But they're amazingly pretty and do a better job of upscaling EHZ than our own S2HD. I too want to see it in action, but this is an amazing start. Y'all haters.
I beg to differ. The EHZ in Sonic 2 HD is Emerald hill zone, this is something new. If Sonic 2 HD looked like this, while it would look awesome, it wouldn't really be Sonic 2's art in HD, would it?
But this is Emerald Hill Zone, albeit out in the sea somewhere and not in a big field. Even has the same layout and everything. It has the stripey grass, the blocks, the trees... and I daresay is a way better example of how to upscale the art to modern standards than a hi-res vector trace.
You are right Sonic 2 HD's problem is it takes itself way to seriously. Edit: We really should try to stay on topic.
I thought Sonic 2 HD is traced the way it is because they want it to look the same, only upscaled in Vector? Rather than an interpretation and elaboration of the original artwork, it pretty much is the original artwork? It works with Toki because the original Toki game didn't actually look too great to begin with, for the most part. Although yes, we are dwindleing off topic.
Hi. Welcome to Sonic Retro. :specialed: I'd really like to see more gameplay footage. As all the bitching about Sonic 4 has occasionally realized - Sonic is all about gameplay. :v: Definitely is pretty though, I'll give you that.
I'd rather the topic starter took time to get the gameplay working well before releasing much of it. If he releases it half finished, people are going to assume the final will be like that. + - Hey, that sounds familiar
It's upscaled artwork that is correct, but that doesn't mean what this guy has is anything but Emerald Hill Zone. It's his interpretation of what Emerald Hill Zone would look like without restrictions and I can see the Emerald Hill Zone influences in his art. Just because it doesn't stay 100% to the source material doesn't mean it isn't Emerald Hill Zone.
That is how I see it too, you can see the design is pretty much the same : http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/240/emeraldhill1.jpg
I think people are more thinking the grass is overdone. In the original it just looks like cartoony grass, which you have interpreted as something similar to leaves. That's part of the beauty of the old art though - it can be seen as so many different things by different people. I personally thought it was an area next to a beach. Also, at first I thought it was Green Hill Zone, with the totem pole and everything =P Oh God, that perspective... It's like you jumped into my mind, took all the valuables, escaped and reproduced everything in this engine... Except with less bananas :/
A remake? Although I can't even see the whale and the rainbow in this. If you actually got rid of them the level would look much better.
This project is awesome, but are you going to do all alone? I think it is so tough to do it alone, since a similar project *caughSonic2HD* has tons of people and it still unfinished even with 2 years of developing. + - (Because I am not so much fluent in English, so just to be clear: I am not criticizing Sonic 2 HD, I am just saying that is a giantic work to do even with a considerable large and competent team.) OMG, Wallpaper this, please…
To be fair it appears the whale only appears at the very start of the level. And I like it. And the rainbow. Adds character.
That's because each time someone posts something in the S2HD forum, there are 50 people asking demanding to edit ONE PIXEL and things like that. By working alone, he's the project leader of himself, so he can do whatever he wants. I bet he can do in 2 days what they've done in 2 years if he wants.