a dev studio engaging in such practices chooses to silence detractors and hide their comments rather than, you know, *not* ripping people off and making the game fairer for non-paying players? In other news, DJ Vector and Punk Zazz have been released into the wild. Predictably, they're special characters with overpowered gimmicks to bait people into buying vault keys, then making purchases on rings in the store because the upgrade costs of special characters are ridiculous inflated compared to the rest of the cast.
Can we get some idea as to what you said to them? I don't think it's a particularly bad look for them tbh. Predatory practices are the bread and butter of mobile games. It's not cool and I'll never defend it, but... I dunno man. What were you expecting them to do?
I made a ribbing meme in response to their own meme on Sonic Dash, and I found that it got a surprising amount of support given my low follower account and the fact that this was just a reply to another account. I imagine HardLight also noticed that and didn't like it.
lol well your meme is certainly on point. HardLight blocking you for that seems pretty petty. I don't know what you expected though. It was always going to be ignored or they'd block you because they don't want those kinds of posts clogging their feeds. It's a bit impossible really. HardLight is a small SEGA subsidiary pumping out mobile games. They don't have huge amounts of control over what they put in the games, and their purpose is to monetise the games as much as possible. Don't like it? Don't play, don't pay. Unfortunately no amount of protesting or calling out will change anything. Money speaks. :\
Yup, I realise. For that reason my post was more directed towards other players. Get them to see just what's up, discourage giving HardLight revenue, and hope THAT motivates change.
I hope to God that the F2P and microtransaction models collapse on themselves in the future, or at least that they further separate themselves from traditional methods of gaming. I would have no issue at all paying for Dash and Forces Mobile. In fact I did pay for Dash when it was new and a paid game. But I still get ads in it now, and I refuse to pay for a game that's constantly trying to fleece more money out of me. I want a game, a product, and not a service that tries to get every last penny out of me. Forces Mobile is so transparent in its greed that I kind of what to slap everyone who pays for it. I mean... you're free to spend your money however you like. But at the same time I blame people making bad decisions and giving in to the greddiest corporate practices for allowing gaming to become what it is today.
I can't blame people really. There must be hundreds of thousands of manhours and much more money that goes into making these systems as effective as humanly possible. Free to start games (to borrow a term from Nintendo) and mobile games specifically rely a lot on psychology and knowing what will get players to spend. The majority of casual gamers who don't spend as much time as the likes of us won't realise these things most of the time, which is why the best we can hope to do is educate people on what constitutes a practice that is bad for them if they support it, in the hopes that they come to understand that and stop supporting the practice, making it financially untenable as a result.
Someone said to me about LoL once: "Riot can keep getting my money as long as they keep giving me new skins" (rough translation, might need fixing). If there's people thinking like that, not giving a damn about their money going away so stupidly, don't expect things to change very soon. But I prefer the skin market over the "pay to win" market.